Thursday 6 August 2020

Is Toronto City Council and Toronto Public Health infested with Perverts?

Friends, just a reminder that the people who run Toronto do NOT have your best interests in mind. They DESPISE Christianity and Christian morality. They are working to destroy what remnants are left of Christian civilization.

The evil Mayor of Toronto, John Tory, has admitted it. He wrote, "proclaiming" the so-called "gay pride" month the following: "... [it is] showcasing diversity, inclusion and creativity....", and that "...this month presents an opportunity to reflect on the progress made ....and the work that still needs to be done", and that Torontonians "MUST work together to support the LGBTQ2S+ community..."

There you have the mayor's program for destroying Christianity. It is a complete rejection of the Sacred Scriptures and Divine Revelation. It could not be more obvious.

The godless Mayor and City Council of Toronto, glorifying sexual perversion

That is why they declared religion unessential, and ordered churches closed (and places of worship of those who have yet to recognize Our Lord Jesus Christ, but of whom we may charitably say, are seeking the Divine). 


 But they refused to take correction. 

They have made their faces harder than rock; 

They have refused to repent....

 Because their transgressions are many, Their apostasies are numerous...

Why should I pardon you? Your sons have forsaken me....

And on a nation such as this, shall I not avenge Myself?

Jeremiah 5: 3-9



1 comment:

Phineas said...

Kristyn Wong-Tam is a radical left lesbian who does everything she can to look like a man. This is a person who denies her God-given nature, and like a good little Marxist hates the traditional family. No one should be surprised she proudly slapped her name on such filth.