UPDATE: This post though remaining for the record is very dated. The evidence that emerged since its publication show: 1) the death rate of Covid 19 is approximately 0.1%.; 2) evidence has emerged that actual deaths form Covid 19 are inflated, and the numbers highly unreliable; and 3) Donald Trump did not rely on his medically trained generals, but relapsed into taking the advice of the corrupt CDC and NAI.
The novel coronavirus, a respiratory disease, (SARS-CoV-2), is real, an existential threat, and requires immediate, strong, proactive measures to halt its progress.
There are those who still believe it to be a "hoax", a mere "flu" (Influenza A and B are called "flues" but are not stomach flu, but actually upper respiratory coronaviruses). Still others, admitting that it is dangerous, argue nothing needs to be done as only a few 1000 out of perhaps millions have been infected. e.g. in Canada the infection rate is about 25 (give or take) per million. Still others, read off deaths and stats from H1N1 (Swine flu), etc. They know nothing about statistics. I do have a reasonable grasp of statistics, having studied it at the doctoral level. I have also done a bit of reading on the evidence coming in given the Ro, as well as epidemiology reports. The possibility of over 100,000 Canadians, and over 1 million Americans dying unless severe, aggressive action is taken, is a real possibility. All of this has led Catholics to engage in clashes over the approach taken by Church Authorities.
The Chinese Communist Party is the 21st century Nazi Party:
Reports are coming in from the reliable Epoch Times that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in a massive coverup and propaganda campaign. Do not be fooled: the deaths in China are MUCH, MUCH higher than the official figures. They estimate it could be OVER 2 million dead; perhaps even many, many more. Go and read it here.
As to why Italy's stats are so bad, the Epoch Times notes:
Italy’s political elite class made two key mistakes.
The first mistake was to allow a huge migration of ethnic Chinese into the country. There are now an estimated 320,000 Chinese living in Italy, many of them in the northern part of the country where the virus has been especially bad. (The actual number could be far higher since there is a booming illegal human-smuggling trade.)
The second mistake was to enter into an economic agreement with the CCP called the “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, also known as One Belt, One Road).” The Party is using this economic policy in countries such as Italy to position itself for world dominance, and specifically as a competitor to the United States.
The Freemasons who run Italy are criminals, collaborators with the most evil regime in the world. Do not forget, China is guilty of genocide. Does anyone remember Tibet? So what is 10, 20 million dead from a virus for these people? And before we slam the Italians for being greedy and run by a bunch of misleaders, we too, must look in the mirror. Americans need to review all the traitors (in both the Democrat and Republican parties) over the past few decades who committed to "favoured nation status" with China. Canada too, government and multinationals succumbed to the lust for money, betrayed this country and Canadian workers. Let there be no mistake the western nations are run by criminals too.
When this is over, the decoupling of our economies from this criminal, evil empire must be undertaken. Factories must be moved to North America. Many can also be built in Mexico, those in poverty in central America can work in these new factories, living in a similar culture, rather than trying to illegally enter the United States or Canada. There will also have to be a full inquiry into the vast criminal network who enabled China over the last decades. You will be surprised as to how many "Christians" were enablers of this monstrous regime; lusting after prestige and money, instead of doing their duty before God as businessmen and/or politicians.
Therefore, Catholics think seriously! THINK! Don't EMOTE.
Do your Christian and civic duty.
Do your Christian and civic duty.
We need bold leadership:
Donald Trump, after a slow start, is showing real leadership, and has surrounded himself with a number of highly able scientists and (especially) military-trained scientists (thankfully the wretched Chabad/Talmudic Kushner seems to have been temporarily banished and is not on the Coronavirus Task Force). He even moved far to the "left" of the most liberal Democrats in his correct decision to protect American workers with a cheque (the amount to be decided, but figures such as $1500 are being bandied about). Libertarians and other heartless people should do well to realize that extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. A healthy economy requires a priori a healthy population.
So go ahead and call me a communist.
By the way, for Canadian readers, where are the cheques for Canadian workers? Actually Trump's actions are backed up by the encyclical on economics by Leo XIII and Pius XI. They have been called communists too by many an ignorant Catholic.
By the way, for Canadian readers, where are the cheques for Canadian workers? Actually Trump's actions are backed up by the encyclical on economics by Leo XIII and Pius XI. They have been called communists too by many an ignorant Catholic.
The Disaster that is the EU:
The European Union has miserably and criminally failed to protect its population. They refused to close their borders until far, far too late. As an aside, when Trump closed the borders to Europe he was denounced by the globalist, neoliberal elite. Here in Canada, we continue to allow flights in without any enhanced screening. This has been verified by numerous local media reports in Toronto. Those who know me, know that I was advocating a complete North American lockdown in early February. Given the political climate in the United States, sadly, it was impossible. Trump could barely impose his China ban.
To return to the disaster in the EU. It was but a few weeks ago in February, that the EU bureaucrats traveled down to Rome and imposed a 7.5 million Euro fine on Italy for some supposed trade infraction taking place in Sardinia. It is now being reported in the Italian local press that the billions transfered to the EU could have been kept in Italy and used for (e.g.) health care. Let there be no mistake: the neoliberal, globalist elite will pay a very serious price within the next year across Europe in elections. Look for Italy to swing "hard right". Look for Italy and other countries to prepare to leave the EU.
But let us not be fooled. The neoliberal globalists are very powerful, they have vast access to wealth (via banks and multi-national corporations); they control most universities and media. They will be back and their cry will be: "greater integration, greater unity". But they will be countered with a huge upsurge in populism from both the right and left. In the USA, you will see Donald Trump re-elected with a massive landslide. Right now, he is bailing out his base: the average American. Middle America, workers and others who need daily sustenance during this health crisis. Contrast this to Obama's 2008 response by bailing out his base: Wall Street and the international bankers. Trump, ever the maverick, is rejecting Republican capitalist orthodoxy for populism, to even out "bernie" Bernie! And he will pick up a large percentage of left-wing populists who will not vote for the elitist neocon Joe Biden.
In Canada, we see Trudeau also responding to his base: Bay Street and the banks. No cheques for working class Canadians! You notice too, the compliant, controlled media working in tandem to back Trudeau in the neoliberal, globalist delusion.
To get a better grasp of the geopolitical situation please consider watching Crosstalk.
I think this is the one of the best posts you've ever written. Linking to it!
China must pay reparations or be isolated.
I do not discount that the worship in the garden of the Vatican and the idol in the St. Peter's has caused great anger from God. That, and the betrayal of the real Church in China, God has withdrawn his protecting hand.
We still have flights coming to Canada from China daily. With the made in China obsession, we in the West have gotten much more than we thought we were getting for cheap labour and greater profits. How many dollar stores do we really need? Canada recently sent aid to China including face masks, when we don't have enough of them for Canadians. Imagine that. And what about the two Canadians who continue to be in solitary confinement in China? Our prime minister who admires China is so inept during ordinary times but his incompetency is certainly evident now. Solid and informative post.
This is a fantastic post, or do I think it's fantastic because I agree with it 100%, lol. Either way, I'm totally with you, and confounded that I have now become a "Communist" because I agree with the measures taken to isolate in order to protect lives. We don't know YET where we are headed with this virus, yet we have Catholics clamoring to stop the measures?? Oh that's right, because if you're over 60, you just found out your death is acceptable! Yep, you take a pill once a day, so, you're halfway dead now! You have what has become popularly called the now-dismissive "pre-existing condition". That means in laymen's terms you're an old fart whose passing is just another statistic, not like those meaningful deaths of younger people. Cheer up! Nobody will miss you.
And because I agree with closing stores and no Mass for Catholics except priests, I am now, despite my lifetime membership in the conservative camp, a Communist. No, I am now a "Holy Communist". Well well. That is a surprise. Well I say these people who are so worried about economies rather than lives have lost their pro-life credibility, because they certainly don't seem to care about mine or my age cohort. We are dismayed to be told we have one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. Gee, I don't think my employer nor my family knew that. That one pill a day and my birthdays have put me in quite a spot.
If we haven't learned that "diversity is our downfall" (not our strength) and that globalism is a big, fat lie that could get us all killed, and furthermore that industry needs to come HOME to North American shores, certainly our medical industry, supplies, pharmaceuticals, and other necessary do-dads, then we are perhaps too stupid to survive anyway, but I bet dollars to donuts this was something Donald Trump knew all along and will do something about. Trudeau certainly won't. Canada's in a fix with him, in more ways than one.
Let China make our socks. We have been idiotic to allow so many Chinese (spies) into our nations, given them access to so much, and allowed China to buy up so many properties. We need to also address immigration on that score and end that buy up of our nations by a Communist regime or it's people, no doubt encouraged to move to the West to sink it's tentacles into more land, which it needs. We in the states can blame Clintons, Obama, and Bush for that.
*Diversity is our downfall not our strength,* to paraphrase Kathleen.
Twenty Twenty could be the turning point. The year of the Chinese Virus, but also the year we woke up to the suicidal drift of Western societies, from globalism, open borders and mass immigration, to gender ideology and abortion on demand.
In Britain the big retailers, except for grocery stores and chemists, are CLOSED. Doctor surgeries, dentists, dental hospitals, cafes, restaurants, bars, libraries, theatres, cinemas, community centres, churches - CLOSED.
We are asked to go out once a day for essential food and exercise. Yet some ignore the calls for social distancing. The road to Snowdonia, Wales, was bumper to bumper with cars full of day trippers.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he will enforce lock-down unless people voluntarily stay at home. Keeping a distance of at least six feet from another person WILL save lives. We are asked not to visit friends and relatives.
Hospitals in London are in chaos with doctors and nurses not being given tests for the virus. In Lombardy they have stopped counting the bodies. Younger people in Italy are dying or have to endure 20 days in hospital.
The Chinese Virus hero is Dr. Li Wenliang who died after giving his patients total care. This heroic man has NOT been exonerated by his government, they merely withdrew (posthumously) the reprimand against him.
The communist ministers accused Dr. Wenliang of *spreading false rumour* and *seriously disrupting social order*. The Chinese ambassador in London refused to accept that his government was negligent in not taking precautionary measures sooner. In truth they had lied through their teeth.
British cities and towns, parks and public squares look like the ending of *On the Beach*, the post-nuclear movie filmed in Melbourne. The final scenes of total shut-down and empty streets were shot very early on a Sunday morning in summer.
Watching the film, the American evangelist Francis Schaeffer said he was haunted by those empty streets and the lonely feeling that humanity had committed mass suicide.
Dr. Schaeffer said: This is the way life is in the West. We have discarded faith in Christianity. Without God there is just this sense of emptiness.
I think this will setlle down, and people will once again return to "party, good times", as Polish friend once told me. Within a week we will have enough statistical information to be able to zone areas, increase surveillance, testing and achieve herd immunity. This might take a bit longer, this will also include some deaths. There may be more deaths from the virus, then from its side effects of an extended shutdown (e.g. suicide, murder, decreased production = less medical supplies = increased mortality of others with major illnesses = decreased surgery for those in need prior to the virus etc.).
Life is not perfect. We cannot just sit and wait for this to pass over. We don't live in the woods anymore.
Zoning and testing will be effective, Barona. Canadians have legendary skills in coping with extremes of weather, so why not with coronavirus?
Canada has a higher level of social intelligence than Britain, a more affluent population, and better health care. Herd immunity may be your best hope before an antidote is found, but you will need to wait until May or June to find out.
A young Toronto doctor on YouTube, working long shifts in hospital, was asked when things would return to normal. He suggested early summer, but then said: *The Normal will be a New Normal.* Things have changed forever.
My prayers are for all primary health care workers, which means all hospital and health centre staff, as well as those in other essential services. Crowded trains and buses will mean that the virus will spread in Britain.
I agree that President Trump is showing real leadership.
Hated by the East and West Coast intelligentsia and by the creatives, President Trump is covertly admired by many of us in Britain, for speaking his mind, eschewing political correctness, and dispensing with spin doctors. He is more pro-Life than any other president.
China is an evil empire. President Reagan was right to use that term about the Soviet Union, though Reagan's speech caused panic in the Kremlin; the Party elite thought it a prelude to a nuclear strike on Russian soil.
In Britain there is fear that the virus could peak in early summer, fall off, and peak a second time; then after a period of quiescence, return in winter. Viruses have been on earth considerably longer than man.
*There is a time to be born and a time to die,* as that enigmatic sage Ecclesiastes tells us. Simon and Garfunkel made a song of his words!
We are only sojourners on earth.
Any hopes that we can find happiness here, or create a just society solely with the aid of science and technology, are fantasies. The God-Forsaken Delusion.
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