Friday, 19 June 2020

Cardinal Collins Just Reduced a Catholic Lady to Tears

This morning I witnessed the tragic reality of a Catholic lady being refused Holy Communion. Her "crime" was to request reception in the Catholic manner: on the tongue. 

Tears were in her eyes, as we spoke after Mass. The dear lady was heart broken, on the Feast of the Scared Heart. She spoke of the bishops in this manner: "they are acting worse than atheists. Do they not fear for their souls?..."

Good Catholic priests have their hands bound by a Cardinal, who is, let us be clear, abusing his authority. 

This tragedy stems from Cardinal Collins' canonically illegal edict "banning" Holy Communion on the tongue:  

Upon the strong recommendation of medical authorities, Holy Communion is received only in the hand at this time. (Since each communicant has the right to receive communion either on the tongue or in the hand, the traditional practice of the option of receiving on the tongue will be restored as soon as the public health situation allows for that). Communicants are instructed to remove their masks, using the straps and without touching the front of their masks, while the person ahead of them is receiving Holy Communion. 

It should be noted that Holy Communion in the hand was NOT authorized by Premier Doug Ford. In fact, Ontarians can comfort themselves that the Premier (unlike other jurisdictions) is not an anti-Christian bigot, where these bigots have attempted to take upon themselves authority over Christ's Church. 

Let us return to Cardinal Collins' claim that "medical authorities" have convinced him to violate OUR rights as Catholics, and criminally deny Catholics the Holy Eucharist. Contrary to what the Cardinal claims, medical opinion is that it is possible to distribute Holy Communion on the tongue without unreasonable risk. 

But this scandal goes deeper. The deception by the Archdiocese of Toronto is exposed in that the Archdiocese of Vancouver, following Church Law and Catholic common sense is continuing the Catholic norm of Holy Communion on the tongue. 

"The faithful have the right to receive Communion in the hand or on the tongue". 

The full Vancouver document can be read here

So we have a problem: the virus is more "deadly" in Toronto. Actually what this really is about is appeasing the elite downtown establishment in Toronto, rather than standing up for Catholic rights. Collins' handlers are telling him how to maintain his public image with the powerful, wealthy, downtown elite and media.

For those Catholics still interested in their rights, and not following along like blind sheep, go here to learn that Cardinal Collins has NO authority whatsoever to do what he is doing. 

As an aside, I wrote to Cardinal Collins three weeks ago. He has not even had the courtesy to reply. Interestingly, His Excellency Bishop Henry of Calgary did reply to an email from Vox Cantoris over the H1N1 Holy Communion Scandal. Bishop Henry is a gentlemen. He was a man who had humility, and eventually God rewarded him with the courage to be the ONLY Canadian Prelate who took an open stand against the aggressive upsurge of fascist paganism in this poor, sad country of Canada.  

So where does all this leave Catholics and their RIGHTS in 2020? Perhaps we need to re-read what Vox Cantoris wrote in 2014 when "they" violated OUR RIGHTS over the H1N1 Holy Communion Scandal:  
Reminiscent of the false flag of H1N1 when many bishops in Canada had the temerity to bow to public health officials and alter liturgical norms and practices....
In a January 6 letter to priests, due to the apparent "escalation in influenza" various "temporary" measures were enacted in addition to the banning of the Body of Christ on the tongue including the elimination of the distribution of the Precious Blood, emptying of Holy Water fonts and the practice of shaking hands at the Peace. 
The reception of Holy Communion at Mass by the people is not mandatory, only the priest celebrant is required to complete the Sacrifice. If the influenza was so serious, then all should have refrained on order of the Archbishop and made a Spiritual Communion which would have come under his authority. The banning of distribution of Holy Communion on the tongue is not within the Archbishop's purview. The Law of the Church provides that it is the norm and it is communion in the hand that is the indult, the exception.

Please pray for this Catholic lady and like so many others, denied the Holy Eucharist. Pray too, that Cardinal Collins will take heed of the cry of the poor, the outcast, and the marginalized. Pray that he hear the weeping of the "daughters of Jerusalem" who wish to be with their Lord. 

Pray that the Church in Toronto cease being the Church of the Abandonment. As the Catholic lady told me, "a thousand bad things happened, but two thousand good things...this crisis has cleared up a has exposed the bishops for what they really are..." 


Phineas said...

At the morning Mass that I attend in the Archdiocese of Toronto, there is a "Karen" at the entrance asking if you'd like a mask. I have declined since Mass started up again, but most around me are wearing masks. Other blogs are referring to it as the "mask of submission to the State", which is exactly what it is. At this point in the pandemic it is most certainly not about health and safety.

Barona said...

Phineas, you are correct. Way, way back in March we were told we were going to have a two week period (let us call it an unplanned "holiday") so that when an unknown virus hit, we would have "hospital capacity" to maintain and deal with the incoming infections.

I can inform you (since I know people deep inside the Ontario Health care system) that capacity was NEVER endangered. The "curve" was not just flattened, it was demolished. Outside of deaths in LTC (and we should remove them from the equation, b/c LTC facilities ALWAYS go into quarantine during Influenza outbreaks etc.) we are looking at about 400 deaths in a province of 14.5 million over nearly three months.

So we achieved "hospital capacity" in mid-April, but the lockdown was then transitioned into an extended lockdown.... the demolished economy, police state tactics of enforced standing, walking, playing and associating were unconstitutionally enforced.

Worse, Catholics fell into the hysteria and fear, and many hid under their beds, cheering on the Cardinal and bishops in their draconian lockout of our churches. Including even private prayer! There was zero push back b/c Catholics had become so accustomed to the good life, the material life, that the mere hint death sent them into a frenzy of fear. History recalls that until the turn of the last century, death was a daily reality; it was always a balancing act. Back then Catholics, even protestants would have understood that the economy needs to roll on. They would have understood that hospitals need to be kept open...

So very materialistically minded prelates were joined by likewise materialistically minded laity to joyfully, eagerly impose this very unscientific lockdown. It was easily accomplished because of one word: fear. Terror of death spurred Catholics on the prefer slavery over freedom.

The world has changed. Just as 9/11 delivered a massive change, so too has Corona.

We are facing a real health care crisis. You will not see the pot bangers out on the street crashing away for the tens of thousands of premature deaths over the next year (just in Canada) from cancer and cardio.

However, cracks are beginning to show in the wall. Even Fauci has backed off lockdowns and has reversed positions knowing full well the health care consequences. Norway joined Sweden about two weeks ago stating there will be no lockdown this Fall.

Polaris said...

Has the issue of Catholics with physical disabilities who lack the physical dexterity in the hands, who can only receive by tongue been given any consideration or offered an exception to the strict by hand only edict of the Cardinal and his PR department and handlers??

Barona said...


EXCELLENT question. NO it has not. Further, those Catholics who have cognitive impairment and have habitually always received Holy Communion on the tongue will not always be able to comprehend and change a behaviour.

My mother was brutally denied Holy Communion at the Communion Rail by a cowardly priest who was following the Cardinal's illegal and immoral orders during the H1Ni Holy Communion Scandal.

Polaris you are so correct. The vulnerable, the disabled, the impaired are thrown out by these heartless and thoughtless men.

They have turned the Catholic CHurch into a corporation, a business. Indeed, that is exactly what the Catholic Church is legally in Toronto. As such, Collins is acting not like a Bishop but like a CEO.

The situation is truly disgraceful. I wonder just what the Apostles and Martyrs think from Paradise seeing these cowardly, wayward men surrendering again and again to the world, the flesh and the devil.

Everyday For Life Canada said...

I recall several years ago I accompanied a lady who had an appointment with Archbishop Collins. The mother of four children had organized a successful protest at Queen’s Park against the Liberal radical sex-ed curriculum. She wanted the Church to help parents fight the curriculum. She met with the Cardinal for about half an hour. I waited for her. When she came out she was in tears. Needless to say she got no support. What do parents know in comparison to a Cardinal? So, I’m not surprised about the no to communion in the hand, But it’s all acceptable when dozens of people are invited to drink the blood of Christ from the same chalice. Where is the consistency? There is none. The Church’s response to the pandemic has sadly been abysmal. They have basically gone into retreat and silence. And many faithful may not come back because they have been needlessly scared to stay at home. However, 82% of all Covid-19 deaths have taken place in senior residences. And what we have done about it? Nothing. A simple solution would have been to ask family members to take a loved one home for a few months if possible to protect their health. Was this too difficult?

Jovan-Marya Weismiller, T.O.Carm. said...

In 2009, during the H1N1 outbreak, Archbishop Smith of Edmonton 'banned' Holy Communion on the tongue. I lived half a block from his Cathedral and attended Mass there, I simply approached the Priest (NOT an 'EMHC!) with my hands folded and extended my tongue. Never once was I refused Holy Communion.

Brother de Montfort said...

There was another priest of a TLM community who wrote in his letter to the community claiming that the Government had not allowed communion on the tongue. It should be noted that nowhere on the official reopening guidelines does it mention receiving on the hand or on the tongue. Not allowing communion on the tongue is a recommendation not a law.

But really, both ways of receiving break social distancing. If there is truly a risk at this time for spreading the virus at this time, no one should be receiving and we should all be staying in our pews and making a spiritual communion.

However, connected to my point above, the government has not banned communion on the tongue. The SSPX is still receiving in the traditional manner. The FSSP in Ottawa has received an exception to the rule. (obviously still following medical advice and having social distancing at the altar rail, and so on).

From what I hear, at least once diocese didn't ban communion on the tongue but "strongly encourages reception on the hand."

I see absolutely no reason why similar exceptions cannot be made at the TLM's in the GTA. Or why we cannot "strongly encourage communion on the hand" and not ban it entirely.

Obviously, if we never allowed communion on the hand in the first place this would be much less of an issue though.

Vox Cantoris said...

I supported the suspension of public Mass in the beginning, not the closure for private prayer. I did this because it was necessary to, as you say what we did, "demolished" the virus. I believed we did not know enough of what it was and we would or could be faced with Italy.

We should have been back by Easter Sunday Mass which would have given a few weeks to develop distance protocols and a ticket system. Churches should never have been closed to private prayer. Fabbro in London even suspended the Sacrament of Penance, no matter what safety precautions might have been taken.

The Cardinal and the Bishops of Ontario are a disgrace.

Barona said...

Vox you are absolutely correct. I recall watching videos in late January coming our of China with incidents of people collapsing in the street. But collapsing in a manner that would indicate neurological causes. We have seen none of these scenes in the "West". And we know if there were any the media would be on it like a dog on a bone. So I have to ask: were these videos staged? Once the virus was out did they stage manage much of it to precipitate a panic? The Italian situation can now be explained with the vast majority (I think it is somewhere in the 99% range) of deaths being amongst older citizens who had comorbidities; a disease population, and social habits that would encourage the spread. I am in favour of temporary lockdowns of hot spots (but definitely not in favour of locking down healthy people en masse).

I was reading yesterday that (e.g.) in 1983 NYV had a cholera outbreak. Death were about 5,000. If we extrapolate the death toll to today, the deaths from the virus would be about 85,000. Now the official NYC count is just over 17,000. Many of these were avoidable (e.g. the killing of over 5,000 elderly by Cuomo), as well as a percentage (unknown) who actually died of other causes (though positive for the virus). Nonetheless, in 1832 NYC id not come to a complete standstill. Similar outbreaks happened in Warsaw, Paris, LOndon, etc all through the 19th century.

There can be no doubt that this virus very early on was seized upon by globalists who saw an opportunity to advance an evil agenda. The greatest tragedy is that the vast majority of bishops have joined this macabre and evil sect.