"There were bishops at the Synod who wished to erase the truth"
Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, quoted in Polonia Christiana, Oct, 30th, 2014
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Gerhard Cardinal Muller |
Most people ignored the very serious statements coming from Poland during and following the extraordinary Synod of the Family held last October, where the Polish bishops denounced the mid-term relatio as contrary to the teachings of the Church, contrary to the Magisterium of St. Pope John Paul II. Most people continue to ignore these warnings being sent our way by the Polish Bishops Episcopal Conference. I can assure readers, that the fight has barely begun, and that the Polish bishops were outraged by the mid-term relatio's heresies.
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Archbishop Henryk Hoser |
The two main errors stemming from the mid-term relatio is the proposal to fudge on giving Holy Communion to a canonically married Catholic who has "divorced" and "re-married" in a civil "ceremony". Such a second impure relationship is know as adultery: this is the "Adulterist Party". The second main error is the mid-term relatio's statement on homosexuality (introduced, as we now know by Archbishop Bruno Forte without knowledge of the fathers); this is the "Homosexualist Party".
Sadly, the voices of Catholic sanity coming from Poland, denouncing these two main errors were ignored. Very few "official" Catholic sources reported the words of Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki or, more recently, Archbishop Henryk Hoser. The words of these two men deserve careful study, for they are of exceptional gravity. Archbishop Gadecki also severely criticized the church in Germany. He was ignored. Let us not delude ourselves: a line in the sand has been drawn between the Vistula and the Rhine.
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St. Pope John Paul II - betrayed by the Hierarchy according to Archbishop Hoser |
In 1939, the forces of darkness, the logical spiritual heirs of Martin Luther, unleashed their hatred on Christ and the world. Now, in 2015, German bishops (along with allies in western Europe and North America), intoxicated on Luther, Kant and Hegel, backed by decadent financial muscle, believe they can "strong arm" the Pope into granting them a change on pastoral practice, but leave doctrine "officially" alone. They have seriously miscalculated. The Church in Poland may not have financial muscle, but the Church in Poland prays, the Church in Poland still has Mary for her Queen, and the Church in Poland with her allies from the Churches in Africa, Asia, and other strong pockets of resistance from around the world, will defeat the new invading forces of darkness. Be assured of that.
If there is going to be schism, it will be the material heretics going. Catholics are already joining together in prayer, educating themselves, and preparing for spiritual combat with the promoters of this "serious Christological heresy".
It is time for the Tiber to decide: do they wish spiritual death to flow from the Rhine, or spiritual life from the Vistula? Most Holy Father: Quo vadis?
Pope Francis is behind these heresies and encourages it. He allowed it in Argentina.
i like, many of us like people who stand up for a change! yes, it ticked me when Pope Francis put the creepo heretics like kasper IN CHARGE of the Synod. For even CALLING A SYNOD on the Family to start with. Doctrine was achieved and all SETTLED by St John Paul II. Pope Francis knew and did two terrible things: 1) calling a new synod on the family to start with and 2) putting the KRAZY KASPER THE GHOSTS in charge of it FULL KNOWING they were creepy little pro-gay modernists. So, let us CELEBRATE the Polish Bishops and PRAY AND FAST for them; pray even for an investigation on the ILLEGAL KASPER-BERGOGLIO JUNTA CAMPAIGN in the last CONCLAVE because a COUP D'ETAT is uncanonical. Campaigning is ILLEGAL, UNCANONICAL. So let's pray these Poles promote a NEW CONCLAVE!
good to see faithful standing up! sadly we may find the faithful to be the minority and pushed aside. we are surely in the end times! pf at the end of the synod came off neutral but the conservative Cardinal Burke is somewhat exiled, and his nemesis is untouched, so obviously pf is not neutral... the midterm report was so sneaky. end times. all is in God's hands...
For over two thousand years the Holy Spirit has protected the Catholic Church against dogmatic error. Should we now believe that the guarantee of Christ that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church has expired?
Make no mistake.
This debate is about SACRILEGE against the Body and Blood of Christ.
And violation of Sacred Scripture teaching - which is the inspired speech of God in entirety - (CCC 81).
Read: 1 Cor 11:27-30;
and Christ's teaching about 'Profaning the Holy' Mt 7:6.
CCC: # 2120.
" Discipline Regarding the Denial of Holy Communion to Those Obstinately Persevering in Manifest Grave Sin"
Allowing those who obstinately choose to continue living in the state of Mortal Sin - commit SACRILEGE against the Eucharist/REAL PRESENCE.
Sorry, Susan Fox here, I have written something so long, it must be pasted in here twice. This is part I:
This piece is very well written, and I think the thought is perfectly sound. And I loved the end. That is the question, Where are we going Pope Francis? Very often people assert he is dragging us off course. But could the Holy Father be trying to save the German Church from schism? Pope John Paul II went through this trial with the United States through the rebellion of the Archdiocese of Seattle 1975 to 1991. Archbishop Hunthausen disbanded the diaconate until such time as we would have women priests. He allowed Dignity, a pro-homosexual group, into the main cathedral and welcomed them by video (he had an excuse to be out of town). Marriage annulments were very liberal with wives with six children not even allowed to comment in the annulment process, and her husband's new marriage blessed by the Church. A close friend of mine has not returned to the Church decades later because his mother was married by the Catholic Church several times, and he grew up with a succession of nutbag stepfathers -- all approved by the Catholic Church. Even worse Hunthausen invited all the bishops of the United States to join him in resisting the Catholic ban on women priests. And if they had taken him up on it, we -- in the United States -- would have been in schism since that time! Luckily they chose not to follow Archbishop Hunthausen. Pope John Paul II tried to discipline him. He took away his teaching authority and sent in what was then Bishop Wuerl, now Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington D.C. Cardinal Wuerl was given the authority to teach doctrine in the Archdiocese of Seattle, while Hunthausen was relegated to an administrator archbishop. Unfortunately, that diocese was so riddled with dissident Catholics that Bishop Wuerl only lasted one year. My mother lived there then, and she wept over the suffering of Bishop Wuerl. He could not change the spiritual course of
Seattle, and I think Pope John Paul II, having faced so recently the near schism of the entire United States over the issue of women priests, backed down. It was early in his pontificate, and rather than pull the head off the hydra, Pope Saint John Paul II let it rest. It was like he retreated to write encyclicals, realizing that generation rejected the faith, but perhaps the next generation would listen to him. And I think that has happened largely. I know many young priests who are priests because of Pope John Paul II. Mary Wagner is a pro-life martyr in prison because of Pope John Paul II's teachings on civil disobedience and the Gospel of Life. Pope John Paul II was faithful and fruitful, but after Hunthausen, he -- as far as I know -- did not engage in direct confrontation with the evil that presents itself within the Catholic Church. This evil emerged publicly in the interim document of the Synod on the Family, and now in the words of the German bishops. Pope Benedict, then Cardinal Ratzinger, ordered the apostolic visitation to Seattle about 1985, which resulted in Cardinal Wuerl's appointment. Archbishop Thomas Murphy's replaced Wuerl as coadjutor archbishop of Seattle in 1987. He did not have as much authority as Wuerl, but was more of a watchdog until Hunthausen retired early -- in 1991. Then Murphy took over the archdiocese. I remember that's when Lawrence and I moved back to Washington State. We read the Catholic paper regularly. It was reported that Archbishop Murphy asked the priests of the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle to now put aside their support for women priests. Clearly ONE-Third of the priests of that Archdiocese signed a petition saying we love you Archbishop Murphy, but we REFUSE to put aside our support for women priests. (Similar to the number of angels who fell with satan, who said, "I will not serve!") And of course all during that time, we were subjected to women giving sermons in Mass, ex-priests now married men giving sermons in Sunday Mass. (to be continued)
PartII, regarding Seattle:
The tabernacles were all moved to the side or hidden in broom closets. Churches were built without kneelers. We stood during the consecration! Although some dumb parishes knelt, and then STOOD after communion. There is a parish in that archdiocese that was forced to put in kneelers, BUT TO THIS DAY (2014) NO ONE IN THAT PARISH WILL USE THEM! My spiritual director visited from New Mexico, and we had one of those heretical sermons with non-priest speaker on Sunday. She went to the narthex during the sermon, knelt down and publicly prayed for my parish. When the pastor of my parish was reassigned, the home-school mothers of the parish were in the parking lot of the church when they heard the news, and they all screamed HOORAY! What a disgrace. What a shame. Seattle to this day still has priests with kinked thinking. But eventually that generation will go away, we pray. Needless to say, I would expect there are faithful Catholics right now in Germany suffering the same thing, and praying that the pope will remove the bishop and not knowing why he hasn't. We didn't understand why Pope John Paul II didn't save us the suffering we went through. And I suspect none of the faithful Catholics in Germany understand either. But if the Church in Germany schisms, none of those faithful Catholics will be able to receive the consolation of the sacraments any longer. That is the price of letting a church schism. And I'm sure that's why the evil was tolerated so long in Seattle and elsewhere. Even in 2001 when my mother died in Washington State, I frantically tried to get a priest from 3 neighboring parishes to come and give her the last sacraments for a solid week! They were all at the beach on the priest retreat. Friday came and they were back. The nearest priest still refused to come and give my mother the last sacraments. He was taking off for the weekend. So this time I called the bishop's office. Well aware this was one of the abuses of the Archdiocese of Seattle under Hunthausen, then Archbishop Brunett had set in place safeguards against this kind of thinking. The chancery had the recalcitrant priest at my mother's bedside 30 minutes after I made the call. He protested to the nurse that my mother didn't need it. She died a week later.
Tuesday was a bad day to die in Seattle. Every priest in every parish in Seattle took Tuesday off. I knew a poor Catholic lady who died on a Tuesday in the '90s, frantically calling for a priest. We'd tried to get her the sacraments before that point, but she was too shy to ask, and the liberal parish secretary said we could not ask for her. She had to call herself. The lady, who died on a Tuesday, used to be a Eucharistic Minister before she got too ill to do that work. And she was shy because she was an American Indian. I know she made it though as the desire for God is the highest form of prayer, and wipes out a multitude of sins. God bless you. Susan Fox www.christsfaithfulwitness.com
Prayers will be said at our weekly prayer group assured from Canada
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