Monday 18 April 2022

A Most Blessed Eastertide to all of our readers!

The most Solemn of Solemnities - Easter - has come and gone, but the celebration continues! Today is Easter Monday, only the second day in a week-long celebration of the Resurrection, the triumph over death and sin by Our Lord Jesus Christ (may His Name be Blessed forever and ever)!

It is amazing to consider how much this event - and the preceding Passion - was anticipated by the prophets of the Old Testament and the good Jewish people as a whole. Indeed, since Scripture is one long love letter from God to us, the Passion and the Resurrection is God's signature at the end. Oh, what a flourish that signature has! Oh, what love He has for us!

With that in mind, Toronto Catholic Witness wishes all of its readers a Most Blessed Eastertide. 2022 may be challenging thus far, but God's love remains unchanging - even and especially when we are beset by numerous difficulties. He loves us more than we can comprehend.

Happy Easter - and may the Glory of the Resurrection never cease to lose its wonder in your eyes.

Christ has risen! Indeed, He has risen! Alleluia, alleluia!

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