Tuesday 26 November 2019

BOMBSHELL: Homosexual lifestyle is PROMOTED in OFFICIAL Catholic Teacher's Magazine

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA) has a several decade long track record of dissent against Catholic Faith and Morals. From promoting women as "priestesses", to denying Marriage is a Sacrament, to the promotion of homosexuality, abortion, "LGBT" ideology etc., you name it, OECTA has done it. 

Today we present for readers (see screenshot above), from OECTA's official magazine, "Catholic Teacher" (May, 2019) an article entitled "Being the Change". 

QUESTION: Is this article and the OECTA Diversity Advisory Board the "Catholic lens" that the Archdiocese of Toronto has been talking about? 

If you are a Catholic teacher - where are you?

If you are a Catholic parent - where are you? 

For those who suffer from same-sex attraction, please pray that they draw close to Christ through the Sacraments, and if leading an unchaste lifestyle, that they may become reborn through Confession into a life of purity. 

Let us recall the words of the late, saintly, Monsignor Vincent Foy: 
All can pray for homosexuals; we should never deviate from charity towards them while never condoning homosexual activity. We can give homosexuals the example of lives lived in chastity and goodness.
To all homosexuals we say: Peace, Hope, and Joy in your daily pursuit of chastity and holiness. God be with you! May you always keep in your hearts the words of St. Paul, “You are not called to immorality but to holiness.”

Friday 22 November 2019

I AM A HERETIC: how Ontario's "Catholic" teachers betray innocent children to the "LGBT" activists

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA) is a union that has been granted by the State a strict monopoly on providing teachers into the State-funded "Catholic" schools across Ontario. We have recently written about the cowardice and even treachery of Ontario's bishops in refusing and even defending the encroachment of moral evil into our schools. It is easy to try to blame only the hierarchy, but the sins of the churchmen do not excuse the sins of the teachers. 

It is now time to review the role played by OECTA in the promotion and enforcement of evil in once Catholic schools. Let us ask each and every one of these teachers some very serious questions regarding the spiritual and moral poisoning of children and youth:

Where were you when the leadership of OECTA was pushing the "LGBT" agenda?

Where were you when the leadership of OECTA, and militant activists took to social media promoting evils, such as homosexuality and abortion?

Where were you as the "LGBT" activists took over school after school, pushing "gay-straight alliances"

Where were you when OECTA organized and participated in "gay pride" parades?

Where were you when "rainbow" flags were put up in your high schools?

Where were you when militant activists ran for election for key positions in OECTA?

Where were you when OECTA transformed from a professional association into a militant hard-left Union, and affiliated itself with other pro-abortion/pro-"LGBT" unions and organizations?

Perhaps we should reflect on a tragic but very enlightening comment sent to us on November 22, 2019, by the Catholic blog, Everyday for Life, Canada. 

This week in a Waterloo school students attended a workshop by an avtivist organization called Unlearn. It's about teaching children from traditional families to feel guilty about who they are. Even if they aren't prejudiced, they will be told that they suffer from "unconscious bias."

This is what children have to "unlearn" The workshop pretends to teach children how to think, but it's a blatant lie. It's all about brainwashing vulnerable young minds to get them to accept gender identity and learn the alphabet of the ever expanding list of sexual orientations.  
Parents should not let their students attend these types of workshops. They should monitor what is going on in their local schools and demand to be informed about any school wide activity of this kind, and that parental consent must be sought before children can participate.  
Don't expect the school administrators to do it. They won't. Be proactive for the sake of the children's souls and safety.

These most recent evils that Everyday for Life, Canada wrote about is organized and promoted by OECTA.  The commentary also answers our questions as to "where are the teachers". They are busy indoctrinating children, turning classroom into incubators of corruption. They are actively de-Christianizing children, striping them of purity and innocence, and pouring "spiritual poison into their souls" (Paul VI). They are evil child abusers. Raping children's souls. 

I may be wrong, but let suppose that one percent of OECTA membership still retains the Faith. OECTA constitutes 45,000 members who teach at primary and high school levels. One percent remaining Catholic (450) would a catastrophe. However, we imagine the powerful voice of 450 teachers demanding to be heard! Imagine 450 asking to speak before the vote in favour of gender ideology? Or 450 protesting outside the Board meeting agaianst gender ideology?

Imagine 450 teachers as signatories on a letter rejecting OECTA's pro-"LGBT" propaganda? Or 450 teachers signing a letter opposing the latest outrage in Waterloo? Imagine 450 teachers standing up for the Catholic Faith as one, strong, united voice! 

Surely we have one percent? 

Thursday 21 November 2019

How does the Archdiocese of Toronto explain the "Catholic lens" of schools OPENLY PROMOTING homosexuality?

Henry VIII: the Patron "Un-saint of Treachery" for the Archdiocese of Toronto? 

Catholics are still reeling from the Judas-kiss delivered during the night of November 8th, 2019, when an unprecedented last minute intervention by the Archdiocese of Toronto strong-armed the Toronto Catholic District School Board into passing a intrinsically evil resolution to include gender ideology in its "human rights code". 

This treachery extends beyond the Archdiocese of Toronto into every diocese across Ontario. Everyday for Life, Canada, an outstanding Catholic blog, provides us with some background details to a horrendous (and secretive) betrayal by the Bishops of Ontario back in 2016. With the tactic approval of Ontario's bishops, the "LGBT" juggernaut has been, like a grim reaper, stalking throughout the Province, striking down the last vestiges of Catholicism from one Board to the next. 

The Judas-kiss that the Archdiocese of Toronto gave to Catholic parents and their children was but the final act of betrayal by men who have long since lost any sense of fighting for Jesus and His Truths. They have forgotten His words for those who corrupt innocent children. If they truly believed Jesus' words that someone who corrupts a child will be sent to Hell, they would not be doing what they are doing. They would not betray children into the hands of sinners. They would not kneel before the godless State. They would chose Christ the King over Caesar. They would chose the salvation of the children's souls (and their own) over being mocked, humiliated, perhaps fined or even jailed for defending Christian Truths and innocent children.  

Sadly, these poor, pathetic men, rather than following the example of saintly bishops such as John Fisher or Clemens von Galen, have decided to follow the example of the sinful and cowardly bishops of Henry VIII's day, who threw in with the lustful, adulterous Monarch, under the delusion of  “so far as the law of God permits” excuse. Only Bishop Fisher resisted this deception and he paid for it with his blood. 

In our day, the Ontario bishops have thrown in with the Province of Ontario rebranding "so far as the law of God permits", with delusion of a "Catholic lens". 

Loretto College School viewing gender ideology through this "Catholic lens" 

Pray that these sad men reverse their capitulation to the State. Pray they come back and make a stand. Pray they begin to defend innocent children from being corrupted by wicked people who wish to indoctrinate children with an "evil ideology". 

A final word. It takes three for a troika. There is a lot of blame to go around.  It is not only the clergy. This betrayal involves also the teachers and the parents. We need to start asking some very serious questions about these so-called "teachers" who call themselves "Catholic", yet sit silently by doing nothing as children are corrupted. They are material accessories to sin.

More to come about the sinister influence of the pro-abortion, pro-"LGBT" so-called "Catholic" teachers' union, Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA). 

Sunday 17 November 2019

How should a Christian respond to Evil?

In the excellent blog, Everyday for Life, Canada we read the following: 
We know that currently Christians face world wide persecution and even death for their belief in Christ. In Canada, the persecution is mostly spiritual. However, there are some Christians that have been arrested and gone to jail for their Christian beliefs. There are now terrible laws and policies that legislatively force Christians to support abortion, transgenderism and euthanasia. Our schools are teaching children gender ideology which is contradictory to the faith: boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Nurture has usurped nature. There is an attack on the Christian family. Any social structure of one or two people or more is equal to a family with a mother and a father and children. The Christian view of humanity and history is opposed and being replaced by one that embraces and celebrates political correctness and identity politics.

Now, how are we to respond to such evils that surround us? Should we respond with rage? Hate? Anger? Should we allow those who are in sin, to draw us into sin through the way we react? 

Or, is there a Christian solution to the spiritual madness (madness that has also invaded the Church)?

Everyday for Life, Canada outlines for us the solution, drawn from the Catholic spiritual life. Go and read it here. 

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Don Cherry will NEVER be silenced by the neo-fascist elite that control Canada

Don Cherry has been removed from his weekly broadcast of  "Hockey Night in Canada". The Canadian patriot dared speak his mind and call a spade a spade last Saturday night. When Cherry exposed the lamentable lack of respect for Canadian War Veterans, he was excoriated on social media and the hard-left major news media (CBC, CTV and Global) in an extremely well coordinated campaign by Toronto's self-declared and self-serving downtown "elite". Indeed, Cherry had been under attack a couple of weeks earlier, as the rats were already waiting to pounce on the patriot. 

They will fail, and I predict that Cherry will be back with an even more powerful voice. The option was even placed before Grapes that he "apologize" and simp before the virtue-signaling neo-liberal "establishment". Cherry refused to do so. Truth is truth. He is a real man. 

The active campaign by these haters perhaps began nearly three decades ago with the following video clip. ENJOY!!!

Monday 11 November 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

It’s difficult with the weight of the rifle.
Leave it–under the oak. 
Leave it for a salvage-bloke
let it lie bruised for a monument 
dispense the authenticated fragments to the faithful.

 David Jones, In Parenthesis

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Bonfire Night, Pachamama and Hatred for the Catholic Church

The hellish flames of those who despise Christ and His Church 

"Remember, remember the fifth of November", is the old protestant cry, raging against Christ and His Church. But this hatred predated our poor, deluded protestants by 1500 plus years. The Catholic Church has been hated from Her foundation, She was hated by the Scribes and Pharisees when the Church was founded on Mount Calvary. She was hated as the Apostles spread the Gospel in Jerusalem, and then outwards into the ancient world. Whether it be the Roman Empire or in India, the Apostles (with the sole exception of St. John, who did not betray Our Lord but returned to the foot of the Cross) suffered martyrdom. This hatred is alive and well this very day, though it is not considered "polite" by Catholics to suggest that Jesus is hated and has enemies. 

The Sacred Scriptures are explicit: he who denies that Jesus Christ has come in the Flesh is of the Antichrist. This means that, objectively, every man and woman who does not recognize that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is in grave spiritual disorder. It tragically means, whether they mean to or not, they are serving Lucifer. Not to bow the head and bend the knee at the Name of "Jesus" is blasphemy. Lest we become proud, those of us who profess Jesus as the Messiah, let us prove it in not only our words, but in our deeds. Otherwise, we re-crucify Him in whom we profess as God. Our sin then, is even greater than that of the Mohommedan, the Jew, the Buddhist, and so on. 

Could this be symbolic of a parade of modern bishops?
Our response to those who do not believe is to show them why they should believe. The first step for us, is to live holy lives. Of course, in recent decades the Catholic Church has suffered horrendous mutilation by the very men who should be living outstanding holy lives, and preaching the Gospel. Firstly in act, and then in word. The Catholic Church has suffered, and is suffering a frightful humiliation and degradation by the Pope and many, many bishops and priests. It is indeed very difficult to evangelize amongst those who live in spiritual darkness, when so many of the leaders of the Church live lives infinitely more sinful than those dear people who have yet to believe in Jesus Christ. 

One of the gravest errors these churchmen committed, as I see it, is the profession of religious liberty, which leads directly to a false ecumenism. Once all religions are made "equal", truth does not matter, and religion can be dismissed as private, if not an "opinion". What we end up with, is the "equality" of a mass of contradictions. The "equality" of truth and error. Religion (including the one, true religion, which is de facto mocked when equated to falsehood) is dismissed from public life. In such an atmosphere of religious indifferentism, the Catholic Faith is stifled. It is in such an atmosphere that Pachamama can make her "appearance". Let me be blunt: the primitive in the dark jungle who has never heard the name of Jesus Christ, but tries to keep the natural law, is closer to God than the churchman who desiring to pander to the spirit of the world turns a blind eye, or even encourages totemistic, pagan religions. His sin is far, far greater than the man who lives in ignorance. 

Hatred of the Papacy is a sure sign of the demonic

The "Pachamama" scandal did not emerge from out of nowhere. For decades Popes have been flirting with, pandering to false religions. But not only Popes, but bishops, priests and laity. When was the last you heard a priest speak publicly about the one, true religion? Or the Pope!? The horrendous outrages in the Vatican Gardens, in the churches of Rome, had their origins in papal pandering to false religions. 

The Popes who hid their crucifixes and did NOT speak about Jesus Christ in synagogues - they had the "spirit of Pachamama". The Popes who pandered to protestant sects, WITHOUT recalling the separated brethren to the Church, they had the "spirit of Pachamama". The Popes who went down to the United Nations, either themselves or through their emissaries, and REFUSED to mention the Holy Name of Jesus before that counterfeit counter-church to secular humanism, they had the "spirit of Pachamama". 

Evil bishops damage the Church infinitely more than deluded protestants

Perhaps we Catholics can bear some responsibility for the outrages over the past two weeks in Rome. After all, where were we when the Popes pandered to other false religions, where were we when the terrible outrages happened in Assisi? Where were we when Popes and bishops hid (and continue to hide) their pectoral crosses (committing objective blasphemy)? The Pachamama Outrage should cause us to reflect on Catholic silence when other equally, if not even worse outrages were committed against Jesus Christ by the very men who are to preach the Gospel. 

Like the Jewish "popes" Annas and Caiphas, who proclaimed "NO" to Jesus Christ, the modern day Popes proclaim "no popery" through their refusal to preach Christ Crucified to the world. Once you open the door a crack to false religion, it is only a matter of time before it is kicked wide open.