Tuesday 27 November 2018

Bishop Morlino on true Catholic Education

"The formation of these young people's minds, hearts and behaviours, 
is, in so many ways, commended to your care" 
Bishop Robert Morlino

Dear friends, last Saturday, His Excellency, Bishop Robert Charles Morlino departed from this Vale of Tears.

Pope St. Pius X, spoke of Catholic education as of primary importance. We, here, in Toronto, need to listen to the words of Bishop Morlino even more so about Catholic education given the horrendous crisis that is rocking St. Michael's College School. Even as I write, St. Michael's is considering collaborating with a pro-homosexual, pro-contraception, pro-fornication organization to supposedly teach the boys to be better "men through youth and peer engagement, education, and empowerment". Unfortunately, they do not explain how this can be accomplished through the use of condosm, or the being indoctrinated into propaganda by "teachers trained in :GBTQ-inclusive education..."

Yet, contrary to such evil, teachers, Bishop Morlino reminds us,  need to stay close to the Sacraments, the Mass... every day. " You are the channel... of joy in their lives... the joy that only Christ can give..."  

As Bishop Morlino said, young people "deserve" God's love and "embrace", and "God's salvation". Imagine denying young people the opportunity of God's Salvation!!! "The highest goal of a Catholic school is "their salvation". 

Monday 26 November 2018

The loving kindness of Bishop Robert Morlino

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 

Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 

In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.  

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.  

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 

No one has ever seen God; if we love one 
another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.

1 St. John 4: 7-12

Sunday 25 November 2018

Bishop Robert C. Morlino ~ 1946 - 2018

H. E. Bishop Robert C. Morlino, 4th Bishop of Madison

His Excellency, Bishop Robert C. Morlino of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin died last night, on the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a brief illness. 

Bishop Morlino was a loyal son of the Church and faithful bishop. He ran the race, he fought the good fight, he remained loyal to Our Lord Jesus Christ, he cared for his beloved sheep. 

May he now be rewarded for his faithful, and humble service to Christ. Please do not forget to pray for his parents, Charles and Albertina, who raised their son in the Faith, so that young Robert would hear God's call to the priesthood and episcopate. 

"As Bishop of Madison, Bishop Morlino’s three expressed priorities were: to increase the number and quality of the men ordained to the diocesan priesthood; to instill a greater sense of reverence throughout the entire diocese, especially through our worship of God, celebrated in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and to challenge Catholic institutions in the diocese to live out their professed faith in Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, through their ministry in the secular community. 
All objective indicators point to the fact that Bishop Morlino accomplished what he set out to do in the diocese, by the way of fostering greater priestly vocations (he ordained 40 men to the priesthood, with another 24 presently in formation), bringing a greater sense of reverent worship to the entire diocese, and he made significant inroads toward encouraging the Catholic institutions in his care to live out their mission with greater fidelity, during his fifteen-plus years as Bishop of Madison. We pray this continues".

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, 
and let perpetual light shine upon him.  
May he rest in peace.

O God, who chose your servant Bishop Robert
from among your Priests, 
and endowed him with pontifical dignity
in the apostolic priesthood,
grant, we pray,that he may also be admitted to their company for ever.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
one God for ever and ever. AMEN

Saturday 24 November 2018

St. Michael's College School: Basilians, Board and teachers dissenting against the Church on homosexuality?

The St. Michael's College School slide, that I have been writing about, has been confirmed by a homosexual alumnus who writes the following in the Toronto Star
 "While there, a group of progressive Basilian Fathers, the Roman Catholic order of priests who run St. Mike’s, decided to ignite meaningful conversations about homosexuality at the school".
The same former student, had this to add against those teachers who upheld Catholic teaching about the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts: 
"One of my Grade 9 teachers mildly mocked gay relationships... Other teachers took a more academic approach to their homophobia"
The dissenting student then proceeded to lament that there were many students who "expressed opposition" to pro-homosexual propaganda that was  presented on one occasion at the school.  It is shocking that this homosexual attack students dares to take umbrage that students at a Catholic school uphold Catholic teaching. How fascistic. But even more sinister is that the Basilians and staff allowed homosexual propaganda to be promoted at St. Michael's: on the once sacred ground upon which loyal priests taught the Catholic Faith to young men without adulteration. 

Needless to say, this lapsed student failed to mention that in Sacred Scriptures, homosexual activity is rightly regarded as a depravity. One wonders why he remained at the school? Did he not feel any pangs of hypocrisy, or at least shame that he was attending under false pretenses? But I digress. 

To the contrary, these young men, that the homosexual student refers to, are to be congratulated for refusing to pander to the sin of homosexual activity.  May God bless them. There are still some real St. Michael's men left. 

The homosexual student's article in The Star only confirms the bizarre behaviour, the decadence, of far too many effete students who have come to populate the school over the past two and more decades. For example, the "Gangnam Style SMC parody", or the widespread use of Snapchat and Instagram. The internet has a serious problem, and we all know what it is. Sadly, far too many foolish and indulgent modern mothers are in denial about their boys' predilections. Boys need discipline. A lot of discipline. They certainly are not getting it at home, nor at the modern St. Mike's.  

All of this is indicative of moral weakness, and leanings towards effeminacy. What real man - or masculine boy aspiring to manhood  - would use such  narcissist-enabling social media? All of these aberrations flow from the Basilians, riddled as they are with pro-homosexual dissenters. It is simply not possible that these wayward priests are able to turn these boys into real men. 

The silence of the media, regarding the Basilians, can only be logically explained with hatred for the Catholic Faith. It is obvious: the entire problem flows from the "progressive" Basilians - backed up by nominal Catholic, godless parents. The media - tasting blood - is moving in for the kill: attack the "administration", so-called "toxic masculinity", and now, trot out a contrived "homophobia" - but NOT one word about the toxic Basilians.  

The media would like nothing better than the total demolition of Catholic education at St. Michael's under the guise of the administration's proposed so-called "Respect and Culture Review". I am afraid that the media's wish will come to pass. Nominal Catholic parents, will back the Basilians, as the Catholic Faith is the least of their concerns. A case in point: the vulgar, effete, "Gangnam Style SMC Parody", is six years old, yet not one parent, one member of the administration, nor one Basilian denounced it and ordered its erasure. This shows us the lack of vigilance, care,  and concern for these boys' souls from priests, staff (though there still are a few holdouts), and parents. 

This  massive slide into decadence, accelerated dramatically in the late 80s/early 90s, when the Basilians decided to deform the venerable institution of once Catholic education and true Catholic manliness into a money making machine. Gone was any concern for taking boys from good, practicing Catholic families. It was all about accepting boys from nominal Catholic families, as long as the money was there. What else would "progressive" Basilians do? Well, start promoting homosexuality on the campus, of course. Allow the teaching of dissent. (I have been informed, that in recent years, a layman was teaching religion from a rationalist perspective). 

The result is  that the school is now heavily populated by boys who  do not take their Faith seriously. Why should they? Their parents don't. The priests have but all abandoned the doctrine taught by such venerable and holy Basilians such as Fr. Rocco Volpe, Fr. Joseph "Old Man" Thompson, and Fr. James Enright. May they all rest in the peace of Our Lord for their loyal service to Him, and in teaching and proclaiming the Truth to young Catholic men. These holy priests knew the seriousness and gravity of teaching the Catholic Faith. These priests fought the good fight, they have been rewarded.  

But that was another time. 

Let us now return to the tragic sequence of events that befell St. Michael's in the late 80s/early 90s, as SMCS mutated under dissident Basilians into this grotesque, modern day horror that we have before us. 

Tuition started to rocket up, with additional "fees". Ah yes, those additional fees! Today tuition stands at $19,500, and a first year shakedown of $5000. Millions were needed, and raised to pay for massive new buildings and extensions. The older generation of faithful, loyal priests were de facto evicted from their retirement home. So much for "goodness", so much for any Basilian community. This disgraceful school is  NOT the real St. Mike's. It is not the school I attended. Do not be fooled by anyone who tells you otherwise. 

As the money poured in, corruption deepened. It usually always does. Nominal Catholics with cash (what ever happened to the school's original focus of superb Catholic education for all boys?) suddenly had the opportunity to send their nominally Catholic son to a "prestigious" school , that still churned out a technically good education, but with all the problems of Catholicism being an "intolerant" religion that made serious moral demands on life gone. 

Unlike my day, when Fr. Enright taught, and explained the holiness of Humanae Vitae, there would be no unpleasantries like that. I doubt Fr. Enright would last 24 hours today, once contracepting parents were informed. One can imagine it: 

"Mom, (or should I say "mommy"??) Father said during religion class that using contraception is a mortal sin". "WHAT!?, shouted mommy. "How dare he tell me how to live my life. I can do what I want! NO priest is going to tell me how to live my life! I want to be FREE! I'm calling the school, and he is gone!!". 

And so any loyal priest today, would have his head chopped off. Besides, when was the last time you heard a modern "progressive" Basilian defending the sanctity of marriage? 

So there we have, my dear friends and fellow alumni, the general backdrop to the crisis at St. Michael's College School. The fish rots from the head down. There will be no hoikety Choik on C... 

In light of the  "progressive" Basilians, let us now take a look at one of the Members of the Board.

How many Catholics are aware that Nick Di Donato sits of the Board of Directors of St. Michael's College School?

How many Catholics are aware that Nick Di Donato's Liberty Entertainment Group paid for a mass "same-sex wedding" at Casa Loma in 2014?

How many Catholics are aware that the Basilians awarded the "Award of St. Michael's'" to Nick Di Donato, in 2015?

From CTV: 

The wedding -- which organizers said was the largest of its kind in North America -- was held in the gardens of Casa Loma, a palatial Toronto home built between 1911 and 1914, which has since become a popular tourist attraction and event venue.
"What we see Casa Loma as is this grand lady at the top of the hill watching Toronto evolve," said Nick Di Donato, president and CEO of the Liberty Entertainment Group which operates the facility and hosted the event. "This is a dramatic part of that evolution."
Di Donato's company took on all costs for the event, with the couples only having to pay for an Ontario marriage licence.
"It's a lifetime event and something they'll remember forever," he said. "Most of these couples are from outside Toronto -- they become our ambassadors for the city of Toronto in terms of the openness of the city and the welcome that we've provided them."

Now, a question for the "progressive" Basilians: 

Can they please explain the presence of Nick Di Donato on the Board of Directors? 

It is time for the RESIGNATION of the ENTIRE BOARD. It is TIME for Cardinal Collins to contact the Roman Authorities to initiate the transfer of St. Michael's College to the Archdiocese of Toronto. 

Action Item: 

Please let your concerns be known to the Basilians' spokesman, Fr. Thomas Rosica, who can be reached at: 

Father Thomas Rosica, CSB
Phone: 416-879-5766
Email: trosica@basilian.org

His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins may be reached at: 

Phone: 416-934-0606, ext. 609
Email: archbishop@archtoronto.org

Sunday 18 November 2018

St. Michael's College School: Do the parents need a lesson in Catholic Education?

[UPDATE: 22-11-2018: After further revelations of sexual and physical criminal activity, St. Michael's College School "postponed" the "A Gift of Glamour" into the new year] 


St. Michael's College School, as of this writing, is proceeding with its annual "Fashion Show" on November 22nd. Then, an alumni event is planned for the 30th. How is this possible? When are we going to hear that these events are CANCELLED?! 

We are in the midst of a massive sexual abuse crisis! Just what is going on!!?? 

What about addressing the moral climate at the school? We have not heard one apology, not one word about reparation, not one word denouncing the evil as EVIL, and as SIN. 

For those of us who are alumni, this is profoundly disturbing. We are deeply saddened, though not surprised by the angry, heartless response of so many parents, who - based on their interactions with the media - are concerned with only protecting the "brand", and their hefty financial investment in their son's education (?). In all of this we see a pattern of abnegating the Catholic Faith, for a miasmatic pottage of money, secularism and conformity with the  prevailing "culture".

Education is not just about technical proficiency or advanced degrees. These goals, admirable as they are, are secondary. Such were plentiful in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Such is plentiful in modern-day Communist China. 

A Catholic education, is therefore, primarily about moulding the soul, the mind and the heart towards Christ, who is the beginning and end of all things. Training students to seek after holiness is the centre of any Catholic education. 

Pope Benedict taught

First and foremost every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth (cf. Spe Salvi, 4). This relationship elicits a desire to grow in the knowledge and understanding of Christ and his teaching. In this way those who meet him are drawn by the very power of the Gospel to lead a new life characterized by all that is beautiful, good, and true; a life of Christian witness nurtured and strengthened within the community of our Lord’s disciples, the Church....
 Set against personal struggles, moral confusion and fragmentation of knowledge, the noble goals of scholarship and education, founded on the unity of truth and in service of the person and the community, become an especially powerful instrument of hope....
A university or school’s Catholic identity is not simply a question of the number of Catholic students. It is a question of conviction – do we really believe that only in the mystery of the Word made flesh does the mystery of man truly become clear (cf. Gaudium et Spes, 22)? 
Are we ready to commit our entire self – intellect and will, mind and heart – to God? Do we accept the truth Christ reveals? Is the faith tangible in our universities and schools? Is it given fervent expression liturgically, sacramentally, through prayer, acts of charity, a concern for justice, and respect for God’s creation? Only in this way do we really bear witness to the meaning of who we are and what we uphold. From this perspective one can recognize that the contemporary “crisis of truth” is rooted in a “crisis of faith”...

Please let your concerns be known to the Basilians' spokesman, Fr. Thomas Rosica, who can be reached at: 

Father Thomas Rosica, CSB
Phone: 416-879-5766
Email: trosica@basilian.org

His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins may be reached at: 

Phone: 416-934-0606, ext. 609
Email: archbishop@archtoronto.org

Saturday 17 November 2018

St. Michael's College School Crisis Deepens: "BUGGER OFF", parent tells media!

"Bugger Off..." were the words of a "Catholic" parent to the Toronto media. Not very well chosen words at that, given that the crisis at the school involves homosexual buggery with a broom handle. 

St. Michael's College School is worried. And so it should be. The homosexual gang rape, and other emerging sexual assaults, and criminal acts are seriously tarnishing..... wait for it: the BRAND. 

No outrage that grave SIN was committed. NO outrage that our holy Catholic Faith was profaned, no outrage that parents were being sold a fake Catholic education. Seemingly, the parents have abdicated their responsibilities as their son's primary Catholic educators, and surrendered to the diktats of the Administration (controlled ultimately by the powerful and very wealthy Basilian Order). 

Once a Catholic school that emerged through the sheer guts and determination of poor, Faith-filled Irish immigrants (often persecuted by the Orange Order and an anti-Catholicism that dominated Toronto), St. Mike's has betrayed the Faith and deformed itself into a school for rich, nominally Catholic families. 

We have had a number of "official" statements from St. Mike's, including one by Fr. Thomas Rosica, whom the Basilians have selected as their media spokesman. So far, the statements have been secular, "lawyered up" (pro bono ?), and avoiding the real issues. 

Here are just a few questions that alumni, such as myself, have, and expect Fr. Rosica to answer: 

Is the young man who was the victim of the homosexual gang rape, hospitalized? 

Is he still in hospital? 

Has the object that was used to rape the young man been handed over to police for the collection of DNA evidence?

Was evidence destroyed, tampered with?

If evidence was destroyed, by whom? 

Why did no parent come forward during the time of the release of the video and the informing of the Administration on Monday, November, 12, 2018? 

Why did the Administration violate the law, by not immediately informing police, but waited 48 hours to attempt a cover-up? 

When will the ENTIRE Board of Directors resign? 


Why has the Administration not spoken about SIN? 

Why has not ONE WORD been mentioned about how this GREAT EVIL is an attack on Jesus Christ and a profanation of Catholic education? 

Why has the Administration not offered any words of comfort, or any thoughts towards the young man and his family? 

Why is Fr. Rosica speaking about "serious incidents", "events", and a "very sad situation", but not of EVIL and SIN?

Why has Fr. Rosica NO words for the victim and his family? 

One final word. 

The Toronto media is doing a wonderful job! Keep going! Keep pushing! Keep at them! Don't let them off! Expose them! 

Fr. Rosica can be reached at: 

Father Thomas Rosica, CSB
Phone: 416-879-5766
Email: trosica@basilian.org

Friday 16 November 2018

St. Michael's College School: A tale of betrayal of the Catholic Faith by the Basilians

St. Michael's College School has been corrupt for years. The Basilian Order, once revered Catholic educators, have betrayed Our Lord, St. Michael and a legacy that goes back to 1852. The Basilian priests, who run SMCS, are in the process of demolishing any last vestiges of Catholic education at this once venerable beacon.

St. Mike's was once a hallowed institution that provided outstanding Catholic education: even in the face of Orange Toronto and anti-Catholicism. Now, it is merely a fashionable, conformist, secular, prep school for sons of well-to-do nominal Catholics. Obviously, there remain a remnant of serious parents, who are trying - hoping! - to obtain for their sons a true Catholic education. Poor parents, they are being deceived. Please pray for them. 

As a graduate of St. Mike's I am ashamed of my former school. "Former", for the "real" St. Mike's is dead. The school of old time, loyal Basilians, such as my former teachers: Frs. Rocco Volpe, Joseph Thompson and Dennis Foy is dead. These holy priests have all been betrayed. 

The disgusting, pagan behaviour of the boys who engaged in an alleged homosexual gang rape, (that had to be exposed by the media, as seemingly the school authorities were trying to cover up the crime in typical "churchman" fashion), is a symptom, not a cause. 

The cause of the boys' evil behaviour is sin. A lack of the Catholic Faith. 

A few misguided individuals, in the media, are claiming the actions of the alleged rapists are motivated by "toxic masculinity". The problem is, so they say,  that it is an all boys school. This is a foolish error driven by the feminist movement. Firstly, the school has been in existence since the mid 19th century, without such grave evils. Secondly,  masculinity is as "toxic" as water is "dry". 

No, it is not a question of masculinity (which these alleged rapists do not possess), it is a question of religion. It is always a question of Faith. Everything always comes down to spiritual realities. 

Do these boys believe? Do they come from families that believe? Is Jesus Christ God or not God? What is my relationship with Him? The fact is, good Catholic young men, do not engage in such activities. NO real man would.  

Truth be told, the school has been sliding for many years (e.g. drug use), allowing boys in from nominal Catholic families. Even the letter released by the school authorities tells us a lot: completely secular, no mention of Jesus Christ, no mention of sin, no mention of prayer for the victim, no mention of the school community undertaking an act of reparation, AND COMPLETE SILENCE FROM THE REAL SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM: THE BASILIAN FATHERS. 

Let there be no mistake: I repeat, for emphasis: St. Michael's College School is being destroyed by the Basilians Fathers. 

Let us not be deluded fools by trying to find a solution in secularism. The alleged homosexual gang rape did not just happen. Young men, striving to be Catholic, do not suddenly decide to (so we are informed by the media) sodomize a fellow student with a broom handle, film this homosexual rape, and then proceed to distribute it on the internet. These boys, well before the incident, were long brutalized and paganized. 

For years, there have been tell tale signs of corruption, decadence and a serious lack of the Catholic Faith at St. Mike's.   

Today, I shall present to readers, students, former students, parents, and prospective students (with their parents) a video put on youtube in 2012. The screenshots are taken from the video, which was posted on September 28, 2012. 

This shameful, extremely vulgar video was filmed right on school property. It has nearly 20,000 hits. It is impossible that the school authorities have no knowledge of this disgraceful video, that dishonours what St. Mike's once stood for: an integral Catholic education.

Please review it yourself. Send it to friends. Send it to parents who will be attending the two meetings today. Be warned: it is very vulgar, but Catholics need to know just what this school has become, and what type of students stalk its corridors. This is not the school of Fr. Fitzpatrick. This is not the school of Mr. McDougall. 

Judge the video for yourself: are these St. Michael's Men? Is this video Catholic? Indeed, even remotely Christian? Or, is it a disgrace, a shocking insult to the real St. Michael's Men, and the Catholic priests and lay teachers who worked so hard to offer a true Catholic education?  

Parents - WAKE UP! Do not allow the school authorities to intimidate you. Withdraw your sons - NOW - go on "strike". STOP paying tuition. 

If you wish to save our school, DEMAND that His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins take over direct control of St. Mike's and remove the toxic presence of the Basilians. 

Demand the resignation of the ENTIRE Board of Directors. 

In a later post, I shall discuss the scandalous presence of Nick Di Donato '76 (of same-sex weddings at Casa Loma infamy) on the Board of Directors of St. Michael's College School.

Action Item: Please contact His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins to begin immediately a complete investigation into St. Michael's College School.

Office of the Cardinal

1155 Yonge Street
M4T 1W2

t:416-934-0606, ext. 609

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Vox Cantoris is "not of the body"? Are you ?

You're not!! You're NOT of the body!!!
The forces of fascism are ever encroaching. Those who are "not of the body" will be denounced, silenced, and even eliminated as "traitors". 

The Vox has been denounced by an anonymous source (fascists are always anonymous, unless backed up by huge force) and silenced on Twitter. 

The Vox, apparently, is not of the "body"; he was not "one" with the forces of Darkness. 

Will you be "one" with Darkness? 

Will you be devoted to "peace, tranquility, and contentment"?

Or, are you, like The Vox, a "traitor"?

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Bishop Helmsing: the National Catholic Reporter promotes an "evil policy" ~ so why does Fr Rosica promote it?

Fr. Rosica has taken upon himself the task of informing Catholics what are the authoritative sources of Catholic information. 

But we have a problem - a HUGE PROBLEM. 

One of the agencies that Fr. Rosica informs Catholics they should seek news from is a canonically censured agency that has NO RIGHT to even use the word "Catholic". I have a 1968 document - an original - that outlines that the so-called "National Catholic [sic] Reporter is in rebellion against the Catholic Faith. 

What does this say about a priest who would support such rebels, having been denounced by Bishop Helmsing? The NCR, according to the legitimate authority, Bishop Helmsing, was already in 1968 doing "untold harm to the faith and morals not only of the laity, but of too many of our priests and religious". 

What would Bishop Helmsing say today, when the NCR OPENLY promotes homosexual activity and the monstrous evil of contraception? 

In promoting the NCR, which, since 1968 has got much, much worse - one must ask why is Fr. Thomas Rosica promoting it?   

Monday 12 November 2018

"GOD, HONOUR and the FATHERLAND" ~ 200,000 Poles mark Poland's Independence

November 11, 2018 marked 100 years that the Polish State was reborn from the ashes of World War One, after nearly 130 years of partition. 

Yesterday saw a massive Military Parade to mark the event, and then the March of Independence, which saw over 200,000 Poles, singing patriotic songs, hymns, praying, and carrying National Flags, all under the traditional "God, Honour and the Fatherland". 

Sadly, the erstwhile enemies of Christ and Poland were busy trying to stir up lies and propaganda in the western media. "Fascist.... Nazi" were the not so subtle insults hurled at Poland by those who desire nothing more than to destroy any remnants of Catholic Poland. The hatred, the lies was palpable. 

Polish AK, World War Two Veteran addressing 100,000
at the 2017 March of Independence

Why the hatred of Poland? A World War Two Veteran from the AK (smeared in the vile, western media as "Nazis"), addressing over 100,000 at last year's March, reveals the reason behind the pathological hatred:  

"I have a great suggestion that the noise of cosmopolitanism, globalism under banner of the golden calf; the claim that it can bring us freedom is the promotion of an error. We must oppose this. Only the Polish Republic will bring us independence and freedom. I also wish to add to this, that the Polish people; Poland, always was united with the influence of the Latin culture, and the base of this culture is the Roman Catholic Church....the result is that the idea of this March is very practical. Let us fight for a national Poland that is strong and will not bend to anyone; neither the west the east. May great Poland live!"

Friends, Poland is hated, 
because Poland struggles to remain faithful to Christ.