Saturday 3 June 2023

"Deborah's Path to Freedom" ~ Can you help a woman who has spend 5 YEARS in bed waiting for knee Surgery?



Deborah is a healthy woman who only needs knee surgery. She's been waiting FIVE years, caught in an uncaring healthcare system, in a bureaucratic nightmare. Seems pretty crazy, right? She went from living independently, using a wheelchair, but still being able to drive, and even being able to take care of her pet cat. 

After getting food poisoning she was cleared by the physiotherapist to go home, but an inexperienced social worker said, “handicapped people should not live alone” and threatened Deborah with the hospital bill, be cut off from Medicaid and Medicare, and lose her primary care physician if she did not give up her apartment and go into a “Skilled Nursing Facility” (or SNF). To increase the pressure they told her it would be pre-surgery rehab. Deborah was deceived. She was dumped in a nursing home. You don’t put a healthy person whose just waiting for knee surgery in a “nursing home”. But they did. The nightmare began. 

Deborah has been shuffled for the past 5 years between “nursing homes” suffering all sort of abuse and neglect. She had her groin damaged in a hospital and re-damaged in "nursing homes". She has been left for hours - over the 5 years literally hundreds of times - in urine and feces.

Late, this past Summer she was threatened to be put PERMANENTLY in a nursing home! This should NOT be happening! If you help, you will be helping Deborah to walk again, and saving her from eventual death in a “nursing home”. If it were not for one volunteer, organized by her marvellous priest, she would  have been dragged out her her little apartment...

As Deborah's priest said: "we have to get you out of here, or you will die". Deborah needs your help with medical supplies, the costs of care-giving, and daily living expenses. Medicaid will cover her surgery, but it is getting her to surgery that is the key.

With your support for Deborah she will be able to walk again. Please help end this nightmare.

Witness is asking for your support in whatever way you can: prayers, a donation, re-posting this post, a "word" on your social media. Whatever you can do is most gratefully appreciated. 


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