Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Who Ever Thought that COVID-19 would EXPOSE the Churchmen as supporting a "PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE RICH" ? Yes, THE RICH !!!

God is constantly writing straight with crooked lines. He has used COVID-19 to EXPOSE the fear of death that gripped the churchmen in March. Most went into hiding and have barely been seen since. God also exposed them as not only misbehaving cowards, but as lackeys, if not co-conspirators with many an anti-Christian politician. The silence, if not collaboration with grossly incompetant  politicians imposing authoritarian months long lock downs is truly repugnant. But the greatest sin of these men has been their eagerness to fall over each other in locking up the churches, whilst remaining silent regarding the rank hypocrisy and anti-Christian hatred of politicians who kept open abortion mills, gambling casinos, liquor stores, pot shops etc. during the lock downs. Some churchmen imposed even more draconian measures on their congregations than openly godless politicians and public health officials.

Now God is using COVID to EXPOSE the fraud of the claim that these churchmen love and care for the poor. Before we continue, can you think of a churchman who has spoken out against the brutal lock downs (excluding Archbishop Vigano and his co-signatories of his Open Letter)?

In Toronto the "lock downs" have benefited the rich, hurt the poor

The brutal worldwide imposition of lock downs has ripped at least 10% out of many economies. This has been particularly oppressive on the poor: not only economically, but psychologically and physically. Sane voices, such as Drs. Scott Atlas of Stanford, and Karol Sikora, one of Britain's leading oncologists, have been ringing alarm bells for weeks, if not months, of the irreparable harm these lock downs are inflicting.

The Catholic Church, at one time the traditional defender and voice of the poor, has betrayed them, and Her "leaders" have been all but absent in this debate. If not absent, in many cases in actual  lockstep with the "lock downers" and prophets of doom (remember how John XXIII warned us about these people, to avoid them?!).

The stark reality of lock downs for the vast majority of the world's population is now belatedly beginning to receive some attention in the secular media. Unlike far, far too bishops, these people are not waited on by servants, live in large houses, nay mansions, if not Renaissance palaces. The world's poor do not tread marble halls, nor have their French damask curtains drawn back by doting courtiers as they arise.

No, their lot is to be locked up in hovels, de facto rabbit hatches, waiting for a meager State cheque that barely cover their food and rent. They do not partake of "white collar welfare", where church "employees" draw government stipends courtesy of the trick of having churches registered as not-for-profit organizations. Yes, along with large corporations, these decadent churchmen have been taking millions (Canada), in some cases (as in the USA) over a billion. It really is all very nauseating...

No doubt their are still some bishops who have the Faith, but are just simply paralyzed, having been selected precisely because of their lack of leadership skills. May they obtain the courage to either stand up, or resign.

Let us now juxtapose the official teaching of the Church, with the reality of lock down, which these same churchmen support.

"The Church's love for the poor . . . is a part of her constant tradition." This love is inspired by the Gospel of the Beatitudes, of the poverty of Jesus, and of his concern for the poor. . . . "Those who are oppressed by poverty are the object of a preferential love on the part of the Church which, since her origin and in spite of the failings of many of her members, has not ceased to work for their relief, defense, and liberation." Catechism of the Catholic Church 2444, 2448.

Have they sold off some of their riches? Their art collections?

Have they cashed out their bonds, stocks?

Have they sold some of the billions in real estate?


James Joseph said...

I think they know who butters the bread. I think we need to come to terms with it.

Consider the leader of Belarus. No lockdown there. Now, he has got to go. Watch. You will "demonstrations". He will quickly become the next "evil dictator".

The Jews simply do not tolerate desent. As the rabbis teach, "Christians only perform charity it is evil and is intended to taunt the Jews", and "Only the Jews are entitled to taunt other nations."

Barona said...

Actually we now know that the pandemic was a US-China operation. This has been confirmed with the NIH giving millions and working with the WIV doing gain of function research. The virus should be renamed the “Yankee-Sino” virus. Unfortunately the US is far to corrupt and nothing has nor will be done with the criminals engaged in this monstrous enterprise. But the US has also a track record of setting up its biological weapons program using imported war criminals from Japan’s notorious Unit 731 which provided the foundation for Fort Detrick. So in fairness the US plays the lead role in this pandemic.