Thursday, 31 December 2020

Cardinal Collins become a "meddlesome priest"! Your Eminence cry out: "the church shall be open!

Icon of the 40 Martyrs of England and Wales canonized in 1971

 Unbar the doors! throw open the doors!

I will not have the house of prayer, the church of Christ,
The Sanctuary, turned into a fortress.

The Church shall protect her own, in her own way, not
As oak and stone; stone and oak decay,
Give no stay, but the Church shall endure.

The church shall be open, even to our enemies.
Open the door!
(from T. S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral )

Dear friends, as we end this year, we end it with great sadness, knowing that the enemies of Christ, oppressing the Church have achieved a near universal ban on the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The false pretext given by our oppressors is to save life, yet as our churches remain shut for public worship, our oppressors ensure that women are able to destroy the fruit of their wombs. Perhaps even more lamentable than the persecution and lies of godless oppressors is the cowardly acquiescence of the Hierarchy of the Church of Christ. Nothing is more tragic than to see the man who be the Vicar of Christ, shut down the churches of Rome. This tragedy of capitulation has been replicated worldwide, such that in most of our towns and cities, the faithful have been deprived of attending Holy Mass, even receiving the Sacrament of Confession. Where is the courage of the saints to withstand this evil?
In 1170 (850 years ago) a "meddlesome priest", St. Thomas Becket was struck down by henchmen of the King at Vespers. A century earlier, in 1079, St Stanislaw was murdered by the King himself. Both of these "meddlesome priests" stood four-square for Christ and His Church. They would not compromise the rights of Christ's Church to the State. They paid for it with their blood. Witness to the Faith brings conversion. The English martyrs forgave their persecutors, prayed for them. But they gave the example of Jesus Christ: they laid down their lives for their Master. Let us not forget to not only pray, but in opening our churches (and being persecuted) we can give witness to the godless, and through witness to Christ, lay the foundations of grace to move the heart of the persecutor to conversion.
We ask: is there not one "meddlesome priest" left who will stand for Christ and His Church? Who will defend the rights of Holy Mother Church? Who will witness Jesus Christ to the persecutors?

In the meantime, following the holy example of the English Catholic Martyrs, we cry out:


Tuesday, 29 December 2020

May COVID bring you peace and tranquility as you remained BANNED from Mass

 Peace and tranquility to you friends.

May your day be full of contentment, as you meditate on COVID.

May you be One with His Body.

May you find contentment in the banning of Holy Mass and the public worship of Jesus Christ 

May tranquility be with your bishops who are One in COVID's Body

Peace, tranquility and contentment to you all friends!


Monday, 28 December 2020

COVID: We are One in His Body ~ Blessed be COVID!


Peace and tranquility to you friends in our Beloved COVID. 

Let us never cease to strive to be One in His Body. 

May your day be full of contentment, as you meditate on COVID.

Blessed be COVID, and His banning of Holy Mass  and His Church lockouts. 

Peace, tranquility and contentment to you all friends!



Sunday, 27 December 2020

May COVID's Peace and Tranquility be with you as you contemplate NO Mass this Christmas

All will become One in COVID's Body. Blessed be COVID


Dear friends of our Blessed COVID

May the Peace and Tranquility of COVID be with us.

May we find contentment in no Holy Mass.

May we all rejoice at being One with COVID. 

May we rejoice in the closing of our churches.

May COVID watch over us, protect us.

May COVID bring us every Joy and Consolation. 

Let us always be One with COVID...

...through Union in COVID's Protein.




Meanwhile, at Toronto International Airport on December 26, 2020...

LIVE: Mass within the Octave of the Nativity


Mass is from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, New Jersey. Please visit the website. New Jersey has hovered at about 4,000 positive Covid tests per day over the past two weeks yet their churches remain open. Unlike Toronto (500+ positive tests per day) where Mass has been cancelled.

Fr. Robert Pasley runs this Tridentine-rite parish (the first in the United States) and deserves our support. If you have been shut out of your church by your local bishop, be sure to directly support holy priests who continue to offer Mass and the Sacraments (especially Confession and Extreme Unction). 

Please visit Mater Ecclesiae Chapel and consider donating to this wonderful parish.

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Priest dragged out of Chapel and arrested: How Modernists had a Traditionalist priest arrested for "Covid" violations

The real enemy is in the House of God. Today, as we celebrate St Stephen, let us recall that every age had its martyrs. 

So it was on October 19 that Fr. Michal Woznicki, "suspended" by the Poznan Ordinary and thrown out of the Salesians in Poznan, Poland in 2018, experienced their wrath. Having discovered that Fr. Woznicki was saying Mass and "violating "covid" restrictions, the Salesians telephoned the police requesting they enter the chapel and arrest the traditionalist priest.

Having just finished Mass, Fr. Woznicki (leading a small group of about seven faithful) began the Holy Rosary - only to be interrupted by armed police. Fr. Woznicki politely told the police that Jesus Christ was present in the Blessed Sacrament, True God and True Man, and if they could please kneel down. You watch what happens...

Friday, 25 December 2020

Koledy Staropolskie - A Polish Christmas Pastorale based on late Middle Ages and Renassiance music and text



A television production of the album "Koledy Staropolskie" with the Fistulatores et Tubicinatores Varsovienses and outstanding dramatic recitation by Wojciech Siemion. Enjoy!

Thursday, 24 December 2020

LIVE: Midnight Choral Mass


Mass is from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, New Jersey. Please visit the website. New Jersey has hovered at about 4,000 positive Covid tests per day over the past two weeks yet their churches remain open. Unlike Toronto (500+ positive tests per day) where Mass has been cancelled.

Fr. Robert Pasley runs this Tridentine-rite parish (the first in the United States) and deserves our support. If you have been shut out of your church by your local bishop, be sure to directly support holy priests who continue to offer Mass and the Sacraments (especially Confession and Extreme Unction). 

Please visit Mater Ecclesiae Chapel and consider donating to this wonderful parish. 

A blessed Christmas to you all!

Sunday, 20 December 2020

LIVE: Mass on the 4th Sunday of Advent


Mass is from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, New Jersey. Please visit the website. New Jersey has hovered at about 4,000 positive Covid tests per day over the past two weeks yet their churches remain open. Unlike Toronto (500+ positive tests per day) where Mass has been cancelled.

Fr. Robert Pasley runs this Tridentine-rite parish (the first in the United States) and deserves our support. If you have been shut out of your church by your local bishop, be sure to directly support holy priests who continue to offer Mass and the Sacraments (especially Confession and Extreme Unction). 

Please visit Mater Ecclesiae Chapel and consider donating to this wonderful parish. 

A blessed Advent to you all!

Saturday, 19 December 2020

It is the Mass that matters, NOT a Communion Service

"The light of good example is extinguished in those who ought to shine as luminaries to the whole world like watchtowers and beacons on the mountains. No light, alas! comes from them, but horrid darkness and pestilent mischief, by which innumerable souls are falling into destruction".

St. John Fisher  


 Cardinal Collins: 



Sunday, 13 December 2020

LIVE: Gaudete Mass


Mass is from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, New Jersey. Please visit the website New Jersey has hovered at about 4,000 positive Covid tests per day over the past two weeks yet their churches remain open. Unlike Toronto (500+ positive tests per day) where Mass has been cancelled. 

Fr. Robert Pasley runs this Tridentine-rite parish (the first in the United States) and deserves our support. If you have been shut out of your church by your local bishop, be sure to directly support holy priests who continue to offer Mass and the Sacraments (especially Confession and Extreme Unction). 

Please visit Mater Ecclesiae Chapel and consider donating to this wonderful parish. 

A blessed Gaudete Mass and Sunday to you all!

Saturday, 12 December 2020

LIVE: Rorate Mass


Mass is from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, New Jersey. Please visit the website New Jersey has hovered at about 4,000 positive Covid tests per day over the past two weeks yet their churches remain open. Unlike Toronto (500+ positive tests per day) where Mass has been cancelled. 

Fr. Robert Pasley runs this Tridentine-rite parish (the first in the United States) and deserves our support. If you have been shut out of your church by your local bishop, be sure to directly support holy priests who continue to offer Mass and the Sacraments (especially Confession and Extreme Unction). 

Please visit Mater Ecclesiae Chapel and consider donating to this wonderful parish. 

A blessed Rorate Mass to you all! 

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

BREAKING: Toronto church sues Government asking for "equality under the law". WILL YOU JOIN THIS ACTION, CARDINAL COLLINS?


A Toronto ecclesial community, the "Toronto International Celebration Church" has filed an application to the Ontario Superior Court for "equality under the law", challenging the unjust lockdown laws that openly discriminate against Houses of worship. 




We now ask: will you, Cardinal Collins join these brothers? 

Will you join as an Intervenor?

Will you assist these separated brethren out of ecumenical love, and contribute towards their legal fees? 

Will you come out publicly in support of our separated brothers? 


Dear friends, please pray for these, our separated brethren, who are showing more faith, more vigilance for justice, more rigor in defending the rights of Our Lord Jesus Christ than the pastors of Christ's Church.  This silence and capitulation on the part of our pastors is a great scandal, but God draws good out of evil. He has exposed them; the corruption, and the hirelings who infest the Church.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

LIVE: Mass of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception




Mass is from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, New Jersey. Please visit the website New Jersey has hovered at about 4,000 positive Covid tests per day over the past two weeks yet their churches remain open. Unlike Toronto (500+ positive tests per day) where Mass has been cancelled. 

Fr. Robert Pasley runs this Tridentine-rite parish (the first in the United States) and deserves our support. If you have been shut out of your church by your local bishop, be sure to directly support holy priests who continue to offer Mass and the Sacraments (especially Confession and Extreme Unction). 

Please visit Mater Ecclesiae Chapel and consider donating to this wonderful parish. 

A blessed Feast of the Immaculate Conception to you all!

Monday, 7 December 2020

Bishop Fabbro issues ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL edict on Masks in churches!


A few months ago we caught Bishop Ronald Fabbro LYING to the faithful. Now,  Fabbro of the Diocese of London (Essex County, southern Ontario) has issued an illegal and unconstitutional edict ("Update 13"). Though Provincial Law (Ontario. Reg. 365/20), well as local municipal laws, (City of London By-Law PH 20, Sec. 13 exempt those with a medical condition from proving same, Fabbro has rejected this and demanded that Catholics MUST show "evidence" of a medical condition to be allowed into a church. Fabbro's demands also violate Sec.2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Now Fabbro has not done this out of ignorance; to the contrary, Fabbro admits his actions are illegal (which will have serious repercussions when a Catholic sues him), but tries to blur this over by writing: 

"This new protocol does go beyond the requirements in most health unit orders and local by-laws..."


 According to Fabbro, Catholics who do not wear masks (I am now only referring to those who have a medical condition) may be turned away at the church door if they do not provide a letter from their GP, NP; or other allied health professional. Fabbro's plan is to initially send these Catholics via mail an order to wear a mask or they will not be allowed entrance into the church. There are initial practical problems with this: 1) Fabbro has included in his list allied health professionals who do not have access to medical records, nor have the competency to make a diagnosis; secondly, how will he obtain the mailing address of Catholics? Does he intend to create his own "Enabling Act"? 



Questions: How are Catholics to obtain a Letter? Many physicians offices are closed; most allied health professionals are closed. Some Catholics may have a long-standing health condition but not currently have a GP. Think this far fetched? My GP retired three months before the first lockdown. Further, is Fabbro not aware that many GPs read peer-reviewed literature; literature that calls into question the efficacy of masks, and, as such, could easily write letters for anyone who requests? This is not about health. This is about the ravings of a fool who lives in an ivory tower, detached from the daily struggles and concerns of the long-suffering faithful. It is about ungodly control of the faithful.



Now let us turn from the impracticability to the illegality and unconstitutionality of Fabbro's demands. 

We need to preface our serious concerns with the question of whether or not Fabbro understands he is opening himself and the Diocese to not only litigation, but even being charged under the Criminal Code of Canada, with "threatening" force (c.f. CCC 265, 1) as articulated in his "Update 13"? Let Fabbro not think that his buildings are "private"; the Provincial and municipal legislation is clear: they regard places of worship where the public gathers as "public". If Fabbro thinks he can claim that the buildings are part of his private fiefdom, I say, joined by innumerable Catholics: "Bring it on Ronald! Bring it on!"  

Questions: How does Fabbro intend to enforce these blockages of faithful entering a church, or evicting them from a church? Call the police? He cannot, it is illegal for police to remove someone from a public building if they have not broken the law. Clearly, a Catholic who states they have a medical condition, and freely chooses not to provide evidence of same is within the law. Will Fabbro then try to use ushers to physically remove the person/s? He cannot, as this would constitute assault under the Criminal Code. Make no mistake, Fabbro in issuing these decrees could (besides paying millions when sued) face jail if a Catholic parishioner is assaulted by his diocesan thugs. Catholics who have medical conditions are going to have to "man up" and just go into church.

Finally, as a bishop, Fabbro is to uphold just laws and teach the faithful to do so as well. To violate laws unjustly, and to encourage others to do so is a grave mortal sin.



ACTION ITEM: Catholics in the Diocese of London: STOP DONATING. Seek our other Catholics to do the same. Find priests loyal to the Magisterium, and directly support them. STOP giving to the Bishop! You don't give to Anglicans, Methodists; nor should you give to a Modernist.

Addendum: Fabbro further informs the faithful that instructions on how to receive Holy Communion are under a certain "Father Bechard, Director of Liturgy". We had thought that Bechard had been removed from powerful diocesan positions and influence after the faithful were alerted to the "homoerotic" images on his Facebook page. Unfortunately, Fabbro did not take these grave violations of Christian morals by a Catholic priest seriously. We shall deal with this, and the mocking approach to the faithful who have used a pyx for the reception of Holy Communion in a later post, but we raise these here to draw the readers' attention to how these evils are all interconnected and flow out of the same moral sewer that is the Diocese of London, flowing from Bishop Fabbro downwards.

Stay tuned. MORE TO COME. We have just begun to fight!

Sunday, 6 December 2020

LIVE: Mass of the Second Sunday of Advent


Mass is from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, New Jersey. Please visit the website New Jersey has hovered at about 4,000 positive Covid tests per day over the past two weeks yet their churches remain open. Unlike Toronto (500+ positive tests per day) where Mass has been cancelled. 

Fr. Robert Pasley runs this Tridentine-rite parish (the first in the United States) and deserves our support. If you have been shut out of your church by your local bishop, be sure to directly support holy priests who continue to offer Mass and the Sacraments (especially Confession and Extreme Unction). 

Please visit Mater Ecclesiae Chapel and consider donating to this wonderful parish. 

A blessed Feast of St. Nicholas to you all! 

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Money? Is it the root of the evil that has the Archdiocese of Toronto surrendering to the Covid Gestapo?

The VERY empty St. Michael's Cathedral

Dear friends, we have been warned in Sacred Scripture about the evils of money. Judas Iscariot himself exemplifies this when he sold Our Lord Jesus Christ to the High Priests and Pharisees for a mere 30 pieces of silver. What price have the Government and the various dioceses across Canada come to for selling out our rights?

We know for a fact that since March so called "employees" of the Catholic Church (at one time the Mystical Body of Christ, but now a series of "corporations") have been on the government dole for 75% of their wages. Further subsidies are ongoing, so be assured the churchmen will continue to acquiesce to the diktats of the State. One of Cardinal Collins' underlings even claims we should be "grateful" to the godless government that locks us out of our churches for the handouts of cash! 

Simply outrageous! The governmental hook is deeply embedded in these worldly, rich local churches. The once fishers of men, are themselves caught in a net of their own shortsightedness and greed. The Catholic Church should never be involved in taking filthy lucre from the State.




Watch the above video and learn how the lure of MONEY dangled before these episcopal "corporations" has the effect of binding and gagging the Church. The churchmen and their "mis"-advisors know well that to make a stand in the defense of religious freedom will mean not only litigation, but the severance of the billions handed out like a drug by the government apparatchiks. The timid, frightened, and misled bishops have been trapped. 

But now is the appropriate time! Now is the time to "be not afraid", to reject the filthy lucre of men whose mouths are "full of cursing, guile, oppression...". Now is the time for the bishops to shout out "arise then, Lord lift up your hand...break the power of the wicked and the sinner. Punish his wickedness till nothing remains.  The Lord is king for ever and ever" (Psalm 10). 

Please continue to pray for Cardinal Collins and his brother bishops that they begin to lead. As we have written, Catholics will support him! There is no need for fear. Let us take St. Pius X as our example when he faced down the Freemasons in France who were violating the rights of the Church.

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Cardinal Collins fears Catholics will be accused of "...standing in the way of protecting the community..." by City of Toronto apparatchiks

 Back in June, Cardinal Collins lamented that if he did not obey the Toronto public health authorities they would forbid the Sacraments, and outright ban the Mass.

A week ago, these same authorities who demanded our churches be closed in March, illegally banned singing, and, far worse, banned Holy Communion on the tongue. These same authorities who now declared that - irrespective of the size of the house of worship - no more than 50 could attend; to then within 24 hours, reduce the number to a mere 10. They were backed up by Gauleiter Doug Ford, who with the stroke of a pen, can overrule them.

So it sadly is, that Cardinal Collins continues to take the knee to these authorities; "leaders" (in reality mis-leaders), as he calls them, and worries that he might have to take "proactive" action to show to these people that the Catholic Church cares for the common good! Imagine trying to discuss the common good with people who openly and aggressively promote abortion as "essential", yet claim to be imposing lock downs to protect the sanctity of life. They certainly don't lie very well, do they? 

Let us now examine two examples of how these people really care about human life, promote the "common good": 


Or this: 


Now that we have reviewed the type of warped minds the Cardinal is dealing with, let us watch the following video of a Webinar dated November 13.

Note how the Cardinal is torn and paralyzed with seeming fear of these people; how he agonizes, knowing the Catholic Church is being threatened and intimidated to such a degree that he has had to "argue" with these apparatchiks that the Church does indeed protect the community. The hypocritical audacity of such caluminators! How dare they threaten the Catholic Church! It is time this outrage ends! 

Once again we appeal to His Eminence: 

Dear Cardinal Collins, we WILL support you! We will stand with you! Do NOT fear these evil people. You know they hold to an atheistic conception of man, denying the Divine. 

You have in the past undertaken charitable work in the ecumenical field: pick up the phone, call the local Orthodox Prelates, telephone separated brethren, Jews, Moslems, and others of good will. Get together and go to Court to demand our rights. Be like your brother, Cardinal Dolan of New York, who together with a group of Jews went to Court and defeated the thuggish Gauleiter Andrew Cuomo.

First Sunday of Advent - LIVE (Mater Ecclesiae Parish)

Sunday, 22 November 2020

The Province of Ontario's naked aggression towards Religion MUST be opposed!



If we can hold Cardinal Collins' feet to the fire, we must do likewise with Premier Doug Ford's.

He, as Premier enacted this outrage. The proverbial "buck" stops on his desk. He could have told his so-called public health advisors a strong "NO"! But he did not. He cannot escape his responsibility as Premier to allow this intolerable intrusion which is not based on science, but on scientism. No doubt, like Cardinal Collins he is besieged by the downtown elite and secular media. However, this is still no excuse. If we can hold the Cardinal to account, we must likewise hold the Premier.

To relegate religious services to "social gatherings" is outrageous. This IS the State intervening, violating Charter Rights (2a,c, & d), whereby the State sets itself up as the judge and jury as to what constitutes a "religious service". I find this absolutely disgusting.

I am horrified by the silence, the pandering, the excusing of the State by so-called Catholics. In France Catholics are standing up; but Catholics in Canada? Lemmings, sheep. Yesterday, I noticed a local liquor store had a sign of "30" for capacity; a large grocery store "190".  

Watch the following to learn that we are being seriously misled by either fools, cowards, or charlatans. 



This very video was removed immediately by the Youtube. Hence, I have uploaded directly to this post.   


In churches (the last time I checked) the congregants sit, stand, and kneel, and if they do move, it is in an orderly fashion. As such, we know what the shutting down of religion is a MASSIVE POWER GRAB and OUTRAGEOUS violation of our rights. It IS the delegation of religion to second class citizenship. It is the manifestation of the utter contempt for the Divine from people who are corrupt apparatchniks; busy pushing "glory holes", whilst boarding up your local church, synagogue, mosque or temple. Friends, we are in this together. We had better start getting serious. 


Doug Ford: do NOT place your trust in princes

What should have Cardinal Collins done? Simple: "See you in Court Monday morning, Doug Ford".

In fact, we all knew this was coming. We all knew a second lock down was in the cards (and we all knew it would arrive just before Christmas). If we knew it, they knew it. Cardinal Collins should have approached - MONTHS AGO - other religious bodies: Eastern Orthodox, protestants, Jews, and Moslems to form an alliance and prepare for litigation. In this manner he also would have circumvented the hate and rage from the elites and media denouncing the Catholic Church as "killing people; as being "nasty". They would have known this line of attack would have been impossible lest they be accused of what is popularly known as "antisemitism" and "Islamophobia".

These churchmen have got to begin thinking tactically and inventively. Alas, they are trapped in their LIBERAL DREAM that all men are nice, all men love the Catholic Church, and love Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately Our Lord Jesus Christ has real enemies who hate Him and His Church. They are on the offensive, and we had better wake up to this bitter fact. 

To put this hysteria into perspective, if we believe the official numbers (remember that those who die WITH Covid and NOT from Covid, are in many jurisdictions deceptively still deemed a Covid death), 1.3 million have presently died from Covid. The death toll from the Spanish flu is estimated at 50 million. If we adjust for the change in the world's population, that would mean that Covid deaths need to exceed 200 million deaths to equal the Spanish flu.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Pope Francis: Papal Scandal and Heresy. What can faithful Catholics do?

He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. 
John 21:17 

[Note: I began this before the lockdown, and with very minimal revisions, completed it today]

Following the issuance of the dogmatic teachings on the very strict limitations of Papal Infallibility, and the Code of Canon Law of 1983 on heresy (unchanged from the 1917 Code), the various theories of papal heresy and the solutions over the past centuries must be viewed henceforth through the lens of Vatican I and Canon Law. For example, the "Bellarmino Solution" or the "Cajetan Solution" and so on must be placed within the context of post-Vatican I dogmatic Church teaching and Canon Law as they pertain to heresy. What may have been possible opinions/theories have ceased after the dogmatic teachings of Vatican I on the visibility of the Church, the role of Peter, and papal infallibility. Catholics must not forget that these opinions/theories were those of private doctors. They are not dogmatic teachings. 

Two contemporary "solutions", that have gained a lot of traction, are not solutions at all. The Sedevacantists argument is: the Pope is a liberal, liberalism is heresy, therefore the Pope is not the Pope. The Modernist apply this same logic from the opposite extreme: the Pope is a liberal, but the Pope is Catholic, therefore we must be liberals. 

There is a Catholic solution: Vatican I and Canon Law. The question of a Pope being a heretic, is in a sense then, besides the point. The scandals, heresies, and schismatic intentions that a Pope can convey do not ipso facto deprive him of the Papacy. In fact, history proves this beyond debate, with heretical (or dabbling with heresy) Popes remaining Popes. 

A huge problem remains for Catholics striving to live holy lives, knowing that to be saved, we must be attached to the visible, hierarchical Church. To break with the Church, is to break with Christ. Outside the Church there is no salvation. 

The problem and question is: obedience. This is a key point, as it is normal and natural for a Catholic to want to obey the Pope. 

Just how does a Catholic navigate the waters of obedience when faced with a Pope who scandalizes, manifests intentions that seem schismatic, and engages in actions and words that seem or could be interpreted as materially heretical? The non-Catholic and emotional reaction is to declare the Pope deposed. An imposter who sits on the Throne of Peter. Here we have a serious problem.  To call the Pope an "antipope" or "heretic" [formal] is to judge a priori without recourse to the Church, the very Church that these rebels claim they are defending! You cannot defend Christ by unlawfully withdrawing filial respect and obedience to His lawful Pastors. The Catholic Church is a Monarchy not a democracy, with Christ as the Head, and the Pope as His earthly Vicar. However, the Pope as Vicar does NOT have absolute powers over the Faithful. One papal title is "servant of the servants of God". We can therefore outline certain parameters that a Pope cannot circumvent: 

The Pope cannot Rule as a Tyrant

Catholic teaching includes dogmatic teachings of the ecumenical councils, which no Pope can change. The Pope, like all Catholics, is also bound by Canon Law, which, without sinning, he cannot on a whim disobey. The Pope can change Canon Law, but he cannot change it so that is is contrary to Faith and Morals. Further, until Canon Law is changed, the Pope, if he violates it sins against the Church, against the virtue of obedience, against charity, and misleads the faithful. We know this from common sense: if the Mayor in a city speeds, he is breaking the law and should be subject to a fine. Until the law is changed, the Mayor cannot exceed the speed limit. Otherwise he acts unjustly, displays a dictatorial bent, and manifests contempt for the citizenry.
Violating the law of the Church is far, far graver than the violation of a city ordinance. Simply put, the Pope is not above the Law, even "his" Law.  In fact it is NOT his law, but the Church's, to which the Pope must submit. Otherwise he sets himself up as a despot. 

Obedience to the Pope is not Limitless

St. Paul himself, warns us in Galatians 1:8: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed". If you had lunch with the Pope, and he asked you to jump out the window at St. Marta's, (or place a beach ball on an Altar), you would be under no obligation to obey him. To the contrary, you would be bound by God's Law to not only reject his proposal, but to admonish him for violating God's Law. The Pope is not some sort of Oracle, a "divine" robot regurgitating every thought of God. This is a damnable heresy that is spread by protestants, ignorant Catholics, and misapplied by both Sedevacantists and Modernists. 

The First Vatican Council reiterates traditional Catholic teaching that binds the papal hands regarding touching Catholic Dogma and Tradition (related to dogma and doctrine). The actions, statements, pronouncements, ad hoc chit chat, telephone calls, interviews with this or that journalist, must always be placed within the context of Church teaching, otherwise we fall into the madness of the "Talmud-Hadith Thesis". That is, every word and action of the Pope is a "brain dump" from God which minutely regulates the lives of Christians. This is what has become to also be known as "papolatry". 

The Question of Evil Popes

In Governance and Discipline, according to the same Council, the Pope has supreme and universal jurisdiction. However, many papal acts of governance are reversed, overturned, and modified by successors, precisely because they do not pertain to doctrine. Further, acts of Governance and Discipline must be for the pastoral good of the Church. A number of Popes who abused their authority and perverted the justice of good governance in the service of the Gospel can be cited. For example, Paul IV, Alexander VI, and other renaissance popes ruled as despotic princes, and committed grave sins of uncharity and injustice. Some Popes have been elected through simony. Even a simoniacal man who seizes the Throne of Peter through evil means, once recognized by the Church, becomes Pope (e.g. Julius II, Alexander VI), for God will not allow His Church to be headless. Though the First Lateran Council declared prelates who engaged in simony to lose  Office: “‘Following the examples of the Holy Fathers’ and renewing the duty of our office ‘we forbid in every way by the authority of the Apostolic See that anyone by means of money be ordained or promoted in the Church of God. But if anyone shall have acquired ordination or promotion in the Church in this way, let him be entirely deprived of his office.'” (Denz. 359), it did not apply to men who were once recognized as Pope, as my two examples above illustrate. 

Besides the grave sin and crime of simony some Popes have fathered children, others have committed murder and other crimes. Who can forget the active homosexual, rapist, murderer, simoniacal Benedict IX? However, like the heretical popes, these men, still to this day, are listed as Popes. Along with heretical Popes, evil Popes also remain Popes.

Pope Francis 

So we come to Pope Francis, a man who it cannot be denied has abused his Office, created scandal such as his promotion of men gravely suspect of heresy into the episcopate, met and embraced two homosexuals he met whilst on his visit to the United States, the protection/promotion of known homosexuals in the curia, coverup in the de facto international pedophile gang. 

He has also engaged in remarks and actions that are very grave causes for concern. I shall only cite a few examples of documented facts, not gossip or rumours. Examples include: his official renunciation of preaching the Gospel to Jews. His refusal to preach the Gospel to Moslems, Buddhists and others. Equivocation on the existence of Hell (which incidentally has been causing consternation amongst the separated brethren), the contradictory obfuscations in Amoris Laetitia. More recently we have the Amazon Synod working Document that also contains the following: No. 121: "the Spirit of the Lord has taught these peoples [Amzonian animists] throughout the centuries faith in the God Father-Mother Creator...") etc. Most recently we have his scandalus "Tutti fratelli" document that mixes truth, falsehood, innuendo, politics, and subtle gossip into a unpalatable stew of spiritual poison.

Is Francis a Punishment from God? 

However he remains the Pope. Why? Why does God allow a man who refuses to preach the Gospel to Jews, Moslems and others; who is and is permitting error and confusion to be sown in the Church, to be on the Throne of Peter?  Perhaps as a just punishment from God on His Church which has been, and continues to be grossly disobedient? Who can deny that a just punishment should not be meted out on the vast majority of Catholics who rejected Humanae Vitae, or ignored it, or even indirectly contributed to the error by  believing (and living it) it themselves but not teaching it to family members? 

Jesus Christ took marriage very seriously. He upbraided the Jews for their issuing divorce certificates. The spirit of the Judaizers (the very original heresy) was already rampant in the 1960s. We saw it reappear during the recent Synod on the Family when one high ranking Prelate preferred the abrogated Law of Moses to the living Law of Christ. Let us not forget the warning of St. John Eudes, who said that when God permits evil priests, it is a sure sign that God is angry with His Church. 

Who cannot deny that over the decades, and even well before the Second Vatican Council, the Church was already committing adultery with the World? Who can deny that Catholics are in need of scourging for being so lukewarm, so engrossed in sin? Just look at the use of contraception, the abortion rates, the explosion in pornography, the support for sexual deviancy amongst Catholics.  God has every reason to be outraged with Catholics who are openly mocking His Law. The price for infidelity, as reflected in the Old Testament, is constant scourging by God, and the final deportation into slavery in Babylon for the unfaithful Israelites. Let there be no mistake, our countries, our cities, our very parishes are modern "Babylon". 

Throughout this mysterious crisis, let us not forget that Jesus Christ remains in absolute control as the Lord of History.  He permits the Pope to still remain the Pope. For as all powerful, He could strike the Pope dead today, if He so decided. Francis remains on the Throne for a reason known to God, just as the High Priest Caiaphas remained on the "seat of Moses" whilst he was organizing the greatest blasphemy and crime in history: Deicide. Yet Our Lord did not depose him, but recognized Caiaphas as the head of the Jewish Church (at that time the one true religion, until they rejected and crucified the Messiah) until the Sacrifice was Offered on the Cross. When, and only when the Curtain of the Temple was rent in two was the Old Covenant abolished and the Church born out of the blood and water from Christ's side to become the new Israel, led at that time by a tiny remnant of faithful Jews. The rest had fallen away into apostasy. 

Loyalty to Christ through Loyalty to the Church 

Let us return now to the question of obedience to the Popes that Jesus Christ permits to sit upon the Throne of Peter. As I have tried to outlined above, when a Pope diverges from what he is bound as Pope to teach and defend, we are not bound to obey. The Pope as bishop is also a private doctor.  Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga emphasized this very point last December on Polish television, when discussing the issue of obedience. It must not be forgotten that upon his Episcopal consecration, Jorge Bergoglio professed the following, and when a Catholic respectfully disobeys the Pope, it should be because the Catholic desires the Pope to remain faithful to his promises to Christ. It is not rebellion, but seeking the Pope to reaffirm his faith in Christ:    
With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed.
I also firmly accept and hold each and everything definitively proposed by the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals.
We must love the Church, love the Pope, pray for the Pope, especially for any Pope who may have gone out of his Catholic mind! The words of Our Lord to St. Peter: "Simon, Simon do you love me", also apply to us. Do we love Him? Do we really love Him? Do we love Him enough to trust Him and remain in His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? When churchmen like Cardinal Burke, Archbishops Lenga, Vigano and others speak, they do so out of love for the Pope, that he affirm the Faithful in Christ's unchangeable Teachings.  

The Activity of Satan in causing Confusion

Satan is also very active. He loves dissension, confusion and hatred. There is a diabolical temptation to anger, rage, quarreling, private judgment etc. St. Paul warned us, all these come from the Evil One. None of this will reform the Church, but on the contrary, only add to the destruction, and loss of souls. If the Pope does or says something crazy: turn to prayer, to penance. Do not follow him into error,  but also do not rage, do not lead others into confusion. Christ is in control of His Church! It is His Church, and not the Pope's. Remember we are not supposed to be "papolators", are we? But it is also not my Church or yours. It is His. Let us NOT forget that. Failure to recognize this is to place far too much trust in man, and far too little in God. 

Christ is the Head of the Church

It is de fide, that Christ is the Head of the Church. One of the greatest temptations is to abandon the Church because of our revulsion that She has been betrayed into the hands of sinful men. But that would be a catastrophic error. We can choose: will we be like the daughters of Jerusalem, the women at the Cross, or will we run and hide like the Apostles? Or, far worse, will we betray Our Lord and join with Judas to sell out the Church to Caiaphas and other evil men who proclaim daily, "he will not reign over us"? 

Friends, let us remain with the Church as she is abused, raped, sold into prostitution by the very men who should be loving and serving Her. Let us not abandon Jesus, as He is being re-crucified in His Church. Let us not flee to false synagogues of Satan, let us not leave the Church for some nonexistent "church" or sect. To flee is to flee from the foot of the Cross, to abandon Christ to His enemies. Schism, as I have been trying to warn, is no solution at all, but in fact an aggravation of the crisis. To leave the Catholic Church because bad men control the Hierarchy, even the Papacy is pathetic. Did the holy women walk away from the foot of the Cross? 

Our Weapon is Prayer

Have you been to Mass today? [you can see that this was drafted well before the lockout from our churches] Have you visited the Blessed Sacrament? Have you made a good examination of conscience? Have you prayed the Rosary? Have you forgiven your "enemies", those who may have mocked you for staying faithful to Christ's Church? Do you love the Pope? You may not like him but you are commanded by the Law of Christ to love him. If you have hate in your heart, you have Satan there. 

The first step in ending the madness in the Church and the world is that each one of us, in humility recognize our sins, make a good confession, a firm purpose of amendment, and strive to lead holy lives. It means seeking out a priest to whom we regularly make a good confession. This is critically important, as for what is "self-evident" heresy, may actually be us in error. Let us not forget the lesson the Abbe de Nantes taught the dissenting, schismatic priests back in 1969: no one can authoritatively pronounce someone as guilty of heresy. We may - with charity - say someone seems to be suspect, perhaps even guilty of material heresy. But NO one, outside of the Church through Her juridically appointed judges, can pronounce the sentence of formal heresy upon another. To deny this is an act of rebellion and despising the legitimate Authority of Christ through His Ministers. It is implicitly denying Christ as King. 

The Absolute Need for a Spiritual Director

We need to have a spiritual director, who can act as a guide in these tumultuous times. A spiritual director can provide the necessary brake on our natural inclination to pride. The refusal to have a spiritual director, someone whom we obey, is a sure sign of spiritual pride which will only have sad consequences. Critically, the spiritual director can provide essential guidance on how to act and react to the crisis in the Church, so that if and when scandals and heresies arise, we will be guided through the minefield and not be scattered to the winds, with the very heretics we wish to avoid. The Catholic Church functions on Authority, thus we expose ourselves to the grave danger of private judgment without spiritual direction. 

We may also need to make practical reforms in our lives which are leading us, and others into sin. For example, we may have to  give up, change the direction, and/or greatly reduce our social media activity, if our confessor sees it as an impediment to growing in holiness. 

If we cannot reform ourselves, we can hardly reform the Church, even less can we call for reform without being convicted of hypocrisy. Let us do penance, let us pray, let us serve others in our lives, and let us leave the rest to the Holy Spirit. For it is the Holy Spirit who is the True Reformer. May the words of St. Paul be our guide:

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" 
2 Timothy 4:7