The TCDSB DENYING the Catholic Faith
The Toronto Catholic District School Board's (TCDSB) schools are in the state of collapse. On this blog we have documented several decades of corruption, heresy, decadence and outright perversion amongst teachers who belong to the militant Union, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA). We have documented its support for priestesses, homosexuality; its running cover for sexual predators by encouraging members to contact the Union rather than speak to authorities during investigations of sexual predation upon minors (usually undertaken by hyper-sexualized feminist teachers who prey on vulnerable teenage boys). OECTA more recently has advocated for abortion.
Over the past few years the rot, the corruption also logically penetrated the TCDSB, where we are in the position that 8 of the trustees have rejected Catholic Faith and morals on human sexuality and the family. We have the grotesque horror of the Board voting in favour of promoting during this month of June what is known as "pride" with regards to homosexuality and its attendant perversions: lesbianism, bisexuality, pansexuality, transexualism, and the denial of the objective reality of the male and female sex. This year has also seen an aggressive propaganda push towards children, where powerful international capitalist entities and governments are openly pushing pedophilia. Again, this is logical: pedophilia and homosexuality have their nexus in the masturbatory act; both coming from the same fount of unnatural lust, as well as being a deformation of the unitive act between husband and wife within Holy Matrimony, that Our Lord Jesus Christ raised to the level of a Sacrament.
It therefore comes as no surprise that we have teachers promoting homosexual acts as good, and equal to the union between the chaste acts proper to a married couple. Thus these degenerates place on the level the marital act of which Our Lord said "the two shall become one flesh" (Mark 10:8) to (e.g.) rimming, fisting, and golden showers.
It also comes as no surprise that those who have rejected Catholic Faith and morals, also end up perverting the Source: Our Lord Jesus Christ (c.f. Romans 1:25). Hence we have a Paulo de Buono tweeting out the following heresy and blasphemy that claims Our Lord had "half-siblings".
Here we have the denial of Our Lady's Perpetual Virginity, which
is a defined dogma, of which the post-baptismal denial is an act of heresy.
One notices the juxtaposition: a strawman fake "Jesus" versus a fake "historical Jesus". The first strawman "Jesus" is so preposterous that no comment is necessary. The second "Jesus", given that it is being pushed as "historical", requires closer scrutiny. As we review it we notice two major influences: the first is quite new: it stems from a Marxist interpretation that Jesus was a liberator, a misunderstood Jew who criticized the Temple authorities and sought to "liberate" the "oppressed". How a mere man can "liberate" is never explained, nor is "oppression" defined. But it definitely is not sin. Contrast this satanic "Jesus" to the words of St. John:
And the Word was made flesh, and came to dwell among us; and we had
sight of his glory, glory such as belongs to the Father’s only-begotten
Son, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
The second, Jesus the "rebel", is no less diabolical. It has its genesis in the Talmud and is about 1600 years old. You will notice that this false "rebel" Jesus is completely horizontal, naturalistic, and materialistically messianic. In contrast to the Marxist interpretation of "rebel", the Talmudic interpretation is far darker moving beyond a naturalistic interpretation to a satanic and blasphemous hatred of Christ's Divinity.
In sum, perverted interpretations of Our Lord other than what is in Sacred Scripture begins in the "Jesus" of what Lucifer desired of Him in the temptations in the desert. There is NO Saviour, NO Redeemer, NO Incarnation, NO Divinity. The fake "Jesus" is therefore a satanic caricature, embraced by those who are antichrist. In Sacred Scripture, St. John defines the spirit of antichrist as those who deny Jesus Christ has come in the Flesh. "And even now there are many antichrists" (1 John 2:18). And again, "this is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). Catholics also need to understand that what we popularly call "The Antichrist" in Sacred Scripture is actually called the man of sin, perdition, the son of perdition ("homo peccati filius perditionis"). Antichrist is a state of mind that denies Our Lord Jesus Christ, as this evil caricature promoted by de Buono does. In this sense, it is as old as the malignant lies, jealously, and hatred of Annas and Caiaphas for Jesus.
To conclude, we have no ill will towards de Buono. Though he has manifested ill will towards this blog on a number of occasions, we refuse to lower ourselves to engage in ad hominem attacks. We do not know his personal spiritual drama that has led him to fall into heresy through his denial of the dogma of Mary's Perpetual Virginity, or his endorsement of a fake materialistic messianic "Jesus". We ask him to consult with wise priests on the true Nature of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on Our Lady, on Catholic morality regarding human sexuality and the nature of the family. This obviously also includes ceasing to promote homosexual acts as a good, and claiming the Church is in error for requiring of homosexual persons to live chaste lives. We encourage him to do so in humility so as to learn to know and love the Person of Jesus who died for him on that Good Friday. It should not come to de Buono being forced to remove his heresies and cease promoting them. This is not the solution. The solution is that he repent; but if he refuses to do so to remove himself from the Catholic education system. Our prayer is he repents and returns to the Church.
Friends, we cannot say we love Him if we do NOT obey Him. One sure sign of loving Jesus is obeying and believing everything that Christ's Church has always taught since Apostolic times. To oppose the Church is to oppose Christ. "Saul, Saul who dost thou persecute me?" (Acts 9:4).
Do not let anyone find the means of leading
you astray. The apostasy must come first; the champion of wickedness
must appear first, destined to inherit perdition. This
is the rebel who is to lift up his head above every divine name, above
all that men hold in reverence, till at last he enthrones himself in
God’s temple, and proclaims himself as God. (2 Thess 3-4).