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His Grace, Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga |
When time has permitted, I have been listening to interviews, lectures, and sermons by Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, the former Archbishop of Karaganda, Kazakhstan. His Grace now resides in Poland. It is very refreshing to listen to a churchman from outside the "Anglo-Saxon" world, who devoted his entire pastoral life in Kazakhstan, and as such was not exposed to the seductive lure of liberalism that has infected virtually every Prelate in western Europe and North America.
So integrally Catholic is the Archbishop, that he suffers no illusions as to what is happening in the Church and world. Whilst we in the decadent "West" regard the Catholic Church as strong in Poland, Archbishop Lenga has publicly stated that "my heart breaks when I see the state of the Church in Poland". Unlike westernized Prelates, the Archbishop is not afraid to speak on any issue. His Grace reminds me of my father's Faith (who if alive, would be now 96): the Faith of once Catholic Poland. It was the pure Catholic Faith held by Poles uncorrupted by the so-called "modern" world. It was the Faith of Blessed Pius IX and St. Pius X.
For those of you who speak Polish, I urge you to seek out this man's apostolic work, so as to fortify yourself against the grave dangers that are in our midst. More to come on this great man, but I shall end by stating that he has opened my eyes to perhaps the dagger in the heart of the Church that has led to this explosion of evil within the Church. It is the implicit rejection of the dogma: "outside the Church there is no salvation". From this rejection comes forth every other imaginal evil. The modern world is built upon the rejection of this dogma: the rejection of Jesus Christ as God, who is mystically united to His one, only Church. The denial, obfuscation, implicit rejection of this dogma denies the very words of Christ:
And St. Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit:
So integrally Catholic is the Archbishop, that he suffers no illusions as to what is happening in the Church and world. Whilst we in the decadent "West" regard the Catholic Church as strong in Poland, Archbishop Lenga has publicly stated that "my heart breaks when I see the state of the Church in Poland". Unlike westernized Prelates, the Archbishop is not afraid to speak on any issue. His Grace reminds me of my father's Faith (who if alive, would be now 96): the Faith of once Catholic Poland. It was the pure Catholic Faith held by Poles uncorrupted by the so-called "modern" world. It was the Faith of Blessed Pius IX and St. Pius X.
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His Grace speaking about the dangers facing the Faith |
For those of you who speak Polish, I urge you to seek out this man's apostolic work, so as to fortify yourself against the grave dangers that are in our midst. More to come on this great man, but I shall end by stating that he has opened my eyes to perhaps the dagger in the heart of the Church that has led to this explosion of evil within the Church. It is the implicit rejection of the dogma: "outside the Church there is no salvation". From this rejection comes forth every other imaginal evil. The modern world is built upon the rejection of this dogma: the rejection of Jesus Christ as God, who is mystically united to His one, only Church. The denial, obfuscation, implicit rejection of this dogma denies the very words of Christ:
"Jesus said to him, I am the way; I am truth and life; nobody can come to the Father, except through me".
John 14:6
And St. Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit:
"Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be save".
Acts 4:12
Speaking of defending the faith, check out foundationsrestored.com which has the potential of restoring the faith through the true Catholic doctrine of Creation.
Thank you for introducing Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, Fidei defensor. Such a pity the video interviewer carried no subtitles.
*My heart breaks when I see the state of the Church in Poland.*
A cri de coeur, indeed.
From an article in The Catholic Herald (England) by Matthew Schmitz, 16 August 2018: The Abuse Crisis Casts Doubt on the Whole Post-Vatican II Settlement.
*In recent months, I have attended a Mass at which Christ was assigned gender-neutral pronouns, and one at which the homilist proposed that he may have had biological brothers and sisters. (So much for Mary's perpetual virginity.) At another, I was invited to join a ministry that openly rejects Christian teaching on sex.*
As in Canada and the United States so too in England.
Heresy, Protestantism, Gender Ideology, and moral relativism being taught in Roman Catholic parishes.
Thank you Kevin, for introducing us to *Foundations Restored - A Catholic Perspective on Origins* YouTube. I have only watched the compelling introductory video, but I shall be returning to it soon.
As I said to Barona before, cracks will soon appear in this *new way of being Catholic*; the false movement which has deceived so many souls and opened Church doors to evil, heresy and seducing spirits.
Last night I read a modernist Catholic blogger who accused critics of Pope Francis of being neo-Jansenists. If you are too *obsessed with abortion*; if you believe that divorce and homosexual unions are contrary to the will of God and the teaching of the Church, then you are a Jansenist!
This blogger, Shaun Blanchard (First Things) does not appear to know that Jansenism was condemned by Saint Pope Pius X (*The poison of Jansenism has affected even the souls of the good*) after whom my old school in Glasgow was named.
Can anyone imagine Pope Pius X telling the faithful not to get too obsessed with abortion as Pope Francis said?
Or Pope Pius X giving a private audience to Fr. James Martin?
Or Pope Pius X saying he is not afraid of schism?
Or Pope Pius X telling a little boy in a letter that he used to play naughty games when he served at Mass an an altar boy?
It will be through the rediscovery of the saints like Catherine of Siena, and the faithful teaching of Archbishop Lenga, that these lost Toronto teachers will come back to the Narrow Way.
The article accusing critics of Pope Francis of being Jansenist was written by Mark Silk, and NOT by Shaun Blanchard as I stated.
Mr. Silk's article is titled *Neo-Jansenists v. the Jesuit Pope*.
Religious News Service 1 May 2014.
My apologies to Mr. Blanchard who wrote a historically descriptive essay *Are Jansenists Among Us?* (Catholic Church Life) on the subtle dangers this heresy posed in its own time and after.
Other online articles on the same theme ...
*When a Pope Writes and the Church Rebels* by Richard Yoder.
Church Life Journal.
*The Return of Jansenism* by Piers Paul Read. The Catholic Herald, December 2016.
*The New Jansenism* by Jessica M Murdoch. First Things.
A professor in Catholic theology, Ms. Murdoch corrects a few errors in the piece by Catholic novelist Piers Paul Read; and she cites Saint Pope Pius X who stood against Jansenism when it returned in the early 20th Century .
*Analyzing the de facto schism in the Catholic Church in Germany.*
John-Henry Weston Show. 11 February 2020. YouTube.
Please watch Church Militant, YouTube:
*News Report - Fighting for a targeted priest.*
13 February 2020.
The parishioners of Assumption Grotto, Detroit, Michigan, are pressing for the reinstatement of their parish priest, Father Edward Perrone.
Parishioner Brien Dux has initiated a legal action against Archbishop Allen Vigneron.
To quote the words of a Catholic in the comments box, *Church Militant helps to bring out the filth inside our holy Church.*
*This is the time to fight like we have never fought before, in the Church and in the culture. The Left has seized control of large portions of society as well as membership of the Church, including many of her leaders.*
The words of Michael Voris.
See *Full Steam Ahead.* Church Militant. 14 February 2020. YouTube.
And it's official. The sheep are suing the shepherds.
Catholic parishioner Brien Dux is suing Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit, Michigan, regarding the secretive way the hierarchy has handled the case of Fr. Edward Perrone.
Now a judge will decide whether Fr. Perrone was unjustly accused and unlawfully treated. Archbishop Vigneron will have to disclose the full truth of this sorry affair, which saw the reputation of a good priest dishonoured.
Watch *The Vortex - It's come down to this.*
Church Militant. 14 February 2020.
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