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OECTA and its promotion of "LGBT" propaganda |
Catholic education in Canada is a disaster. For well OVER two decades in Ontario, the militant Union, the Ontario English Catholic Teacher's Association (OECTA), has promoted dissent and outright heretical positions. In the past, the Hierarchy was able, and did discipline and even dismiss teachers who were openly and knowingly flaunting Faith and Morals. However, by the late 1980s dissent had become much more organized and entrenched. Dissenter and "religion" teacher Joanna Manning (who eventually left the Church) had a confrontation with the late Cardinal Ambrozic that began in 1987 and lasted until 1994.
Manning raged against the Church in these words:
But let us continue the tale of the attack on Cardinal Ambrozic. The Cardinal, working with the then Metropolitan Separate School Board (MSSB) managed to silence and removed the dissenting woman, who, incidentally, would eventually join the Church of England, to then join up with neo-pagans. But OECTA counter-attacked and defeated the Cardinal in the courts. Manning was reinstated (with the proviso that she not teach "religion"). With their victory, OECTA effectively assumed complete control of "Catholic" education in Ontario.
In more recent years, when OECTA's leadership announced that it intended to enter and officially participate in the notorious "gay pride" parade in Toronto, Cardinal Collins issued a statement that the "...OECTA leadership have an inadequate and mistaken understanding of their faith...it seems to be going completely against what we believe in many ways". OECTA marched anyway, with the support of a number of dissident Catholic School Boards. The Cardinal's ineffectual statement fell flat, and OECTA emerged triumphant. "Catholic" education was firmly under their control. It remains so to this very day.
Manning raged against the Church in these words:
Sexual harassment, put-downs of women, jock networks of boys, lack of female role models for girls and other inequalities exist in all school systems. In the Catholic system they are reinforced and legitimized by attitudes like Ambrozic's which are fostered within the institutional Catholic church."There you have it! The late Cardinal accused of "reinforcing" and "legitimizing" sexual harassment! Perhaps contemporary OECTA members can explain that to the teenage boys who are being sexually abused and even raped by their female pedophile teachers?
But let us continue the tale of the attack on Cardinal Ambrozic. The Cardinal, working with the then Metropolitan Separate School Board (MSSB) managed to silence and removed the dissenting woman, who, incidentally, would eventually join the Church of England, to then join up with neo-pagans. But OECTA counter-attacked and defeated the Cardinal in the courts. Manning was reinstated (with the proviso that she not teach "religion"). With their victory, OECTA effectively assumed complete control of "Catholic" education in Ontario.
In more recent years, when OECTA's leadership announced that it intended to enter and officially participate in the notorious "gay pride" parade in Toronto, Cardinal Collins issued a statement that the "...OECTA leadership have an inadequate and mistaken understanding of their faith...it seems to be going completely against what we believe in many ways". OECTA marched anyway, with the support of a number of dissident Catholic School Boards. The Cardinal's ineffectual statement fell flat, and OECTA emerged triumphant. "Catholic" education was firmly under their control. It remains so to this very day.
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OECTA propaganda in favour of the "LGBT" agenda |
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OECTA "transgender" propaganda |
Let us not be deluded. Even at the private level, Catholic education is a farce. Witness the scandalous "Broom Handle Sodomy Trial" trial (concluded just the other day), with three boys pleading guilty from the once venerable St. Michael's College to (so it was reported in the media when the outrage first broke last year) gang-raping a fellow student with a broom handle. So much for Christian morals and living. One can only wonder what types of homes these degenerate boys come from.
Or, let us consider the ever constant flow of sexual assaults and rapes committed on school children. It is interesting to note how many of these sexual assaults are committed by hyper-sexualized women on teenage boys. So much for "male privilege" that OECTA keeps on complaining about, in their never-ending promotion of feminism. However, OECTA, heavily dominated by bitter angry females issued the following from a 145 page "Equity Report":
When all is said and done, the Old Boys Network is more than statistics of race or gender: it is about who partakes in the culture of power in the system. The inner circle of influence has often depended on shared social activities as much as academic influence. Golf, fishing, jock talk, athletics: the "Cathletics" culture of the traditional all-male Catholic school which replicates the hold of white male power in the Catholic Church fosters an automatic assumption of being included with the 'good guys'. Many male administrators at MSSB are graduates of the private, elitist all-male schools that were typical of Catholic secondary education in Ontario before full funding, and that model has a strong influence on the type of school culture they will try to create. Not all men fit this model: gay men, men who are not into athletics, for instance, find themselves on the outer fringes along with women and visible minorities of both genders. (Toronto Secondary Unit (1997) Equity Report (p. 62)
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OECTA promoting the ideology of "feminism" |
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Convicted pedophile and former OECTA member, Christina Albini |
Nor can we forget the innumerable times that pro-homosexual activists at OECTA march in the evil "Gay Pride Parades", where teachers, adorned in the colours of "gay liberation", holding aloft and waving OECTA rainbow-coloured flags, march alongside naked homosexuals, drag queens, and other perverts.
These same teachers will then report to class the next day and claim they are teaching Catholic Faith and Morals. A cursory gland through the Catechism of the Catholic Church exposes the contradiction between attending a parade that not only excuses grave sin, but glories in it.
These same teachers will then report to class the next day and claim they are teaching Catholic Faith and Morals. A cursory gland through the Catechism of the Catholic Church exposes the contradiction between attending a parade that not only excuses grave sin, but glories in it.
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OECTA members/supporters attending a "Gay Pride" march in Toronto |
Where does this all leave us? Simply put, it means the de facto decimation of the Catholic Church. For if the next generation is paganized by its teachers, (with the seeming full assistance of paganized parents) where and how will the Faith by handed on?
Look for things to get much, much worse. More to follow. Stay tuned to this blog.
Without getting into what one's opinion is on Vatican II, it is undeniable that the generations that followed were simply not cathechized at all. That includes me, currently 55. I finally saw the light and "reverted" to the faith in a committed way about 10 years ago. It was only then that I learned of the reality of the Real Presence. And I was a baptised Catholic who went to Catholic schools until Grade 10. But I digress...
What does one do about this abomination in our Catholic schools? Not checking off the box as a separate school supporter seems feeble and inconsequential.
Great website Barona - keep up the good work,
*Look for things to get much, much worse.*
Yes, they will get worse, and many young people will be damaged.
We do not know how the LGBTQ movement will develop, nor how long these issues will continue to dominate the general discourse.
If we are uncertain, the Catholic hierarchy and clergy must be very confused.
We have a pope who adopts a position of moral laisser-faire, *Who am I to judge?*
And Bishop Robert Barron says online: *Church Should Welcome Lesbian/Gay People, But Also Call Them To Conversion* (New Ways Ministry).
Are we really entering a brave new world of gender plasticity or is it a weird and narcissistic fad?
I think the latter. Gender-neutral lavatories will not last.
Binary biological gender will (and must) reassert itself, although the Church should recognise the reality of babies born intersex and offer pastoral support to families.
The Gospel Coalition blog has an article: Responding to the Transgender Revolution.
One woman probably typical of many in Toronto, describes herself as gender fluid: *My gender is an evolving thing, like my sexuality. The more I explore it, the more it changes.*
One hopes this lady, like the pagan Augustine, has a Christian mother praying for her eternal soul, or failing a mother, Bishop Barron!
Western societies have turned their back on the Christian family as the best way of nurturing children.
The obsession with homosexuality is the death-wish of a society in decline, with fewer people having children, and many pregnancies ending in abortion.
We are as sterile as an Andy Warhol film.
We can expect to see some in the LGBTQ movement becoming disenchanted.
The movement will disintegrate from within.
The architects of LGBTQ created a need, and the need reflects the emptiness of post-Christian society which worships only itself.
*The house of my soul is narrow, too narrow for you to come into; enter it, and make it wider. It lies in ruins, rebuild it. There are things that will offend your eyes; I know it and confess it. But who will make it clean? Cleanse me, O Lord, from my own hidden sins ... *
Augustine. The Confessions. Book One.
Perhaps one day we will see this spiritual classic on the syllabus of Catholic schools in Canada.
It will spell the death of self-worship and the rebirth of faith.
May I add this, Barona?
Faithful Catholics are called by the Holy Spirit to witness to those misguided teachers who have endorsed the extreme LGBTQ agenda, reminding them of the Church's teaching, reminding them that they are under God's judgement.
This is going to be very difficult, particularly when feelings run so high.
At times, during street parades and demonstrations, Catholics and Evangelicals will have to walk away, rather than engage in what could lead to disorderly behaviour, which only makes the work of our harassed police more difficult.
The movement has created a community of thought and behaviour, and many (most?) of the young who are not themselves gay support the movement.
We are called by faith to *discern the signs of the times*.
This involves looking back, in order to see how the LGBTQ agenda was so successful, and how it transformed our political, cultural and social worlds.
There may have been a marginal gay community when I was young, but those of us who were heterosexual never gave it a thought.
Today men and women who once felt isolated, and even suicidal, now feel that they belong to this big community.
So it is important to try to understand them without endorsing the movement like the liberal Protestant churches.
Read online *Reviews of Books Damaging to the LGBT Community* (Canyonwalker Connections) written by a gay woman.
The problem comes down to this.
How do we speak about sin when we live in a world which doesn't recognise the concept of sin?
Sin is rebellion against God. It is utterly self-pleasing.
If there was no sin, there would be no need of a saviour.
Bishop Robert Barron, if he just stopped trying to please everyone, could remind Pope Francis and Fr. James Martin of the Catholic Catechism and Biblical truth.
Bishop Barron has the gift of being able to address our fractured society, but he needs to assert Catholic teaching much more forcefully in his vlogs and lectures; he must now follow the example of Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Schneider, Archbishop Vigano, and Archbishop Cordileone etc.
There can never be any blessing of *same sex couples* in Catholic churches, and no possibility of *gay sacramental unions* before the altar.
If the Church gives in on this, we will have a generation of Catholics with no knowledge of the Church's teaching on the sacrament of marriage.
We will have signed the death warrant of the Christian family.
And it is children who will suffer.
Our Lord speaks to his sinful Church, but he also speaks to all those outside the saving covenant of his blood.
*O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?*
Pray for great saints!
Become a saint!
God created the world simul ex nihilo! Believe this.
Our local board told laypeople that they are NOT allowed to come in and teach children how to pray the holy Rosary and pray it with them.
Recommended on YouTube.
*Baal is Back! Demons in the Deep State.*
(A Rood Awakening)
Pastor Carl Gallups warns us that the complete overthrow of Christian morality in our society has its roots in the demonic.
Transgender, gender ideology, men embracing effeminacy, the moral corruption of children by an anti-Christ agenda, will lead to the worship of pagan deities.
As Amy said, pray that the Holy Spirit will raise up great saints who by their Christ-centred lives will slay this dragon from hell.
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