Friday 1 January 2021

An Open Letter to Cardinal Collins: We want Holy Mass - NOT a "Communion Service"!

St John Fisher, Bishop and Martyr


Dear Cardinal Collins, 

Your Eminence, since the arrival on our shores of a virus from communist China, you have kept us out of our churches (yes, OURS, as we pay for them), you have - through many a wayward and cowardly priest - deprived the Faithful of Confession. You have also - violating the Law of the Church - suppressed the Traditional Catholic manner of reception of the Holy Eucharist, and (following the "orders" of the godless enemies of Christ who populate "public health" offices) "commanded" the Faithful receive the very God of the Universe, Our Divine Saviour Himself in the hands. This spiritually criminal order has not only deprived us of the right to receive Holy Communion in the proper manner, but also placed faithful priests in an intolerable situation of depriving them of their rights to give Holy Communion to Catholics in the state of Grace. These loyal sons of the Church are being abused, just as we are.

Your Eminence, you have claimed on a number of occasions, following the manipulative hysteria being pushed by the State authorities and the godless "public health" officials, that SARS-CoV2 is "rampaging through our community". But this is not true. This is a lie. We were told of a two-week lock down to (now turned 10 months and counting) "save lives". Yet the very authorities who have dragged two weeks into nearly a year, keep abortion clinics open and promote a variety of sexual perversions amongst the population for "safety" during a "pandemic". So much for protecting life, so much for a "pandemic". (We now hear that you have been joined by Bishop Crosbie who is also abusing the Faithful of his Diocese, depriving them of Holy Mass). 

The virus turned out (thanks be to God) nowhere remotely as dangerous as initially thought (or shall we say pushed by godless "public health" authorities). Indeed, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is estimated to be between 0.1 - 0.3% (equivalent to a bad flu season), and hard facts demolish mushy propaganda. Sadly, this truth has not stopped the rebellion against God growing, and the godless authorities (supported by Christ-hating billionaires and their controlled media) have seized upon this huge lie to suppress the Catholic Church (and the churches and ecclesial communities of our separated brethren), constantly pushing this virus as the new Black Death.

Catholics are bound by God to not only tell the truth but to expose lies. Sadly, you have succumbed to this horrendous falsehood and deception, claiming that our churches are limited to no more than 10 people (irrespective of capacity), our Masses completely suppressed, because of the "common good", for saving lives. Yet, on the other hand, you have openly admitted that the virus has not been spread through the Faithful attending Mass. We have a contradiction here, Your Eminence: two plus two is four, yet two plus two is not four. 

Your Eminence, you cannot have it both ways. Either we Catholics are spreading the virus at Mass or we are not. If we are not - as you admit - why have you suppressed Holy Mass? Are you afraid of the State authorities? Or, are you afraid even more of your disobedient, modernist clergy who would not support you in defending Holy Mother Church against the godless State? Or is it a combination of the vile State and evil, parasitic dissenters? 

Perhaps the unfaithfulness of so many priests shines some light on why the Prayer to St. Michael after Mass was only a "suggestion" (and your capitulation to the State)? After all, is it not true that 95% did not take up your "suggestion" of saying the Prayer to St. Michael? Was what should have been an "order" (after all you "ordered" Mass suppressed  and in March our churches boarded up) turned into a "suggestion" because you are not really in control of the Archdiocese, and those rebellious priests would have rejected the Prayer? Have you been given "parameters" of operation by Rome, and/or your rich manipulative clerical advisers and canonical and secular lawyers? 

We faithful Catholics are asking: are you, dear Cardinal Collins really in charge, or are you a "lame duck" bishop?

As Vox Cantoris has noted, you (or someone controlling you?) have removed faithful priests from service and allowed dissenters - even active homosexuals - to continue in (if it can be called that!) priestly ministry. Yet, we have a Cardinal of contradiction. You, Your Eminence, are on the public record rightly calling the so-called "Reformation" as a "horror". You have also lamented (on the record) the catastrophic error of Holy Communion in the hand. Yet you allow it - whilst having the authority at the moment you took up your episcopal See to suppress it. Yet you have not. Why? The most charitable answer is that you, a bishop who has the Faith, prays the Rosary, holds the "Reformation" as a "horror", is not truly in command of the Archdiocese. What other solution to this mystery is there?

Dear Cardinal Collins: what evil force is controlling you? What hellish power has "racked" you to deny us the Holy Mass, when even the bungling Premier has not tried to suppress the Holy Sacrifice? Why have you taken one step further than the godless State authorities? 

We do not judge you, but we do judge your actions (or inaction) and they are wrong!  Nonetheless, we know not what we would do if in your position. We would hope that we had the courage to stand up to the State, to reopen the churches. To stand up to the dissenting priests, the perverted infiltrators, the modernists. 

Your Eminence: God is giving you the graces to stand up! You can become a "meddlesome priest"! Today is the day! Throw open the doors of our churches! Call the faithful to Mass, to Adoration, to reparation! Let us, with love for these deluded, godless people show why they should repent, convert and come to Christ!

Your Eminence, four and a half centuries ago hundreds of Catholics across the British Isles were done to death in the most diabolical, sadistic manner possible since the ancient Roman martyrs. Some were locked in the Tower in a "room" so small, they could neither stand up nor lie down, others were tied to statues and set alight, others were drowned, yet others were flogged to death, others racked so that literally their bodies were "stretched" an extra foot, others were hanged, drawn and quartered. St. Margaret Clitherow was tortured for days before being pressed to death on Good Friday, where she entered Heaven to meet the beautiful, Holy Face of Jesus. It was all for the unity of Holy Church and the Holy Mass. It was the Mass that mattered! 

Reopen the churches! Lead kindly Light! Be inspired Your Eminence by the Holy Spirit. Please remember why you wear red. Lead the separated brethren through apostolic example; God knows they need to be drawn back to Holy Mother Church. 

Your Eminence, may the holy martyrs who defended Christ, His Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and His Holy Church, grant you the courage to stand up to the evil filth in our local church, and to defend Holy Mother Church against the unjust attacks and persecution of the State. Please be assured of our prayers for you. 




Cardinal Collins give us the Mass! 



St John Fisher, intercede for Cardinal Collins.

Yours faithfully in the holy Martyrs of England and Wales, 

Barona and Irenaeus


P. O'Brien said...

I don't understand why the archbishop in my American diocese didn't open up his seminary grounds of several acres and have many Sunday Masses offered. Forget loud speakers, don't give out Communion, limit the numbers -- but hundreds of attendees or more could have easily been accommodated several times on a weekend..

A downtown parish here gave out Communion regularly but did not offer a public Mass for a couple of months, at least. What is to stop a priest from saying a private "ad orientem" Mass, not saying a word out loud, never addressing the people in church? The faithful would at least have been able to attend Mass and participate inwardly. I don't understand the thinking.

We offer God supreme worship by means of the Mass. And the Mass is Christ, through the priest, offering Himself to the Father, it is a case of "God loving God." Holy Communion is a case of "God loving us." And I don't think it is diminishing Holy Communion in any way to say that it is more important for God to love God than for God to love us. (And corrections to this opinion are happily received.)

Barona said...

Dear friend, you are absolutely correct. What we are saying is not that the "Communion Service" is a protestant one, what we are saying is that it is the Mass that is the Supreme Act of Worship (within which the Real Presence becomes Reality). Holy Communion is a fruit of this Supreme Act of Worship at whose presence (to offer spiritually, the Faithful are being unjustly denied).

With the church lockouts, and the suppression of attendance at Mass a great error has been spread amongst some Catholics, claiming that reception of the Holy Eucharist is necessary for salvation. This is not so. Can anyone deny that a baptized infant who dies will not be saved? Can anyone deny that the martyrs of old (Rome, Elizabethan and Jacobean England, Japan etc.) went to Hell because they were unable to receive Holy Communion? Both St. Augustine and St. Thomas taught that it is not mere reception of Holy Communion that saves. On the contrary, St.Paul admonishes that reception unworthily brings damnation. The reception of the Holy Eucharist is necessary in a secondary sense (as St. Thomas taught), as Baptism is necessary in a primary sense.

Our concern is that with this new "Communion Service" Catholics will begin to confuse (as they already are) even more the difference between primary and secondary necessity. Another issue is the grave error of receiving Our Blessed Lord in the hand. This may well be the most horrifying evil that has been brought about by this "mandate" by God hating public health authorities who dare to change Catholic worship. Would it be that those Catholics who clamour for Communion Services cry out against the Profanation of the Real Presence!

However, we Catholics can make spiritual communion, or attend where Mass is yet available. Catholics can still find priests who will not take the knee to their wayward Bishop; or they can, as an emergency, receive on a blessed paten the Most Holy Eucharist. In this they do nothing more than take emergency steps as is the norm during persecution (and let us NOT be deluded: the actions taken by the State and wayward bishops IS persectuon).

Anonymous said...

When I came to Toronto from the one of strong Catholic countries, I went through a deep shock. Catholic church in Canada is Catholic by name only! I couldn't recognize the church at all. This is weak, feckless, politically correct institution, which is only oriented for fundraising money for their projects, which has nothing to do with a CHRIST from the Bible. I never have heard any homily about sin, abortion, hell, judgement of God etc. All is cumbaya and we all go to heaven. So many things are sickening, because it is betrayal of Christ Jesus and true teaching of Christ. I bet that Canada's Catholic Church will be one of the first countries, that will join the false church of Bergoglio. The "church", which he is creating right now with the silent acceptance of present day Judases in the church, for whom good and easy life is more important than Jesus! Woe, to them, who will betray Christ, they will share their place with the false prophet in the lake of fire - per book of Revelation!

MyronM said...

The Abomination of Desolation

The Lord Jesus really allowed his faithful to receive the Holy Eucharist in a standing position to show that they are in such circumstances as the Israelites during the last Passover before leaving Egypt! In addition, you could take the Host in your hand, because it is food for the journey! What should the faithful go from? From the Great Whore, which has all the qualities of a disgusting Sodom!
Revelation to John [18, 4-5] "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. "
In November, I asked the good God five times whether the daily Sacrifice stopped on October 27, 2019, and I got the answer five times - via the Holy Bible - that it happened that scary day! Carefully read the 3rd Book of Kings (1 Kings; DR version) [12, 25-31] and replace Jeroboam (meaning "the People Contend") with rebel Jorge the Apostate, instead of King Rehoboam of Israel (= meaning "He enlarges the People") put in our Lord Jesus Christ and his rightful descendants (that is Children of the Church), and in place of 2 golden calves give 2xPachamamas and "priests" from among ordinary people ("viri probati"), and you will understand all the drama of God's people these days.
I also received a physical confirmation of this situation: On December 26 [2019], I went with my son for the pardon to the baroque church of Saint Stephen (and Anna the Mother) in a neighboring village. We stood in a long queue for Communion in a narrow passage between the pews and the hanging ambo, and then one of the priests came and told me to go back so that he could give away hosts. There was a small commotion, backing away, I lost my balance, but my son supported me. We had to go back toward the temple EXIT. It was the day of stoning st. Stephen the Deacon outside the city walls, and then I realized that this priest did not come to us with the Heart of the Lord's Body (= the Holy Eucharist), but with a stone heart - the opposite of that of the prophet Ezekiel [36, 26]!
Why did the Lord Jesus not declare this fact - the cessation of the Daily Sacrifice - in an open text? After nearly 20 centuries of feeding us with his Holy Body, He expects his chosen ones to be mature enough to judge the state of affairs themselves, I suppose. Especially that for over 6 years they have often seen with what contempt Jorge the Apostate, alleged pontifex maximus, treats the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar in the absence of any protests from other priests. The measure of wickedness has been fulfilled. There is no more urgent reading these days than the Apocalypse.

January 2, 2020, Feast: Virgen del Pilar, Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain

The Church history shows that Catholics can survive for decades (USSR) and even centuries (Japan) without priests and the Blessed Sacrament. The Apocalypse, however, speaks of a period of three and a half years.
God does not share the altar with Satan. The daily Sacrifice ceased in Rome at noon [CET] on October 27, 2019. That day was the commemoratio of Saint Abraham the Poor (or the Child) - Abraham the Patriarch, the Father of Faith, has actually returned to his place! [Genesis 18:33]
If the abomination of desolation was placed on the altar of the Lord over the tomb of Saint Peter on October 27, 2019, than 1260 days will end April 8, 2023, Holy Saturday; 1290 days: May 8, the feast of Our Lady of Luján (Argentina), Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel (Gargano, Italy), Saint Stanislaus B&M (in Poland); 1335 days: June 22, Ss. JOHN FISHER (the last Catholic bishop, England) and Thomas More (the last Catholic Lord Chancellor, England).

Irenaeus said...

Friends, do not lose hope or peace. After all, Christ does not want that of us.

It is indeed tempting to look at the situation we are in and throw up our arms in despair, calling it the "abomination of desolation" and the like. But, if it is permissible for me to say so, it would be wise to refrain from such remarks. It runs the risk of robbing us of the hope and peace (along with so many other things) Christ purchased for us on the Cross.

If the Cardinals, bishops, and the rest of the clergy do not "preach Christ crucified" - to follow the words of St. Paul - it is important that we teach ourselves. Not only through books but through our actions to those around us. In our ends, we will be held to account for what we have done with our lives to achieve union with God - and our actions, good and bad, will be the evidence the Supreme Judge uses.

Friends, let us become saints, and quickly.