Sunday 6 October 2024

DAN HORAN: Why is this jet-setting dissenter leaving the priesthood?

Dan Horan, a notorious blasphemer and dissenter has announced that he has left the priesthood. His superiors always openly supported him, so there is no question of them cramping his style.

Notice, Horan is not leaving his university position where he picks up a nice salary reflecting the evangelical poverty of St Francis. Here the words of St. Luke apply: To dig I am not able; to beg I am ashamed". 

On this blog we have written much about Horan: his advocacy of great evils, his attacks on Christian morality. So what is the REAL reason? It will soon come out. It does not take much imagination as to what it is. In the meantime, I post for readers what I reported on Horan from a few years ago:

"Queering" the Church with Dan Horan, OFM 

Dan P. Horan OFM, is a nasty, vicious dissenter. A jet-setting, semi-professional marathoner (a very expensive undertaking for anyone who knows this sport), book writer and travelling public speaker, Horan does not live evangelical poverty, making a mockery of the true Franciscan life.  

As an advocate for homosexual perversion, Horan has distinguished himself by promoting the "gay culture". Horan now refers to Holy Matrimony as "different-sex marriage". This is just how evil he is: comparing homosexual acts to the holy Act proper to the Union between husband and wife, willed by Christ. 

When asked why he puts up photos of practicing homosexuals holding hands, Horan mocks the questioner with the ridiculous smear of "homophobia". 

Dan Horan mocking those who ask him why he promotes homosexuality 

Horan belongs to the homosexual-infested, US east-coast based, Holy Name Province, which has a long history of militant pro-homosexual dissent. The "friars" who run St. Francis of Assisi parish in NYC are particularly virulent in their promotion of homosexuality. Similar "LGBT" agitprop locations are in Boston and Hartford. If these so-called Franciscans are not decorating their churches in "rainbow" colours of the so-called "gay liberation movement"...

Franciscan Fr. Michael Carnevale triumphantly holding aloft the
gay "Rainbow Flag". WHY? 
...they are busy waving the "Rainbow Flag", accepting postulants who have written "gay" literature, sending their parishioners to notorious gay bars, and so on. For further information on the homosexual infiltration of Holy Name Province, please read here. 

It is within this evil and satanic environment, that Horan has just attacked the Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. You should not be surprised. 

Friends, please recall the words of Fr. John O'Connor from nearly thirty years ago: "these homos despise our religion". 

Homosexuals entered the priesthood to destroy the Catholic Faith. Striking at the Eucharist and Catholic Morality (especially by promoting the "gay liberation movement") is at the core of their hatred of Christ and His Church.

But the Truth will ALWAYS defeat evil. Behold Pope Benedict XVI. 

Thursday 29 August 2024

The Rosica Gallery of Infamy


Vox Cantoris outed Fr Thomas Rosica to the world as a plagiarist. Now, it would seem that Rosica has outed himself as.... dear reader, you decide. 

In the meantime, let us travel back a few years to review the world of Tom Rosica. 

As we review this tragedy, let us pray for the conversion and repentance of Fr Rosica.  

Sunday 7 July 2024

WHO'S "IN" AND WHO'S "OUT"? ~ Why are raving perverts and heretics "in", but Vigano "out"?

Most readers by now will be aware that Archbishop Vigano is "out". We have it on the authority of "osculating" Cardinal Fernandez of noted occult sex-magick infamy. 

Let us see, shall we, who - presently - is "in":

Well it's Jimmy Martin S.J...

My, my, what have we here? Notice how this was all covered up...

Oh dear, giddy Gilles Mongeau S.J., in his "rainbow" colours...


Ah yes, the effeminate Dan Horan....

...and colleagues...


Hmm....what is reducing Tommy Rosica O.S.B. to giggles....?


...let's check out the "Franciscan" outreach...


May we share the laugh, oh false prophets?


Since Tom Rosica loves the lime light, let's see what else he has been up to over the years...

Looks like Tommy's just been informed he's been "caught"...

Now where else in history have we seen a "crooked cross"...?

My, my what have we here...?

Oh dear, it seems like Tommy Rosica just can't stop posing for the cameras....

Always laughing it up....nauseating narcissism.

Dear friends, any further commentary would be superfluous....

Friday 28 June 2024


 .... and we know the types who have always hated the Archbishop...


The above has not aged well, has it? The projection by Rosica - as who and what he is, is emerging each and every day from the darkness. Indeed, the light does shine in the darkness, exposing the evil, especially evil two-faced clerics...

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Hate crime at St. Vincent de Paul church in Toronto ~ Our Lady decapitated!


Sometime between late Monday, May 6 and the early hours of May 7th, the statue of Our Lady at St. Vincent de Paul church in the west-end of Toronto was attacked and decapitated by a vicious hater. The right hand of Our Lady was also damaged in the attack. Police are investigating and I have been informed are reviewing two CCTV cameras which may have recorded the crime. 



To my recollection, this is the 3rd such hate crime committed against west-end Catholic churches in recent years. I believe St Vincent's was attacked about 2 years ago, and earlier Our Lady was also decapitated at Our Lady of Lebanon church.


Is it a mere coincidence that this demonically oppressed monster attacked the Blessed Mother during the month of May? I think not. 

 Catholics: we know what we must do. We can no longer remain silent when our churches are under attack. We have always been despised and hated and this will continue until the end of time. We must pray for those who hate us, for we desire their repentance and conversion.  

However, we cannot stand by idly, when we are under physical attack. The very least we can do is to make it know far and wide that we are being persecuted, as the devil loves to do his work in the dark. 


Let us at least expose the lie that Canada is a tolerant society. Just tell that to the thousands of Catholics who have had their churches burnt down, while the man who masquerades as the Prime Minister of Canada did nothing but throw figurative fuel on the attacks by excusing them. In this he was encouraged by a constant stream of propaganda spewed from corporate media, which itself is anti-Christian. 

What happened this week in no small part can be laid at the legacy media's and politicians' door who have fed and encouraged anti-Catholic hatred in particular, and anti-Christian hate in general. This is what happens when the so-called "leaders" of society encourage an anti-Christian ethos. It is time for the politicians and media to take responsibility. Let us hope at least one politician will speak up, let us hope at least one media entity will no longer excuse and ignore the explosion of anti-Christian hate and violence that is here in Canada and across the world.

Thursday 23 November 2023

The Tragedy of Michael Voris is the story of Rebellion against Legitimate Authority.

I wrote the following back on June 12, 2012. (Read the original here) This is not the end of "Church Militant", but it is the beginning of the end. The entire situation is tragic, but inevitably predictable. Laymen have never run apostolates; such apostolates are bound to come a cropper. Likewise I had also a few months earlier raised the issue of the unorthodox relationship between Voris' organization and the legitimate authority of the local church. 

Just over 10 years later we see the tragic shipwreck of another "apostolate" that lacked the humility of submission to legitimate authority. Let us recall that even Our Lord Jesus Christ - until the time of His Passion - never questioned or encouraged his disciples to rebel against the legitimate authority of the Mosaic priests. (c.f. Matt 23:3) Until Christ abolished the Old Covenant (and ONLY he had the Authority to do so!), by completing and transforming it into the New, the High Priest and his delegates had legitimate authority given to them from God. It was only when the curtain of the Temple was rent in two, was the Old Covenant finished. 

In our sad age, an age of contagious protestantism and liberalism (and was it not Hamish Fraser who once said that most American Catholics were just protestants who went to Mass?) the urge to rebellion, to individualism, to rejecting legitimate authority will be strong... we have seen it in the icarian flight of poor Michael Voris. In not placing himself under the authority of a priest and bishop Voris opened himself up to the promptings of the devil. Pray for Voris indeed, but do not forget to pray for family, friends, and others much closer who may also be under temptation to rebel. Let us never forget that God loves the humble, and humbles the proud. The saints, the great true reformers of the Church all were distinguished in their spiritual lives by great humility.

Semantics, semantics... Real Catholic TV - the organization whose main public voice is Michael Voris has announced that it will remove the word "catholic". The full article may be  here at Catholic News Service (CNS).  Mark Shea has an interesting analysis on the motivation behind the name change. 

The problem is much deeper - does a layman have the right to catechize? Yes, if it means to individually witness for the Faith. However, does a layman have the right to carry on a open, public catechetical ministry without hierarchical oversight? NO. And this is the problem. What exactly is the "church militant"? Is it Catholic? It is not if it is not under the hierarchy. It may sound, smell, and look like the real thing, but without the bishop, it is not. No layman can carry on an apostolate claiming to teach the Faith without guidance and oversight form the Divinely appointed lawgivers: the local Ordinary in union with the Pope. Let us not get bogged down in the local diocese having lost the Faith: Rome is the judge of that. 

The Apostles and the Church Fathers have from the beginnings of the Church been confronted with those who fluff off the bishop. St. Ignatius of Antioch devoted considerable effort to emphasizing obedience to the bishop; Pius XII emphatically wrote of how laymen- when catechizing - are under the direction of the hierarchy. The Second Vatican Council reiterated this traditional teaching. 

Thursday 9 November 2023

Join Deborah's "Path to Freedom" ~ Please help her walk again!


Deborah is a healthy woman who only needs knee surgery. She's been waiting FIVE years, caught in an uncaring healthcare system, in bureaucratic nightmare. Seems pretty crazy, right? She went from living independently, using a wheelchair, but still being able to drive, and even being able to take care of her pet cat. 

After getting food poisoning she was cleared by the physiotherapist to go home, but an inexperienced social worker said, “handicapped people should not live alone” and threatened Deborah with the hospital bill, be cut off from Medicaid and Medicare, and lose her primary care physician if she did not give up her apartment and go into a “Skilled Nursing Facility” (or SNF). To increase the pressure they told her it would be pre-surgery rehab. Deborah was deceived. She was dumped in a nursing home. You don’t put a healthy person whose just waiting for knee surgery in a “nursing home”. But they did. The nightmare began. 

Deborah has been shuffled for the past 5 years between “nursing homes” suffering all sort of abuse and neglect. Now they want to PERMANENTLY put her in a nursing home! This should NOT be happening! If you help, you will be helping Deborah to walk again, and saving her from eventual death in a “nursing home”. 

As Deborah's priest said: "we have to get you out of here, or you will die". Deborah is now in a very small apartment, but needs your help with medical supplies, the costs of care-giving, and daily living expenses. 

With your support for Deborah she will be able to walk again. Please help end this nightmare.

Witness is asking for your support in whatever way you can: prayers, a donation, re-posting this post, a "word" on your social media. Whatever you can do is most gratefully appreciated. 


Saturday 23 September 2023

Take heart, and practice the little virtues

The Christian life is not an easy one to live. Every serious Catholic has days where they do not seem to be progressing in virtue. I have found the following, regarding Little Virtues, from The Fountain of Catholic Knowledge rather edifying, and pass it on in case others may need to take fruit from it. God love you.

That which is little in the eyes of man is often great in the sight of God; and the Christian faith teaches us that God loves the simple and lowly of heart. Judging only by outward appearances, we may divide all virtues into two classes, little and great. Great virtues, or at least those which men call great are brilliant and striking qualities, such as claim universal notice and admiration; while those which men call little are simple, hidden virtues, concealed in the eyes of the world, and absorbed, as it were, in the sweet completeness of a good and holy life.

 “Every one,” said St. Francis de Sales, in his ever gentle, gracious words, “every one desires to have brilliant virtues and to display them, fixed to the cross, so that they may be seen and admired from afar. Very few are eager to gather those which, like the thyme and violet, grow at the foot and in the shadow of that tree of life. Yet these are they which have the sweetest perfume, and have been most freely watered with the Blood of Jesus, who gave this precept to His children as their most important lesson, ‘Learn of Me, for I am meek and humble of heart.’”

It is not every one who is called upon to exercise the great virtue of magnanimity, firmness, patience, endurance, constancy, and courage. The occasions which call them forth are very rare; yet all desire to possess them, because they are seen and known of men, and thus even human vanity is often unconsciously soothed and gratified. As to little virtues, the world esteems them not, but passes them utterly by, and the heart that desires them must needs be pure and true. Who, indeed, pays any attention to the virtue which gently yields to another’s ill temper, and patiently bears with another’s imperfections, an unreasonable prejudice, a distasteful companionship, and all the thousand little pinpricks which so goad and irritate our faulty human nature, that we may truly call the small miseries of life? Who troubles to praise or to exalt the humility of those who bear a refusal with sweetness, who are grateful for a benefit, who treat their inferiors with kindness and courtesy, and are tender and pitiful to the poor? All these we consider mere trifles; we desire only those virtues which St. Francis de Sales described as “braves et bien virtues,” viz., virtues which are dazzling and outwardly attractive; and we do not consider that life is made up of little things and trifling actions that for extraordinary virtue there is very little room. Opportunities for making a fortune are not to met with every day; but every day we may gain a little, and if we do but husband our small resources, we shall certainly grow rich in time. We should quickly accumulate great spiritual riches, and should lay up for ourselves treasure in heaven, if we would but employ in God’s most holy service all the little occasions which we meet with every moment.

Let us therefore rejoice that we can so easily please God, and become perfect. Let us never lose one happy chance of sanctifying our life, but, lifting our hearts in prayer, let us consecrate our most trifling actions, our lightest labours, and our lightest cares, by offering them to God. Let us do all for Jesus, and we shall not lose our reward; like the ant, which during the summer accumulates little by little its provisions for the winter, we shall find, when life’s labour is over, that we shall reap in a glorious and eternal harvest the reward for which we have worked so humbly here below.