Sunday 13 September 2015

BREAKING: German Bishop wants the Church to bless homosexual "unions" ~ "...assist them with prayer and a private form of blessing..."

"Another ideology of evil" 
St. Pope John Paul II: referring to "same-sex marriage" 

Franz-Josef Bode
The German delegation to the Synod on the Family is now world famous for its support for the Homosexualist and Adulterist Parties; that is, churchmen who support homosexual activity (sadly it cannot be excluded that amongst this strident group would also be bishops and priests who  are practicing homosexuality or being blackmailed; bishops who are being blackmailed for covering up child abuse must also be considered); and the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to those practicing adultery - hence in objective grave sin. 

Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, in a wide ranging interview on his hopes for the Synod expressed strong support in favour of these two positions in a recent interview. 

On his support for active homosexuality, which though is disordered and intrinsically evil, the Bishop nonetheless stated: 

...the Church can help civil unions in discussion and provide positive support and assist them...with prayer and a private form of blessing you will be able to accompany them on their way... 

There we have it. A Bishop of the Catholic Church, a delegate to the upcoming Synod on the Family openly supports not just active homosexuality, but that Christ's Church should bless the committal of this sin. This man is a blasphemer and heretic. 

This evil homosexualist bishop is but part of the new secularist culture that St. Pope John Paul II "the Forgotten" wrote about: 

We are witnessing the emergence of a new culture, largely influenced by the mass media, whose content and character are often in conflict with the Gospel and the dignity of the human person. This culture is also marked by an widespread and growing religious agnosticism, connected to a more profound moral and legal relativism rooted in confusion regarding the truth about man as the basis of the inalienable rights of all human beings. At times the signs of a weakening of hope are evident in disturbing forms of what might be called a “culture of death".

St. John Eudes wrote that the most fearsome punishment Christ can inflict on His Church is unfaithful shepherds; churchmen who seek to destroy the Church. Our Lord is thoroughly disgusted with the treachery of the bishops and He is now pouring out His wrath upon the Church; on these churchmen who would prostitute the Bride of Christ to the world, the flesh and the devil. 

What is happening is worse that a world war; we are seeing, before our eyes, Christ punishing His Church (it is not the Pope's, nor the bishops'), for the infidelity, the cowardice of the men who should be His Apostles. 


FLOR solitaria said...

Pope Benedict XVI should come back, his church needs him. He is well now, by the grace of God.

Unknown said...

Yes, for whatever reason, our present Pope is failing horridly in these areas. I think, it hurts to say this, behind forgiveness and mercy are being used as ways to disguise an acceptance of sin. Perhaps and hopefully this is not His intent but it is the reality. Benedict XVI pray for us.

Daniel William Sullivan

Lawrence and Susan Fox said...

Good post! Thanks Barona. But these heretic bishops have been doing this for over 30 years. They have been persecuting true Catholics in the confessional, the local
"Catholic" paper and from the pulpit. The exciting part is that it's now in the open. We can see it! We can condemn it! We can see clearly the message that was formerly promoted privately. I write a blog because the sermons I heard in that period of time were so bad, so heretical, so banal, that I developed a habit of reading the Gospel during the homily and hearing my own sermon from the Holy Spirit. But good news! Things are improving here in Denver! Today's homily was fantastic, and the bishop spoke through the homilist about restoring the proper order of the Sacraments of Initiation. That's right Archbishop Sam Aquila is restoring the proper order to the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. From now on, instead of the Sacrament of "Farewell" as Pope Francis calls it, we will get Confirmation in the Third Grade and then receive our first Holy Communion. I have friends who joined the Byzantine Catholic Church just so their kids could get Baptism, Confirmation and then Eucharist in the proper order while they are still infants. Those are some of the holiest grace-filled little children I ever met. But normal, terribly normal. And in the sermon today, the priest said this is the TRUE implementation of Vatican II. It took 50 years! I think I'll faint. God bless you. Susan Fox