Wednesday 2 December 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Cardinal Parolin delivers speech at COP21 Conference ~ NO mention of God or Our Lord Jesus Christ

Continuing the Secretariat of State's masonically inspired diplomatic policy, which blasphemously leaves to one side Our Lord Jesus Christ, Cardinal Parolin has delivered the Holy See's message to the secularists, the freemasons, the agnostics, deists and Christ-haters that constitute the power brokers at the COP21 "climate change" junket  being staged in Paris. 

That the apostate President of France, Hollande would not mention of Our Lord is to be lamentably expected: but at least he is consistent, he has rejected the Faith of his parents - but what motivates Cardinal Parolin? The Cardinal only once cited anything remotely connected with religion: Laudato Si No 202. That is it. Otherwise, we are left with a Prince of the Church droning on about "human dignity" etc. Empty words without the Prince of Peace. 

The Cardinal's speech could have been delivered by a Freemason. 

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