Monday, 30 May 2022

Canada's bishops have yet to apologize for two years of abuse and degradation they imposed on Catholics


The above photo of the faithful in Montreal, locked out of their churches, marginalized, ignored by their pastors; reduced to kneeling on hard cement in the freezing cold of Montreal is a reflection of the abuse inflicted on them by the men who outwardly occupy the sees of the successors of the Apostles in Canada. 

We Catholics are still waiting for these sad men to admit their guilt, their abuse, their collusion with the State. May they repent and do penance. Perhaps a start might be actually taking a pro-life stand? Perhaps they could show repentance by rebuking the political abusers? Silence, in this case, means consent. When the man who is the Prime Minister of Canada called Canadian truckers "Nazis" the bishops remained silent. When he called them racists the bishops were silent. And so it goes. 

The perverse irony of this is that he and his Deputy came out as fanatical supporters of real Nazis and racists involved in a foreign war half a world away (shipping them bombs and bullets on the backs of long-suffering taxpayers). 

Friends, pray for these men to repent and convert. They have abused us as neo-Gallican satraps of Caesar. They even allowed the Sacred Liturgy to be trodden underfoot by surrendering to State bureaucrats the rubrics of the Mass: the greatest crime of which was turning over the Most Holy Eucharist to the control of godless sinners.  

Monday, 23 May 2022

Queen Victoria: the Monarch who oversaw the founding of the Dominion of Canada


Today, in Canada, is celebrated the birthday of Queen Victoria (which is actually on the 25th). Though the enemies of this country toppled her statue in a desperate bid to destroy her memory, we commemorate her reign in which she oversaw the formation of the Dominion of Canada. 



Monday, 9 May 2022

President Putin rebukes war-mongering West who continue to arm Nazis and Banderites


Today, on Victory Day, President Vladimir Putin  - once again - outlined the real truths that precipitated this tragic war in the Ukraine. Yesterday, for us in the now decadent West, it was VE in Europe Day. One would have never had known it. It was a day devoted to by, for example, the repugnant Banderite Justin Trudeau to pay homage to globalist "Elensky" (after all "Z" has been banned in the Ukraine). 


In fact we found out on VE Day that Canada has "for years" (Trudeau's words) trained up to 30,000 Ukrainian troops. We also know that they and other NATO imperialists also trained Nazis, such as those of the Azov and Aidar Battalions. It is only fitting then, that Nazi and fascist, racist Banderite enablers would be silent on the day we should be solemnly recalling the sacrifice given to rid the world of - so we thought - Nazism and Banderism.