Thursday 31 August 2017


"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive 
treason from within...

...the traitor rots the soul  of a Nation....

A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague". 

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Antifa and Mussolini: is the communist terrorist group the successor to the Blackshirts?

Antifa - we are told by the main stream media - if they even mention the word "Antifa" - is a group of anti-nazi "counter demonstrators". But are they? 

Most readers have - by now - read, or seen acts of gross violence committed by Antifa followers. Antifa justifies the action of its members because views that are "fascist" etc. are not to be manifested in word or deed. Precisely what fascism is, however, Antifa has not defined. 

I would suggest readers read the following as an assessment of Antifa, its goals for society and for the State. 

"...the Antifa conception of the State is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. [Antifa, or government institutions in accord with Antifa] interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people...
Antifa [or government institutions in accord with Antifa], in short, is not only the giver of laws and the founder of institutions, but the educator and promoter of spiritual life. It wants to remake, not the forms of human life, but its content, man, character, faith. And to this end it requires discipline and authority that can enter into the spirits of men and there govern unopposed....

Quite an accurate summation of Antifa and its goals for re-fashioning society.

Now, consider the following from Benito Mussolini. 

(The Doctrine of Fascism, Mussolini, 1932):

The Fascist State, the highest and most powerful form of personality, is a force, but a spiritual force, which takes over all the forms of the moral and intellectual life of man. . . . It is the form, the inner standard and the discipline of the whole person; it saturates the will as well as the intelligence... the Fascist conception of the State is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism, is totalitarian, and the Fascist State - a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values - interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people...
Fascism, in short, is not only the giver of laws and the founder of institutions, but the educator and promoter of spiritual life. It wants to remake, not the forms of human life, but its content, man, character, faith. And to this end it requires discipline and authority that can enter into the spirits of men and there govern unopposed.... if liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government....the Fascist State is a will to power and to government.

The people of Poland - having suffered brutally at the hands of black and red fascists - know their totalitarians. 

Do you?  

Saturday 26 August 2017

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: What is "discernment" in Amoris Laetitia ?

Polonia Christiana presents Bishop Athanasisus Schneider explaining the difference between true and false discernment, within the context of a discussion on Amoris Laetitia. 

The bishop also addresses the grave responsibility of priests - and especially the Pope - in (Bishop Schneider stresses) seemingly allowing a false discernment. Bishop Schneider notes that the Pope has done "nothing to prevent this" and allows the teaching and interpretation of Amoris Laetitia to go in the direction of false discernment. 

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Death Trap in Afghanistan for the United States of America

The United States is committed to perpetual war in Afghanistan. Defeated, like the British and Soviets before them, the men who control the United States of America (Zionists and Freemasons) are determined to continue this lost war. 

These evil men, who control the United States, know exactly what they are doing and why. Internationalists, anti-Christians, haters of Christ and His Church, they are using this war - as they used so many others - to re-fashion the world in the image of Satan, who is their father. 

War is a punishment for sin. There has and is a lot of sin going on. Abortion being the first. Unnatural vice being the second. God will not be mocked. He has allowed the former Christian nations to fall into the hands of those who hate Him and His Son as a punishment for infidelity. 

Dear friends, pray for these soldiers being sent off to die in a foreign land, fighting someone else's war. Going off to die in vain. 

Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Conversion of Jews: A Catholic's Duty as we celebrate Mary, Queen of Israel

Today the Church celebrates the Queenship of Mary. Our Blessed Mother was Jewish. She was and remains forever the Lily of Israel. 

Israel, meaning that Nation that was selected by God for the purpose of giving His Son to humanity. It does not mean the Zionist state of "Israel", which is a secular entity and opposed to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Catholics should take note of this key point. Zionism is an enemy of Our Lord and His Church.  

Catholics who read Polish, would do well to study the writings of St Maximilian Kolbe. This great Marian Franciscan strove might and main all his life to convert Jews and Freemasons. Needless to say, for his efforts, they strove to block his beatification and canonization. The enemies of God failed. God would not be mocked, and His great saint was formally canonized. What would St. Maximilian say about the treachery and betrayal of the churchmen of today? Even if it be a man who would one day be pope? Even if evil and false documents be published in the Vatican? A Vatican that the saint warned the Freemasons intended to rule, with the pope as the devil's "errand boy".

The Queenship, of the Blessed Virgin applies to her position within the Kingship of Christ. As the popes have always taught, the state owes Christ the King public worship and honour. The Church may tolerate "separation" of Church and State to avoid greater evils (e.g. in a divided nation, armed conflict), but She calls on all Her children to strive to make the social Kingship of Christ a reality. In doing so, Catholics then give due honour to Mary as Queen. 

Firstly, Mary is the Queen of souls and hearts. But, as we are also social beings, she is the Queen of our social life and activity. The highest form of social life of a people is their union as a state or nation. Mary is, by right, the Queen of every Nation, beginning with her own, the Jewish people. When Catholics realize this, and believe this, they quickly understand what it means for the state of "Israel" to reject Mary. Interestingly, prior to the rise of political Zionism, not one rabbi could be found who ever taught that "Israel" could be re-founded by men, These rabbis, though they rejected Our Lord, still understood that "Israel" is for God to dispose, not men. 

Friends, the Jews are in grave spiritual and physical danger. They rejected Our Lord and now, sadly, most no longer even believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Many were involved in Bolshevism, and to this day, many - sadly many - follow one false messianic ideology or another. If not bolshevism, then international finance and capitalism, freemasonry, socialism, neo-conservatism, alt-left and alt-right. Everything -seemingly -  but not Our Lord Jesus Christ. Having rejected Our Lord 2000 years ago, their motto would seem to be "non serviam". 

The Church has taught - as the great Jewish convert Abbe Lemann documented in his monumental work, "L'Antechrist" (The Antichrist) - that the Man of Perdition, the Man of Sin, will be Jewish. This makes total sense. Whereas, the Jews rejected Christ, and crucified Him; they will accept another, the Antichrist. Satan seeks to seduce the Jewish people -  the once chosen people of God - through their own choosing of the Antichrist, to become his people. He has torn them away from Christ, now, in their tragic wandering from one error to the next, he seeks to get them to acclaim the Man of Sin as the Christ. St. John the Evangelist (himself a Jew) prophesied this in the Book of Revelation. 

Pray to Our Blessed Lady, the Queen of Israel for the conversion of the Jewish people, that they come to see whom they have pierced. That they see in Him, not just a fellow Jew according to the flesh, but their God, their King, the King of Israel, the World, the Universe! 

Monday 21 August 2017

The Pope: A Day in the Life

Pope Pius rose about four, shaved and dressed without a valet. Then he went to his private chapel, meditated and read Prime from an immense breviary which was his most treasured possession. He said Mass, served by one of his chaplains, and himself gave Communion to those invited to assist; then he heard a second Mass. A cup of black coffee awaited him in his study. A sort walk in the garden. Back to his study and his correspondence and a few private audiences. A simple dinner at one, usually in the company of several members of his household.

Pius X broke the tradition which prescribed that the Pope eat alone. When he invited someone to dine with him he saw consternation on several faces. When he asked the reason, he was told that it had been the custom of the popes to dine alone. 

"Since when has it been the custom?", he asked.

'Since Urban VIII set the rule", was the answer. 

"If Urban VIII had the right to make such a rule," he said serenely, "then Pius X has an equal right to abolish it". 

His were simple meals however. he allowed five lire a meal for his own food, when even the frugal Leo XIII  had allowed eight. 

Many of the other treasured Vatican rules and customs had also been changed.No one was allowed to kiss his slipper. Those received in private audience sat while they talked with him. Simple priests were often guests at his table. Out of a stable full of horses he kept two for his rare drives. As for the sedia, the chair of state, in which Pope Leo had delighted to be carried even in the garden, Pope Pius would use that only when formality absolutely demanded. He disliked it intensely; one reason he gave was that it made him dizzy. 

From two to five o'clock in the afternoon he spent in his own apartments alone. More audiences followed; the reading of his breviary, a walk in the garden if there was time. Back to work, a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, rosary with the household, and supper at nine - usually minestrone and wine. Then he saw more people - mostly intimate friends - until eleven or later, when Monsignor Bressan read aloud to him, often from his beloved Imitation of Christ, of which he had given away hundreds of copies to his friends. Then more work. The light in the Vatican windows burned late as the light had burned in the study at Venice or in the seminary at Treviso or the rectory at Tembolo. At his own request his attendants went to bed, and the Vatican was asleep long before the Pope. 


The Life of Giuseppe Melchiore Sarto Pope Pius X 
Katherine Burton
Longmans, Green and Co. 1950

Friday 18 August 2017

REAL NAZIS? Why was the US and EU supporting Nazis in the Ukraine?

John McCain, pathological Russophobe and war-monger
We have heard a lot about Nazis in recent days. What we have not heard about is the strange support of REAL Nazis from the most unlikeliest of places. Take Senator John McCain for example.  He did not think twice about supporting the various neo-Nazi organizations in the Ukraine. 

Victoria Nudelman (Nuland) Jewish neo-con and neo-Nazi supporter
Nor did Victoria Nudelman (Nuland). A Jewish neo-con, she actively got involved in supporting Nazis that were highly active in the attempted Maidan putsch. Unfortunately for Nudelman and McCain, more sensible heads prevailed, and even Ukrainians in their vast majority rejected the loathsome Nazis who were striving for a full-scale coup in Kiev.  

McCain and Nudelman (Nuland) with US & EU sponsored Nazis

When will the various elected officials and high ranking government bureaucrats renounce UNCONDITIONALLY their support of Ukrainian Nazism?

It is fascinating how neo-con outfits - such as CNN - denounce the "bad" Nazis (KKK and other red-neck losers), while supporting the "good" Nazis (the internationally financed with billions, the Ukrainian Svoboda and other Nazi affiliated and sympathetic parties). People have such short memories. 

Neo-nazis marching with banner glorifying genocidal maniac, Bandera

Friends, learn your history. Stepan Bandera and his OUN-UPA fascists and other Nazis and their sympathizers are the real McCoy, not assorted white trash and ignorant red-necks running around in bed-sheets waving Nazi flags. 

Ukrainian Nazis glorifying Stepan Bandera

I wrote in 2014
Stepan Bandera, the "hero" of so-called Ukrainian nationalists, was a sadistic and bestial murderer of well over one hundred thousand Poles. His military Nazi units also were responsible for exterminating at least 9000 Jews in 1941.  His fanaticism also led his debased followers to even murder Ukrainians who did not approve of his vile activities. 
This loathsome creature is presently receiving a posthumous hero's welcome in Kiev. American Senator, John McCain, who distinguishes himself in outrageous foreign buffoonery, outdid himself this past January, by sharing the stage in Kiev with "Banderowscy". 

The Banderites still have not only very strong support in the Ukraine, but also amongst many of Ukrainian descent living in Canada and the US. One apologist for these people is none other than Canadian foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland. She is typical of the Ukrainian Nazi collaborators and apologists living in Canada. 

Please watch the following video. Warning, contains graphic content. 


Having watched the video, you now know what REAL NAZIS are like!

Now you know why Russia deals so firmly with these despicable, evil fascists and Nazis.  

Please pray for reconciliation in eastern Europe. Our Lord Jesus Christ overcomes every hatred and evil. As I also wrote in 2014, "peace be unto the Ukraine". May that sad nation be reconciled with Poland and Russia. May a Nazi and communist free Ukraine take her place amongst free Nations. May she reject the false allure of materialism offered by America and western Europe. 

The Ukrainians are far too great a people to be pawns of the country that is under the domination of the Nation that rejected and crucified their greatest countryman and King: Our Lord Jesus Christ. 


"Communists are good, Nazis are bad". So says Archbishop Rupert Weakling. 

Fr. Aidan McNutty has been hard at work for his Superior - the aforementioned Archbishop Weakling.  

Fr.McNutty has created a musical video tribute: "COMMUNISTS ARE GOOD, NAZIS ARE BAD", with his seminarians celebrating the communist protest outside the US Consulate in Toronto this past Monday, August 14, 2017. The video is to be distributed to various media outlets and to seminaries as social justice material.

Fr. McNutty, as Rector of the "Seminary of the Franciscan Flyers of the Annulment" is rightly proud of the new video offering. 

Toronto Catholic Witness obtained the video from a source who wishes to remain anonymous.  We have been informed that Archbishop Weakling himself selected the music, which should come at no surprise as he is affectionately known by his friends as  "LAM" (Living After Midnight).  

The video was carefully screened by Ms. Ann Thrope - a feminist, a devotee of "Lesbo Power" and an ex-nun - before it was distributed via the underground to seminaries and religious Orders.

Monday 14 August 2017

BREAKING: Communists protest outside US Consulate in Toronto

"How can you make a Revolution, without executions"?
V.I. Lenin

The mainstream media is not reporting that communists were part of the terrorist and hate groups active in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Toronto media reported that there was a small protest outside the US Consulate on University Ave in Toronto. 

However, what the Toronto media did not report, is that it was organized by communists. This media silence, once again, shows how deeply the western elite is infiltrated with materialism and  Marxism. The protest itself was not dangerous, but rather a sad sight of tragic, deluded young people. But it is indicative of how Communism is given the "soft-shoe shuffle" by the wealthy elite that control the media, corporations, finance and the universities. Imagine the police and media reaction had a few eccentric Hitlerites decided to have a protest! 

How society will be improved by the replacing of the KKK or some other naturalistic and anti-Christ group with the equally anti-Christ Communist movement remains to be explained by our deluded young friends.  

In fact, Communism is infinitely more dangerous than the KKK ever was. Whereas the KKK was a movement of Freemasons, members of the Democrat Party, and red-neck racists; communism was and remains a worldwide movement, funded by incredibly wealthy internationalists, that has exterminated well over 100 million people. These poor young people do not realize that if communism ever conquered Canada, they themselves would probably face the firing squad as hooligans. Communism has a history of devouring its own. 

For all the brutality and rapacious murder committed by the National Socialists, communism has emerged much more bloody. Be it Lenin and colleagues and their mass murders in Russia, or the torture trains that crossed through Hungary under Bela Kohn, (literally soaked in blood) or the horrors of Stalin, Beria etc., where victims could be striped naked and thrown outside in the Siberian winter to freeze and be devoured by wolves, the killing was relentless. The communists then exported their hate-filled blood baths to Africa, Asia and South America. In western Europe and North America they settled on a tactic of demoralization. This is the true face of communism. 

The Hammer and Sickle is one of the most evil of symbols, one of violence, hatred and pathological murder. However, it is still embraced by perhaps millions. 

Please pray for these sad souls that they come to see true liberation in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Basilian Order being sued by former Altar Boy for sexual abuse ~ are there any more victims?

The Basilian Order is being sued by a former Altar Boy in Calgary. 

The Calgary Herald reports:  

On Wednesday, a lawsuit was filed in Calgary court against a religious order of the Catholic church, alleging decades-old sexual abuse at the hands of a Calgary priest and teacher at Bishop Grandin High School that left a former Calgary resident permanently scarred. 

None of the allegations have been proven in court. Postmedia has agreed not to publish the plaintiff’s full name. 

The 53-year-old plaintiff is a former head altar boy, Catholic youth group member and Bishop Grandin student who alleges he was repeatedly abused by Father Frederick Cahill for several months in 1981.

Robert Talach, the plaintiff’s London, Ont.-based lawyer, has represented abuse victims across Canada for the last 15 years. He says his client “is just trying to make something good out of something bad, and perhaps embolden other victims to come forward.”

This Order has had its share of molesters and committers of physical violence. Readers may wish to review Sylvia's Site for further information. 

The abuse of children is a particularly diabolical sin. The abuse of boys by homosexual priests is particularly fiendish. Robert Talach, the plaintiff's lawyer rightly calls upon other men to step forward. 

If there are any more victims, I encourage them to seek help, to approach the police: make a stand! 

Do NOT allow a Judas-priest to live off the widow's mite; to blood-suck on the Church. 

The abuse of children must stop, homosexual pederasts must be exposed and driven out of the Church. 

This is particularly sad for me, as I was educated by Basilians. I knew a number of very fine outstanding priests. These abusers not only disgrace Christ, but they profane His Church and besmirch the sacred honour of good and holy priests. 

However, it would seem that the days of the Basilians are over. With virtually no vocations, and a growing betrayal of their original charism (e.g. the collapse of St. Michael's College at the University of Toronto, where the Basilians are opposing Cardinal Collins' attempts to wrest control of the College away from them) it is only a matter of time before they are no more. 

Given the crimes of a number of their members, it is only Divine Justice that they disappear. 

Sunday 13 August 2017

Feast of the Assumption ~ Solemn Latin Mass in Toronto

The Feast of the Assumption - a Solemn Latin Mass - and according to the 1962 Roman Rite, will be celebrated at St. Mary's Catholic Parish in Toronto.

George Weigel & Antonio Spadaro think completely alike ~ both are liberal Catholics

George Weigel is a prominent member and writer for the "Institute of Religious and Public Life", an organization that runs "First Things". Just what is their ideology? They tell us:

The Institute’s mission is to articulate a governing consensus that supports:

  • a religiously pluralistic society that defends human dignity from conception to natural death.
  • a democratic, constitutionally ordered form of government supported by a religiously and morally serious culture. 
  • a vision of freedom that encourages a culture of personal and communal responsibility. 
  • loyalty to the Western tradition that provide a basis for responsible global citizenship.
It is a mission statement that George Weigel approves of as a Member of the Board. Before we continue, let us recall and keep in mind that Weigel has declared himself an opponent of Fr. Antonio Spadaro S.J. 

But, is Weigel being consistent? Is there really opposition between the two men? Or, is it only a matter of tactics? A superficial opposition? 

Let us explore this, by contrasting the Institute's mission statement with the following:
"It is important to recognize that we are all citizens, and not divide citizens into believers or nonbelievers, Catholics or Protestants. What is truly important in political life is to recognize that we are all citizens of this country". 
"The church asks politicians to commit themselves in the world to build a better world through dialogue while bringing its own values to this project while respecting the fundamental separation of church and state".

No difference, is there? Now, who wrote the second passage? 

Perchance George Weigel? 

No! It was none other than Fr. Antonio Spadaro S.J., in an interview he granted to the Jesuit neo-Modernist magazine, America.  

Yet, George Weigel would have us believe he is a "conservative" and in the right, and Spadaro a "liberal", in the wrong. A grave error to think so.  

No, Weigel is a liberal Catholic just as is Antonio Spadaro. 

George Weigel and Antonio Spadaro
a priori condemned by Pope Pius XI
You will notice that both men are SILENT about Jesus Christ and the social and political life of the Nation.  Both are social modernists, strongly condemned by, for example, Pius XI. "First Things" and "America" is really an in-house quarrel between proponents of liberalism. It is very interesting and extremely interesting that both statements manifest a vision that is incredibly similar to that of Freemasonry. 

Catholics, who may yet doubt my thesis (after all, Weigel has spent a good part of three decades rubbing shoulders with powerful churchmen), should acquaint themselves with at least one of Wiegel's ponderous and verbose articles. An example of his mature intellectual thought can be read here.

Now to an experiment. 

Read Pius XI's, Ubi Arcano and Quas Primas. 

Give it a few days, absorb the teaching of the holy Pope. Then return and re-read Weigel. The contrast between the Pope and Weigel is horrifying. Weigel has completely rejected the social Kingship of Christ. 

There, in Weigel's 1994 treatise, you see the insidious horror of liberalism, of Americanism. As a quaint aside, you will notice too, how the poor, deluded man's predictions did not come to pass. Weigel even wrote these words about the charlatan and pervert, Bill Clinton: "Then there is the fact that we have a President who, unlike his predecessor, is unabashedly public about his Christian faith, and who seems to understand that the engagement of differing religious convictions within the bond of democratic civility is good for America". 

How could he write such buffoonery? How can any Catholic, or for that matter, any serious Christian or man or woman of good faith who is seeking Christ listen to this man? Yet he dares to excoriate Fr. Spadaro! A fellow liberal!

To re-emphasize: what Weigel and Spadaro advocate - a society that is: "a religiously pluralistic society...a democratic...government...for responsible global citizenship" [the Institute], and that "we are all build a better world through dialogue...respecting the...fundamental separation of church and state" [Spadaro] - is it a position that can be held by a Catholic? 

We shall seek the answer from Pius XI and see if Wiegel (Americanism) and Spadaro (Sillonism) think as the Pope did (Catholicism).  

Pius wrote: 

With God and Jesus Christexcluded from political life, with authority derived not from God but from man, the very basis of that authority has been taken away, because the chief reason of the distinction between ruler and subject has been eliminated. The result is that human society is tottering to its fall, because it has no longer a secure and solid foundation." Ubi Arcano 

"If, therefore, the rulers of nations wish to preserve their authority, to promote and increase the prosperity of their countries, they will not neglect the public duty of reverence and obedience to the rule of Christ". Quas Primas

"When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony". Quas Primas

"The right which the Church has from Christ himself, to teach mankind, to make laws, to govern peoples in all that pertains to their eternal salvation, that right was denied. Then gradually the religion of Christ came to be likened to false religions and to be placed ignominiously on the same level with them". Quas Primas

Whom do you follow? Americanists, Sillonists, or the Catholic Church? 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

The Wolf in the Fold

Pro-homosexual & Planned Parenthood propaganda actively
participated in by "Catholics"

For watchers of Star Trek, we all remember the seemingly innocent who actually was the malevolent knife murderer. But reality is always stranger than fiction. 

So too, in the Catholic Church we have our "soul" murderers. 

Duplicitous fraudsters who live a double-life, masquerading as pious Catholics, but, in reality, and by their fruits, vicious spiritual destroyers. 

I wish to discuss not evil clergy, but evil laity for a change. 

I do not refer to lapsed and confused adults, but to those who publicly manifest piety, even go to Church, but in their dealings with others, and - most tragically - with their families - are ravenous wolves. 

Pro-abortion materials sold at the "Brazen" event

Nothing is more vile than a Catholic parent or a teacher who neglects or even panders to an evil lifestyle of a child, yet all the while going to church. 

Nothing is more pathetic than to see poster Catholic families collapsing as child after child wanders off into lesbianism, libertinism, pro-abortionism etc., etc.  

There is nothing more pathetic than to see supposed "Catholic" parochial schools "within the Catholic tradition" totally oblivious to degenerate students. Rattling off daily Rosaries is not the solution. I, for one, am not in good cheer. But that is what happens as fathers, as men become more effeminate, allowing themselves to be dominated by women. The family is turned on its head, with obvious results. Men, refuse to be men. 

Obviously, something did not click. It is one thing to know about Jesus Christ. It is another thing to love Him. By their fruits ye shall know them.  

St. Alphonsus di Liguori discusses the duties and obligations a parent has towards children. On judgment Day, a parent will have to answer before God for the soul of the youngster. The same applies to teachers who have charge over young people. 

Friday 4 August 2017

George Weigel falls into Antonio Spadaro's trap

George Weigel is no intellectual match for Antonio Spadaro S.J.

As I predicted from the outset, Fr. Spadaro's article was a very carefully crafted essay, with no "mistakes". Fr. Spadaro knew exactly what he was doing. 

He knows how deeply Americanism runs in the DNA of the Catholic Church in America.  Fr. Spadaro only threw the bone and the dogs come running. More will come. 

George Weigel, in a neo-con, Americanist, counter-attack against Fr. Spadaro ends up flailing at air. Weigel, a liberal (paradoxically like Spadaro), reveals his deeply set Americanist mind set. 

Readers should be aware that Weigel, a hard-core neo-con war-monger, excoriated Pope John Paull II for the now sainted Pope's warning against the 1st Iraq War. Weigel is part of the neo-con Beltway establishment connected to jet-setting, upper-tax bracket figures, who has amassed a small fortune on the licensing of his biography of the late, Polish Pope. 

Weigel recently tried to twist the staunchly anti-liberal and anti-Americanist Leo XIII into a liberal like himself. 

Well, a huge victory for Fr. Spadaro. 

BREAKING: Knights of Malta propose new military uniforms for members

The Knights of Columbus, ever alert to be more "meaningful" for the Church have unveiled their new 4th Degree uniform. A full review may be seen at Vox Cantoris

Reports on internet also suggest that the Knights of Malta are finalizing their new uniform as well. 

Since their (strongly denied) emasculation by the Supreme Pontiff, the effeminate Knights, in an attempt to bolster their image within the Church, and to re-emphasize their absolute unceasing fight for Christ the King in combatting liberalism, Modernism, Freemasonry and Homosexual infiltration in the Vatican have decided upon a more martial public image. 

The following photo was sent to Toronto Catholic Witness by a Knight who wishes to remain anonymous. 

Tuesday 1 August 2017

St. Michael's College in Toronto promoted the LGBT agenda for years !

President Mulroney being installed by H.E. Thomas Cardinal Collins

The Toronto Star reports that St. Michael's College at the University of Toronto is involved with a clash with its President, David Mulroney. The full story may be read here. Those wishing to learn a bit more about President Mulroney, may wish to visit here. 

Very tellingly, the Faculty in their Letter to the President do not reply to any of his serious charges regarding moral and academic sliding. 

I shall, for this post, merely give my own personal experience. In the early 2000s, I needed to visit the Registrar's Office a number of times. Things had definitely changed since I had studied at St. Mike's a number of years earlier. 

Firstly, one was met with the "Homo Hop" posters, that were plastered all over the campus, advertising the upcoming so-called "dance" at the Basilian run College. One wonders how many of these psychologically tortured young homosexual men and lesbian women after the "hop" then wondered off to masturbate each other? 

Yes, dear friends, a dance for "gays and lesbians" was going to be held at a Catholic University. I know for a fact, that there have been multiple "homo hops" at St. Mike's. 

But it got worse. Far worse. 

Upon entering the Registrar's Office, I noticed "gay" rainbow triangle stickers plastered about the Office, with words to the effect of creating a "positive space" for homosexuals. 

Glancing about, I could not help but notice the dichotomy of stickers promoting homosexual activity in the same building with prominent paintings of priests long since dead. What would these true pastors of souls thought? 

What would the real Basilians thought of this betrayal of Christ, His Church, parents and young people? 

The report in the Toronto Star should not shock any Catholic who keeps an eye of St. Mike's and the Basilians. 

More to follow.