Toronto's Mayor, John Tory is an evil man. Every day I thank God I was not seduced into soiling my soul by voting for this despicable, twisted creature. Being guilty as a material accessory to the most abominable evils promoted by this man. To be a grave digger of society.
Now we hear that this wretched creature has just gleefully delighted in another massive waste of taxpayers' money: $760,000 on a billboard with the word "Toronto" emblazoned on it. This is how the City of Toronto spends taxpayers' money when the City is stone broke.
Tory merely reflects the degenerate electorate. After all, Tory was freely elected. People wanted him. They wanted his degeneracy, and promises of lower taxes (well, really raising your taxes but a penny or two lower than his opponents). In other words, Tory was elected by appealing to base vice, to the materialistic nature of man. In this, John Tory perfectly reflects the evil of the City of Man. It is a selfish man, a godless man, a man without morals, without decency.
But this is still only a superficial view of Tory and his despicable ways. So far, I have but touched on his disregard for the unemployed, those who have lost jobs because of his and City Council's lock downs. It is estimated that 60% of Toronto restaurants will not survive the COVID restrictions come 2021. Family businesses, long held dreams, livelihoods, everything destroyed by this man and his hard-left (and I mean HARD left) City Council enablers and co-conspirators.
You were warned dear friends as to what this man was. But how many of you voted for him? Tory picked up 63% of the vote. The excuse will be: "well, he's the lesser of two, or three, or four evils. Ooh, ooh, ooh...". John Tory must have picked up many a "Christian" vote, for there are at least nominally well over a million "Christians" in the City. Tory could not have won without them.
But it gets worse: MUCH worse. You see, John Tory is not only a pompous, preening popinjay (indeed compared to his evils, that could be said to be his positive side), but a grossly immoral man who OPENLY opposes Christian morality. He does not hide this fact, he is not ashamed of it. On the contrary: his is proud of his advocacy for immorality and attacks on the family. He wants to demolish the family and enshrine evil as virtue. You saw him march, year after year in "Gay Pride Parades".
So what evil does John Tory have to support for him to "cross the line" for his "Christian" supporters? Will it be lowering the age of consent, bestiality, some other horror? Or will his supporters continue to make excuses?
So one must ask: how can a Christian vote for him? Well, it comes down to a number of things, but I think its nexus is a desensitization and denial of sin. Ultimately, these "Christians" do not really believe. If Jesus really was their King, they could not have voted for a man who openly, eagerly, proudly advocates and promotes one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance. Evidently, the fact that John Tory crossed God's line long ago when he supports these evils is of no consequence for these nominal "Christians". Cherry picking the Bible seems to be very popular these days.
They see no contradiction in perhaps attending religious services, "praying", then marching off and casting a ballot for a man who rejects Jesus Christ. If they really loved and followed Jesus they would heed His commandments. God is Love, yes. But He is also hates sin, and commands that we OBEY Him. "Anyone who rejects me, rejects Him who sent me..." (Luke 10:16). Only a perverse generation could cast a vote for such a wicked man.
Now many of you, perhaps most will scoff. "Oh Jesus understands, we can vote for an openly evil man, we just want the 'lesser of two evils'" Really? You show me that in the Bible. To the contrary: "no man can do evil that good can come from it. (Romans 3:8). Though it is licit to sometime tolerate an evil to avoid a greater evil or promote a greater good, it is NEVER permitted to do evil that good may come of it (c.f. Humanae vitae, no. 14). Voting for evil politicians is NOT toleration, it is positive action of voting in the belief that a good (e.g. lower taxes, paving roads) will come from supporting object evil. A true Christian understands that there are times when formally refusing the ballot, or not voting are the only morally acceptable choices.
But you say: "I'll never give in to the Antichrist, I'll be there fighting for the Church, for Jesus". Will you? You who voted for wicked men? You who meekly took to wearing masks as a sign of submission? So if you'll take the mask, believe me, you will take the Mark of the Man of Perdition.
Be warned of the words of St. Jude:
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire... these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.
Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain...
They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever
John Tory exemplifies just how deep Modernism has destroyed the moral compass of the West. I imagine he was raised nominally Protestant, probably Anglican. "Progress" is the only reason for living, and progress is what secular power says it is.
The worst is Cardinal Collins taking a knee to Toronto Public Health. Make no mistake, the COVID Mass is here to stay.
I think that this is all a dress rehearsal. The hidden hand now sees two things : governments are more than willing to violate civil liberties, and citizens are highly docile and controllable. Hedonistic man is easily frightened and easily controlled. What has happened and this great lie really is a game changer. The virus is real, the response is fake. The last time I checked 77 people are in hospital in Ontario for COVID. In mid April the highest ever was only approaching 1000. Even at that time emergencies were half empty. We never even came remotely close to overwhelming hospital capacity. So here we are, six months later and still under lock down, asinine mark mandates etc.
9/11 is peanuts compared to the deaths, the damage, the outrageous encroachment of totalitarianism. But there we are. The churchmen, virtually to a man are on the side of the bad guys, the Freemasons.
I fear Cardinal Collins has taken so many knees that they are bloodied. Interestingly the strip clubs threatened going to court if threatened to being closed. The eagerness of the churchmen to board up our churches shows that perversely the strippers believe more in stripping than the churchmen believe in defending Jesus Christ. Incredible.
True Irenaeus, it will return at some point. What's troubling is there is not even a hint of what the benchmark must be for full return, and Cardinal Collins isn't pushing the issue.
I attend one of the very few early morning weekday Masses in downtown Toronto (sorry, the 9am Masses across the city begin too late for anyone not retired). This parish still hasn't reinstated regularly-scheduled Confession times. I'll be charitable and blame it on a failure of imagination to come up with an arrangement that would satisfy the health regulations.
Or perhaps they need a refresher on how Confession confers sacramental graces, so desperately needed today. Paul VI was forced to issue an encyclical on the Real Presence, Mysterium Fidei, for just that reason.
Phineas you are correct. The heresy of the pneumatic "presence" is rife amongst the
clergy.In fact, the CCCB have pushing it on their website for years.
Interesting that Cardinal Collins could have gone immediately to court when the Province declared churches closed on the 24 of March. He would have had serious grounds to win: liquor stores, pot shops, and the beer store remained open. One could hardly ban private prayer, whilst at the same time allowing people to stroll about a shop loading up their shopping carts with crates of liquor and wine. Unless one believes the virus only attacks church goers...
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