Pell with admitted pedophile and sexual torturer, Gerald Ridsdale, going into court |
This morning we hear of breaking news from Australia that Cardinal Pell has been charged with sexual crimes. He is innocent until proven guilty, but obviously these charges are not frivolous. Allegations go back as far as 1961, with Pell allegedly abusing a 12 year old boy. Sexual torture, sadomasochism of children - boys and girls - by priests and nuns were well back into the sixties. One really has to wonder just how many of these "nuns" were really lesbians, sexual perverts? Obviously, they hated Our Lord our religion.
That Pell was grossly incompetent regarding covering up and ignoring sodomite priests and homosexual pedophiles: that is already without doubt. It seems obvious why he is in Rome. We also know he is a liar.
The crisis in the Church is far profounder than the usual "liberal" vs "conservative" labels. In fact, such an analysis is very superficial and leads to no good end. St. Paul spoke about powers of darkness....
The crisis is a spiritual one. It goes far, far deeper than mere liturgical preference, rubrics, and externals. Do people so easily forget the Institute of Christ the King? A sodomite setup. Homosexuals also say the Latin Mass.
Readers would do well to watch Part One of Fr. John O'Connor's "The Homosexual Conspiracy against the Catholic Church". Homosexual infiltration was well under way in the 1940s and the 1950s. These men all would be considered "traditional" externally. They would all publicly espouse "traditional" theology. Yet they were sodomite destroyers and corrupters. What better way to diabolically attack the Church than to externally preach Catholic morality, perform beautiful liturgies...
Yet the sodomite priest's heart is black with evil, his betrayed complete. His deception of the few remaining good priests and the laity, absolutely satanically cunning.
Dear friends, be on your guard. Do not fall for wolves in "traditional" clothing. One such wolf is Scott "Alcuin" Reid. Thank God, Reid was unsuccessful in becoming ordained due to his homosexual activity. Interestingly he is connected with Cardinal Pell. To his credit, another Australian, Archbishop Hart, tried to remove Reid. God bless him.
It is incredible that there still are blogs out there, even very prominent "traditionalist" blogs that promote Scott Reid and his books (read money). However, Reid had his "traditional" protectors in the Vatican and they even lied to Pope Benedict, who eventually wrote a preface to a book written by this sodomite.
A similar cover-up was orchestrated by friends of Monsignor Ricca, who returned to Rome in triumph with his sodomite escapades in South America removed from his file. The real enemy, dear friends is even more insidious than we have come to believe. Satan takes particular delight in deceiving Catholics with "all lace and no grace" priests, bishops and cardinals. It is the "traditional" sodomite who is the most dangerous, the most vile, the most evil of priests.
Dear friends, Satan and his homosexual agents dominate the priesthood and whether they are "conservative", "traditional", or "liberal" - they are all doing the devil's work.
Find priests who YOU KNOW are not sodomites and support them! Pray for the conversion of these other sodomite priests, as, if they do not repent, they will spend eternity in Hell.