Sunday 30 May 2021

LIVE: Sung Latin Mass for Trinity Sunday

 For Catholics suffering under the oppressive and unjust regime of Doug Ford in Ontario, and gravely exacerbated by the de facto interdict imposed on the Mass by Cardinal Collins, we offer for your edification Holy Mass from Mater Ecclesiae Chapel from Berlin, NJ. It should be noted that New Jersey suffers under a far more "liberal" (or does it?) regime than "conservative" Ontario, and has had far greater deaths from Covid. Nonetheless, New Jersey churches have been open for months, with no ill effects. It should also be noted that even the liberal Cardinal Dolan of New York City went to court, and won regarding the reopening of churches, when pressed by a viciously anti-Christian regime under Cuomo and Blasio. 

Alas, it is 14 months and counting and Cardinal Collins has yet to make a stand for the Church outside of a 12 month too late email campaign that momentarily allowed churches to be reopened, but at oppressive rates well below the allowances on big box stores (including liquor stores). Sadly, the Ontario regime reversed its position, and dutifully Collins once again imposed an interdict on the public celebration of Mass. This is what happens when you take Caesar's money and sell yourself to him as a "priestitute". You will get raped. And so, the State is  now gang raping the Church, with the churchmen as mute onlookers, if not enablers.

Please join us in prayer to St. John Fisher that the Cardinal will break with the State, and not allow the once Church in Canada to become the Church of Canada. 



St. John Fisher, pray for us.

All ye holy martyrs of England and Wales pray for us 

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