Sunday 6 October 2024

DAN HORAN: Why is this jet-setting dissenter leaving the priesthood?

Dan Horan, a notorious blasphemer and dissenter has announced that he has left the priesthood. His superiors always openly supported him, so there is no question of them cramping his style.

Notice, Horan is not leaving his university position where he picks up a nice salary reflecting the evangelical poverty of St Francis. Here the words of St. Luke apply: To dig I am not able; to beg I am ashamed". 

On this blog we have written much about Horan: his advocacy of great evils, his attacks on Christian morality. So what is the REAL reason? It will soon come out. It does not take much imagination as to what it is. In the meantime, I post for readers what I reported on Horan from a few years ago:

"Queering" the Church with Dan Horan, OFM 

Dan P. Horan OFM, is a nasty, vicious dissenter. A jet-setting, semi-professional marathoner (a very expensive undertaking for anyone who knows this sport), book writer and travelling public speaker, Horan does not live evangelical poverty, making a mockery of the true Franciscan life.  

As an advocate for homosexual perversion, Horan has distinguished himself by promoting the "gay culture". Horan now refers to Holy Matrimony as "different-sex marriage". This is just how evil he is: comparing homosexual acts to the holy Act proper to the Union between husband and wife, willed by Christ. 

When asked why he puts up photos of practicing homosexuals holding hands, Horan mocks the questioner with the ridiculous smear of "homophobia". 

Dan Horan mocking those who ask him why he promotes homosexuality 

Horan belongs to the homosexual-infested, US east-coast based, Holy Name Province, which has a long history of militant pro-homosexual dissent. The "friars" who run St. Francis of Assisi parish in NYC are particularly virulent in their promotion of homosexuality. Similar "LGBT" agitprop locations are in Boston and Hartford. If these so-called Franciscans are not decorating their churches in "rainbow" colours of the so-called "gay liberation movement"...

Franciscan Fr. Michael Carnevale triumphantly holding aloft the
gay "Rainbow Flag". WHY? 
...they are busy waving the "Rainbow Flag", accepting postulants who have written "gay" literature, sending their parishioners to notorious gay bars, and so on. For further information on the homosexual infiltration of Holy Name Province, please read here. 

It is within this evil and satanic environment, that Horan has just attacked the Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. You should not be surprised. 

Friends, please recall the words of Fr. John O'Connor from nearly thirty years ago: "these homos despise our religion". 

Homosexuals entered the priesthood to destroy the Catholic Faith. Striking at the Eucharist and Catholic Morality (especially by promoting the "gay liberation movement") is at the core of their hatred of Christ and His Church.

But the Truth will ALWAYS defeat evil. Behold Pope Benedict XVI. 

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