Cardinal Collins: more confused and desperate |
The ABUSE of Catholics continues unabated with this Sunday being the 180th day since we have been DENIED access to Holy Communion. It is NOT a question of health, as Catholics not under the direct control of Cardinal Collins ARE receiving Holy Communion within the municipal boundaries of the Greater Toronto Area. Further, eastern Catholics, as well as separated eastern brethren, are also receiving in the traditional manner without being abused by the Provincial Authorities or police.
Let there be no mistake: this outrage is being committed to placate Toronto Public Health, who are being backed by Mayor John Tory and his fellow anti-Christian Council. When liquor stores, beer stores, and pot shops remained open, Cardinal Collins rather than inform the City that churches would likewise remain open for private prayer and small gatherings for Mass, boarded up our churches lest he face the wrath of the downtown elite and media. "See you in court", and defending Christians' God-given rights do not seem to be high on the Chancery's agenda.
But the ongoing outrage of denying Catholics rights goes even further. The Cardinal and the Chancery are grotesquely violating predominantly older adults with a cognitive impairment who know no other way of receiving Holy Communion but on the tongue. There are Catholics for whom Holy Communion has been the only way (and rightfully so) they have ever received Our Lord. They cannot cognitively understand and therefore this so-called edict of receiving on the hand is not feasible, for so ingrained is their manner of receiving Holy Communion.
The result is that cognitively impaired adults are being DENIED Holy Communion. I know this for a FACT, for during the previous H1N1 Holy Communion Scandal my mother was DENIED Holy Communion. She wished to receive Our Lord. I informed her she would have to receive on the hand. She said "yes, yes", when I told her the manner of permitted reception. I went with her to the Communion Rail, but, her impairment was such that she knelt with her tongue out, and after efforts my efforts to make her understand the changes, he then passed her by like some public sinner. Truly God blessed her on that day for her fidelity to Christ.
This grave evil will have to answered by Cardinal Collins, his "advisors", and the cowardly priest. Pray they repent of their sins, for they will answer to Christ as to why they denied her and no doubt countless others.
Dear Catholic friends: raise your prayers up today for our beloved elders. Many of whom are not even with family, but locked up in a LTC facility. Contrary to the lies that "we are all in this together", these poor souls suffer in isolation and loneliness.
Catholic priests: your oath of obedience to the Cardinal does not extend to unlawful and evil commands. I encourage you to cease your cowardice and defend the rights of Catholics.
Well said, Barona. In yesterday's Sacrifice of the Mass, the homily was given over to a canned video presentation by Cardinal Collins on "stewardship". Picking up on the day's Gospel, his Eminence treated the laity to an overlong and obscurantist mediation on the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Was he asking for money? He should have just come out and said it.
You are correct that Catholics not under his Eminence's control are receiving on the tongue. Some parishes have been quite ingenious in this respect, by using slightly larger than normal hosts to make the possibility of hand-tongue contact even that much more remote. A poverty of imagination seems to be the order of the day in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
In the little read and recent copy of the Catholic Register, he referred to putting ones hands in the mouth.
What a sad man.
We also in the diocese of Hamilton cannot receive on the tongue. It is an abuse of authority.
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