Sunday 31 December 2017

2017: "Year of the Homosexual" in the Catholic Church?

This year has been a year of increased pro-homosexual militancy amongst homosexual churchmen and their "homosexualist" allies in the clergy (that is, those churchmen who do not engage in the perversions of (e.g.) mutual masturbation, oral, anal "sex", etc., themselves, but for various reasons support homosexual activity and gender ideology).

Now let us review some of the horrors of this past year: 

Monsignor Carlo "CarnEvil" Capella

Hiding in the Vatican, Pedophile-priest, Carlo Capella 

The low point of the year was the exposure of a pedophile Vatican diplomat, Carlo "Carnevil" Capella who is currently being hidden in Vatican City, hiding from Canadian and American police. Canadian police have an out-standing Canada-wide arrest warrant for this deviant who delights in looking at photos of naked children being sexually abused (probably many being literally tortured). One wonders if one of the reasons the Romans are so opposed to Donald Trump is because he has declared himself an implacable enemy of pedophiles. 

Did these corrupt churchmen rush Capella out of the USA for fear of Donald Trump? Are the Romans afraid that Trump may yet expose a massive international pedophile gang linking churchmen, politicians, the jet-set elite and powerful business interests? Notice too, dear friends that had an American diplomat allied to Trump been exposed as a pedophile and rushed back to the USA to be protected and hidden, there would have been an international uproar. Yet we are met with a huge, deafening silence. This only means that the international media are co-conspirators with the Vatican in covering up for pedophiles. 

Let us now review the evil antics of Monsignor Luigi "Cocaine" Capozzi.

Vatican Homosexual orgy and drugs-party organizer, Luigi Capozzi 

Capozzi's homosexual orgy has drawn back the curtain (perhaps a French damask curtain?) on the Vatican itself as a haven of rampant homosexuality. Based on the information that was leaked out - a full scale orgy and party with cocaine - this hardly seems like the first time that Capozzi has organized an orgy. Unlike the rest of us, who would have been charged with trafficking, and held in jail for trial, Capozzi was quickly released from custody and taken to Monte Casino to relax, and go into hiding. 

The Romans have not even informed us why this evil, despicable man has not been charged under the Vatican's so-called "Criminal Code". Apparently, it is all for show. Deviously, the Romans removed Capozzi from active duty in the Pontifical Council of Legislative Texts. Obviously homosexual activity and drug use is not a concern for the "men"(?) who run the Vatican.

Here we are, months after the homosexual orgy, and what? NOTHING. Capozzi is not charged, nor suspended, nor de-frocked. No independent investigation has been launched into the other participants at the homosexual orgy and the use of and trafficking of large amounts of hard drugs. An ominous silence comes from the Vatican. One can only begin to wonder how all these homosexuals are interwoven with the all the decades of financial corruption and money laundering from the Vatican. Mafia, money, Masonry - a nasty mix - with a huge dose of sexual perversion and drugs/alcohol abuse. 

2017 has also seen a continued aggressive presence of the Homo-Jesuits. 

Gilles Mongeau S.J., celebrating Mass with a gay Rainbow stole 

Fr. James Martin S.J., and Fr. Gilles Mongeau S.J. both continued their subtle and not so subtle activity of spreading confusion, error, deception. Mongeau is a high-ranking Professor at the Jesuit-run Regis College at the University of Toronto and the spiritual advisor to the dissident group All Inclusive Ministries. Martin is a jet-setting celebrity priest who rubs shoulders with the "stars" and high-powered Prelates. This year has seen Martin building not a "bridge" for homosexuals, but rather a highway to Hell.  

We owe a special debt of thanks and gratitude to Joseph Sciambra for exposing the evils of Martin and Mongeau. 

Now let us review the abominations and evils of the Homo-Franciscans. 

Franciscan dissenter and homosexualist Seno at the "Womens' March".
Notice the use of the raised fist of the communist. 

Holy Name Province in the United States is rapidly gaining notoriety as a base of homosexual propaganda.

Seno with a mentally sick young man dressed up as a woman
This blog documented (see here, here, and here) the strident dissent of both Christian Seno, Ramoncito Razon and Loren Moreno. Seno has even written in support of homosexual activity. Seno stated that the Church:

"prohibits LGBT persons from expressing the fullness of their humanity by excluding them from participating in healthy, generative relationships and mutual expressions of love".

As I have written above, these "mutual expressions of love" are in reality, such unnatural, perverse and intrinsically evil actions such as mutual masturbation, oral and anal "sex", etc.  Let us not be fooled, these "mutual expressions of love" by homosexuals is not smiling and sipping tea, but unnatural mutual genital activity. Such activity is sodomy.  

For calling out these dissenting Franciscans, this blog was labeled "terrorist" by Seno. All of this is public, all of this cannot but be known by Seno's Superiors at Holy Name Province. This just shows us the degree of evil, of deception, of diabolical disorientation that permeates the Homo-Franciscans.

Seno (left) in a dress
He, along with Ramoncito Razon, distinguished themselves as dissenters by opining that the wonderful group Courage, that has the approval of the Magisterium, should be make illegal. The hateful Razon has recently began spewing hatred towards Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison. One must presume that Ramoncito has the approval of his superiors at Holy Name Province.

Ramoncito Razon endorsing the homosexual "New Ways Ministry", 
a group that openly promotes homosexual activity 

Jet-setting Fr. Daniel P. Horan, also a Franciscan, should not be forgotten for his on-going militant pro-homosexual dissent.

Homosexualist dissenter, Daniel P Horan 

It is also high time that Horan explain how he, as a Franciscan sworn to poverty, can afford plane tickets, hotels, etc., not to mention the considerable expenses of sporting equipment for serious semi-professional distance running. 

Daniel Horan - the poor Franciscan in expensive running gear &
his international schedule of Marathon events 

Finally, there are the Homo-Paulists of New York City.

A Homo-Paulist in New York City 

This past year saw a lot of pro-homosexual propaganda being spewed forth by these wicked priests. Highly prominent amongst them is Fr. Edward Beck, rightly exposed by Vox Cantoris as a liar and a deceiver

Fr. Edward Beck with the demonic, militantly pro-abortion Mario Cuomo
Friends, hang onto your money. Watch your priests very, very carefully, watch how they live and what they preach. If your priest lives better than you that is a serious sign that he does not need your money. If he has "office hours", he probably does not need your money. If he lives in a humble apartment, does not imbibe expensive wines, liquors and spirits, does not travel - he may be your man for a donation. If he preaches doctrine, speaks up against abortion, contraception and sexual perversions, he may be your man if, and only if, he lives humbly. But, be careful. Perhaps it is time to send your money to Africa where they REALLY need it.  

N.B: This post - as with others - is not to be reproduced in full (e.g. Angel Queen reproducing it in full WITHOUT permission). I will gladly grant it, but have the courtesy to ask. This blog has an email - look it up!!). 

Thursday 28 December 2017

Why are churchmen promoting the antichrist "holiday" of Kwanzaa?

A contrived, anti-Christian "holiday", so-called "Kwanzaa" began yesterday. It was created by a convicted criminal, a woman torturer and communist, Ronald McKinley Everett (aka: Maulana Karenga). A terrorist and violent criminal, Everett created a de facto rascist "holiday" which was to piggy back during the Christmas Season. 

That which rightly takes away from Jesus Christ is antichrist. As a communist, Everett openly boasted of his racialist "holiday" as an attack on Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is one thing to see a communist openly advocate an anti-Christian holiday, it is quite something else to see churchmen support it. 

Pray for the conversion of deluded churchmen who pander to false "mis-leaders" such as Everett. 

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Happy Feast of St. John the Apostle

A blessed Feast Day of St. John the Apostle, as we continue our celebration of Christmas. 

In principio erat Verbum,et Verbum erat apud Deum,et Deus erat Verbum. Hoc erat in principio apud Deum. Omnia per ipsum facta sunt:et sine ipso factum est nihil, quod factum est. In ipso vita erat,et vita erat lux hominum: et lux in tenebris lucet,et tenebræ eam non comprehenderunt.

Tuesday 26 December 2017

The Synagogue of Satan destroys Catholic property in Jerusalem

Patriarch Fouad Tawwal has denounced the Zionist State of Israel. The anti-Christ so-called "Jewish" State destroyed property that belongs to the Latin patriarchate of the Catholic Church.  

Today, we celebrate the Martyrdom of St. Stephen, murdered by hate-filled members of the Synagogue of Satan. This hatred has not changed. Indeed, it has intensified over the centuries, as Satan works with even greater skill to make God's once Chosen people, his chosen people. Just as the Jewish people rejected the Messiah when He came, so they will accept the Antichrist as their Messiah when he comes. God's once chosen people, will become Satan's chosen people. Lucifer awaits with delight the day he can gloat before God that the Jews have rejected Him, and accepted Lucifer's Antichrist instead. Indeed, we can see prefigurements of this in the Old Testament: the Golden Calf, the killing of the Prophets...

We should never forget that Our Lord himself is Jewish. This fact, identifies the Jews for a special hatred from Lucifer, as he can never forgive the fact that a few loyal Jews - especially Our Blessed Mother (the Lily of Israel), St. Joseph and the Apostles - against the hatred of the Pharisees and Scribes - managed to bring about Redemption. The Jews are therefore in the greatest of dangers. As Jewish control increases over "Israel" and Jerusalem, all of this is preparing the day when the Antichrist will march into the Holy City and demand that the Jews fall down and worship him. 

Though the Synagogue is filled with hatred, the Catholic response must be that of St. Stephen. In prayer for these deluded people, we pray that their conversion will soon be at hand. If they refuse to convert they face a horrible future at the hands of Antichrist. St. Paul - the great Jewish convert - warns us that we are fighting powers and principalities of darkness. 

The two great forces of darkness are presently at work to bring about the reign of Antichrist. The Jewish Nation - to the degree they are in accord with the teachings of the rabbis and the Talmud - is the primary agent of darkness. The secondary force is international Freemasonry. Over the centuries, these two forces have manipulated, encouraged, given birth to any and every organized force opposed to Christ and His Church.  We see this in Simeon the Magician, a Jewish gnostic in the Book of Acts. We see it in Islam, and the huge influence the Talmud and Jewish ritual has upon Islam. We see it in Freemasonry with Jewish and gnostic symbolism and rituals. We see it in socialism, communism, capitalism, fascism, etc. In sum, we see the forces of darkness at work wherever there is not Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

During this Christmas do not forget to pray for the conversion of Jews and Freemasons. 

Sunday 24 December 2017

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Anglican "Bishopess" Sarah Mullally welcomed by Archbishop Coleridge and Thomas Rosica CSB

Another rich, powerful, white woman.... ah the benefits of feminism!

Anglicans in London have a new "bishop". Well, not exactly: they have a new "bishopess". Sarah Mullally, the former Chief Nursing Officer for all of England, somehow  has managed to be selected by the extremely wealthy, elitist, establishment, white cabal that run the apostate Church of England. 

Chief Nursing Officer Mullally, a dyed "blonde" and silk-wearing parsoness, will now be London's first "bishopess", furthering the lies and deception that has befallen the apostate Church of England, since that sad day, when the mini Antichrist, Henry the 8th, along with his henchman, Archbishop Thomas Cramner (deposed for heresy, as is still noted on the wall in Westminster Cathedral), tore England and Wales away from the one, true Church of Christ. 

"And the bloody church of England, in chains of history,
Requests your earthly presence at the vicarage for tea" 

 Chief Nursing Officer Mullally, represents all that dissenting churchmen in the Catholic Church desire of a bishop. To quote Jim Hacker, they hanker for clergy-persons as bishops who are "a cross between a socialite and a socialist". 

Sarah Mullally is being equated to the new Archbishop of Paris Archbishop by Archbishop Mark Coleridge. His Tweet has been re-tweeted by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB. Do not these two men know that the Church declared Anglican Orders invalid? Do they not know that St. Pope John Paul II declared the Church teaching that a woman cannot be ordained is infallible and to be held by all the faithful? These men are cunning, subtle, dissenters.

Coleridge and Rosica promoting the silk-scarf wearing "bishopess"

Not one word from Coleridge or Rosica that Chief Nursing Officer Mullally lives in darkness, error and lies. Not one word pointing out that she is but a lay woman. Not one word from these men for her to recant, convert to Christ's one, true Church and live a quiet, humble life. But then, it would require that they do so as well. Giving up the jet-set life: now, that would be the beginning of conversion!

Sarah Mullally (right) at her "consecration" as a bishopess 

Friday 15 December 2017

Traditional Rorate Mass by Candlelight in Toronto

The Rorate Mass in Toronto. Tomorrow morning, at 5:45 a.m., there will be a sung Votive Mass of Our Lady in Advent by candlelight. Please attend and bring family, friends, and those interested in the Faith. 

The beautiful St. Mary's church. 

Thursday 14 December 2017

James Martin S.J. is working for the Synagogue of Satan

Can there be any doubt that the institutional "Church" is total collapse? That a priest would praise an agent of the devil, shows who James Martin S.J. is working for. He is not working for Our Lord Jesus Christ, He is working for the Father of Lies. 

What does this say about prominent churchmen who promote this evil man? These Jesuits, Basilians and others who flock around this vile creature, latching onto his every lie, as truth? It tells us too, that they - like James Martin S.J. - are working for the devil.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

The Red Dragon and Catholic Youth: how the young generation in the Church has been won over to Satan

Catholic youth promting Lesbian "art" 
The Catholic Church is in near total collapse in the decadent "west". Europe, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand are rapidly descending into a new dark age, with the institutional Church either encouraging this decline, or sitting quietly on the side-lines. Poland is possibly the sole exception, but this Nation too has many traitors and desperately needs our prayers. 

I have written on a number of occasions that the fall-out rate for teenagers and early-twenties from even the most "conservative" parishes in Toronto is (and I am being indulgent here) easily in excess of 90%. Let there be no doubt: from what I observe, we are headed towards a huge, massive collapse of the Church.

Occultism, Lesbian "chic" and our once Catholic youth
"So-called "poster" Catholic families are going down like ninepins. The evidence is there for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear. Social media is one of the clearest ways to see what has happened to a Catholic family. Years of Mass attendance, years at Catholic "schools" (including private ones) is showing that this is absolutely no defense against the modern world, the dazzle of technology, the lure of sensuality, the traditional seductions of the world, the flesh and the devil. 

In truth these "poster" Catholic families are really re-plays of "fifties Catholicism". A ritualistic piety (Sunday Mass, even daily Mass, and recitations (note recitations! - of the Rosary) mixed with go-along to get-along approach to secularism. The results are obvious. Beautiful liturgy, music, etc. is not enough: not nearly. The Mass, the Sacraments are the bricks, but doctrine is the mortar. Doctrine has not been taught and lived for decades. Modern Catholics loath doctrine. Many still enjoy a beautiful Mass with incense and lace: but doctrine? To live the Mass integrally? To strive to lead a holy life?  Attending Mass is easy, living like a Catholic is very difficult. 

Is this Catholic? Is this even "art"?
This is filth and barbarism
The young, itching to join the world, when given the first chance, throw off this tough religion and join with the Apostasy. Facebook and other social media is a place to watch the tragic surrender of young people to evil. It is on social media that the young open their minds to what they really think. Young women in their twenties, given over to lesbianism, sexual promiscuity with young men, the wearing of clothes that would once make prostitutes blush, the use of language that would make sailors blush.  The men: if we can call them that? Barbarians, uncouth, vulgar, profane, effeminate, weaklings. "Art" for these men are (for example) videos of men simulating urinating in urinals; for women, it is dance fund-raisers for Planned Parenthood and so on. All these examples are real, documented. Yes friends, once Catholic school girls raised funds for the most evil organization on earth. 

Archbishop Fulton Sheen in the mid 19060s once said that if one left America for a year or two and returned, she was unrecognizable. What would he say today? What would he say of "traditionalists" who have mouths like sewers? What would he say of priests who stand by and do NOTHING about this near total collapse of the Church? 

I had the great joy of hearing a holy priest identify Freemasonry as one of the evil forces at work today in the world. When was the last time YOU heard your priest denounce Freemasonry? If your priest is silent, you know he is a "fifties Catholic", his parish is dying, the youth under his charge will be devoured by the Red Dragon.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Poland: Catholic and Free must be Destroyed

"Save Poland and the World with the Rosary" 

What is the real reason for the recent explosion of hatred towards Poland? 

The Guardian accuses "Armia Krajowa"
(the Polish resistance army that fought the Nazis) 
of being "xenophobic" and "far-right".

Why this interest in Poland? Suddenly, voices are heard spewing the most vile hatred towards that Nation. What can it be? What is stimulating the hatred? The lies? 

I am not naive. Poland has made her mistakes, and like every Nation, is not perfect. But she has - at least not yet - openly rejected Christ and the Mass. But Poland is on the cusp: abortion is legally not yet completely banned, divorce, contraception are legal. The Polish State does not yet have a grasp on Catholic Order. Until these three horrors are removed, Poland is still in very grave danger of falling into apostasy. 

However, the recent crowning of Our Lord as King of Poland, the huge Rosary Crusade are signs that Catholic Poles are fighting back against decades of secularism. This is intolerable to the organized traditional, international enemies of Our Lord.  

Just who are they? 

The first international and highly organized group stems from the Pharisees of Our Lord's day. These men, given the once true religion, rejected their Messiah, crucified Him and have been bitter enemies of Him ever since. They are now, in the words of St. John, "the Synagogue of Satan". They hate Christ, His Church and seek at every opportunity to weaken and if possible, destroy the Church. 

More Zionist propaganda accusing Poles of Nazi collaboration

The second international and highly organized group stems from pagan Rome and flows through the various dissenting, esoteric groups of the Middle Ages, finally manifesting itself in Freemasonry. The central, core belief of Freemasonry is Man; this anthropocentric ideology professes religious indifference via religious liberty. In this they are encouraged and supported by the neo-Pharisees.  

Both groups have worked tirelessly to de-Christianize the former Christian Nations. They have just about succeeded, with their de facto hijacking of the Catholic Church. They will not succeed of course, as Our Lord is also Lord of History. Nonetheless, these two, satanically inspired sects will stop at nothing in trying to prepare the world for the coming of the Man of Perdition, the Antichrist (who will be a Jew), and his right-hand-man, the False Prophet (who will be an apostate Catholic Bishop) in enslaving humanity under Lucifer. Now we begin to understand the hatred for any Nation that stands up to fight for Christ. She must be crushed. Traitors are never wanting. Once such group is the "Never Again" organization. A review of its ideology manifests its overt internationalism and masonic spirit. 

In my previous post, I reviewed the fact that the "Great Patriotic March" or Independence Day March in Warsaw of over 100,000 people was a peaceful march by patriots. Concluding the March, two veterans from the AK spoke to the assembled crowd about the dangers of "cosmopolitanism" and "globalism", and the siren call of money to seduce Poland into western secularism. Poles were admonished to be loyal and patriotic and to above all remember that Poland is a Catholic Nation, imbued with the Latin culture. 

One can imagine the horror amongst those who despise Christ and His Church!

So here we are in 2017, with the same enemies of Our Lord Jesus Christ spewing the same hatred.  

Sunday 19 November 2017

Western Elite is spreading LIES about Poland

"60,000 Nazis march in Warsaw", so goes the HUGE and MONUMENTAL LIE being spread by an assortment of anti-Catholic and anti-Polish bigots. 

"Tens of thousands of neo-Nazis showed up in Poland..."

 "Today 60,000 neo-fascists marched openly in Poland".

"Poles, often participated in the killings".

 "Neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and right-wing nationalists feel empowered to march on the streets..." 

LIES, LIES and more LIES. 

So claim the likes of Jewish Christ-haters: Jesse Lehrich, Maya Vinokour, Sally Kohn, Seth Abramson, Jan Gross, Anne Applebaum.... in the usual, Zionist owned media outfits. 

The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, etc., really distinguished themselves in spreading deliberate lies. But these lies have an aim: the enslavement - or if Poles refuse - the destruction of Poland, of CATHOLIC Poland. 

I ask: When will decent Jews stand up, reject these Jewish-Zionist, Christ-hating Pharisees and fascists?   


Fascinating that I watched the entire, nearly two and one half hour Polish State televised "Great Patriotic March", but did not see any "fascists", "Nazis", "nationalists", "rascists", a huge crowd of over 100,000. Yes, another HUGE LIE. Not 60,000, but 100,000 plus. 


That a few odd-balls, and western-controlled cranks walked alongside Polish patriots, to then pose for the western, Catholic and Pole-hating media, is a typical trick. Every country has crack pots. Even the Zionist State of Israel has more than its share. Remember the anti-Polish hatred of Yitzhak Shamir? The list is endless. 

To return to our Catholic and Pole-hating Zionists. Strange how they just happened to fly off from the US to far off Warsaw to - wait for it- find in a crowd of over 100,000 a few alleged "Nazis" and "fascists". As one of the War veterans who addressed the crowd said: "we have many traitors who are working with the Germans". So much for being Nazis. 


The banner calling for a "holocaust" against Muslims, was on a bridge and removed immediately by police. It had nothing to do with the Great Patriotic March. Another huge, LIE to smear the Polish patriots. 


Finally, the claim that the Great Patriotic March was not only Nazi, but fascist, xenophobic, anti-semitic (does this include hatred of Arabs too? After all they are semites as well), hateful, bigoted... and on and on is absolutely false. The March had everything to do about defending Poland, Catholic and of Latin culture against both west and east. 


The Great Patriotic March was then concluded with an address to the crowd of over 100,000 by two World War Two veterans from the AK. 

The first military veteran included the following amongst his remarks:

"I have a great suggestion that the noise of cosmopolitanism, globalism under banner of the golden calf; the claim that it can bring us freedom is the promotion of an error. We must oppose this. Only the Polish Republic will bring us independence and freedom. I also wish to add to this, that the Polish people; Poland, always was united with the influence of the Latin culture, and the base of this culture is the Roman Catholic Church....the result is that the idea of this March is very practical. Let us fight for a national Poland that is strong and will not bend to anyone; neither the west the east. May great Poland live!"
The second military veteran, included the following: 

"We have a lot of traitors, who are collaborating with the Germans against our government, this is a disgrace. Your patriotic obligation is to defend Poland at all costs. Let us proclaim three times: God, Honour and the Fatherland"
(Trans. Barona. You may use freely, but you must credit this blog) 

So there you have it, dear friends. The Great Patriotic March was about defending Catholic Poland. It was a call to defending the Nation against "cosmopolitanism, globalism", a call to independence and freedom. In listening to the veterans' remarks, we now know the real reasons why these pathological lying, anti-Christ, anti-Polish bigots and Zionists wish to destroy Poland. They hate Christ and His Church. 

Will you remain silent? Will you continue to bend the knee to anti-Christ forces? If you have a shred of Catholicism, you will defend Christian Poland (Polonia Christiana) from her enemies. They hate Poland on account of Poland trying to be loyal to Christ. 

You need to wake-up and look around you. Look at what is happening in your country. How long will you sit idly by and let cosmopolitanism and globalism spread its Anti-Christ cancer? 

[ By the way: just don't give me any "anti-semitism" talk or propaganda. My grandmother, along with my father (who was a young teenager) risked their lives to save Jews during the war. They went and handed food to Jews  through a barbed wire fence in Przemysl. If they had been caught, it would have been the death penalty. Incidentally, my father received NO money from the German Nazis, after the War. He, a Catholic Pole, was seized  by German troops off the streets and taken as a slave labourer to Germany and to occupied Norway. Being a creative, daring and innovative youth, he escaped to Sweden (a Nation that took care of him, and which I hold a special place in my heart for Swedes). My aunt too, was taken to Germany as a slave. But, to this day, Germany hands out billions to the Zionist, rascist, State of Israel, but nothing to Catholic Poland ]

So if you think you are going to pull the "anti-semite" trick on me, don't you bloody dare!