Monday, 31 August 2020

ANTIFA and BLM terrorists strike in Toronto? Our Lady of Lebanon is decapitated!

They are burning down the churches, desecrating sanctuaries, destroying statues and icons. The attacks are being carried out across North America by Antifa and BLM affiliated terrorists. 

Now the terrorists have turned and attacked an image of Our Lady as represented in the beautiful statue outside Our Lady of Lebanon Church in Toronto, Canada.  


What hate fills the heart of someone who wishes to decapitate the Mother Mary, the Mother of God? To attack Mary is to attack Jesus.

We can conjecture based on what has happened over the this summer past that the satanic crime was committed by sympathizers, if not affiliates of the above named terrorist groups.

 Let me be clear: there is a difference between saying "black lives matter", and the Organization: "Black Lives Matter". The former is a phrase that can be used for good or manipulated for ill, but the latter is a Marxist terrorist organization. It is intrinsically anti-Black and anti-African. BLM despises the family, it despises and opposes Christian morality. Perversely BLM leaders claim a main goal is also to defer African-Americans from - so they claim - being made "white", yet they see no irony in the fact that their movement's ideology is founded on the perverse ideas of  a white, male, German-Jew, named Karl Mordecai Marx. Marx's ideology was drawn from German philosophy and French sociology. Not very African is it?

Dear African-American brothers and sisters, there is a far greater Jew you can follow. Jesus Christ, the Messiah in which there is neither male nor female, Jew or gentile, slave or freeman but ALL are ONE in Christ Jesus. 

Heroic men such as Martin Luther King and the brilliant Malcolm X sought to have all men regarded by the content of their character, and opposed every form of racism and segregation. In contrast the BLM rejects the legacy of King and Malcolm X and wishes to turn African-Americans into black versions of the white racists and segregationists of the 50s. As far as Antifa is concerned, it was founded in 1932, emerging from the German Communist Party and the Jewish Bund. Communists in Antifa and BLM are using African-Americans for their own evil ends. Thankfully, many African-Americans are now seeing the deception of these Jacobin communist terrorists.

We DO NOT want this race war that these Marxists and their globalist manipulators desire. We REJECT the racism of "white Jesus" and "white Mary" conjured up by haters who attack our churches and desecrate holy images.

We REJECT all identity politics. It was tried by the Nazis and did not turn out very well.

Our identity is that of Christian. Period. 


One final word. We WILL DEFEND our churches. If the authorities do NOT defend them, then WE WILL. Be prepared. 

1 comment:

Everyday For Life Canada said...

Decapitating a statue of the Blessed Mother should be seen as a hate crime. This is way beyond mischief. I wish that our bishops had the courage to publicly condemn this vile act. Silence is not an option.