Friday 20 February 2015

Vatican spokesman Fr. Thomas Rosica threatens with a lawsuit the faithful Catholic blogger, Vox Cantoris

Most readers are by now aware that Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB has threatened our friend Vox Cantoris with a lawsuit. Full details may be read here. 

This is unjust, unChristian and uncharitable. It is an attempt to silence, intimidate and censor a faithful son of Our Divine Lord and His Most Holy Mother.  

The Office of Readings for this past Thursday, from a Sermon by Saint Leo the Great contains these words: "the person who shows love and compassion to those in any kind of affliction is blessed, not only with the virtue of good will but also with the gift of peace". 

When I read those words the other day, I was reminded of what has just happened, and I thought: surely, as brothers in Christ Jesus, there is another way? 

Please contact the following and ask that the lawsuit be withdrawn immediately: 

When writing to Salt and Light please cc: His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins. 

God bless you all.

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB on Twitter:

Salt and Light TV

Phone: 416.971.5353
Toll free: 1.888.302.7181 
Fax: 416.971.6733 

His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins

Phone: 416.934.0606 ext. 609
Fax: 416.934.3452 

Archdiocese of Toronto on Twitter:

The Basilian Fathers on Twitter:
The Basilian Fathers' Spokesman: Fr. Timothy Scott: 416.998.4004


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information. I just sent my e-mail directly to the Cardinal with a cc to salt tv:

Dear Cardinal Collins,

I stand with Mr. David Domet. He has done nothing wrong in expressing his opinion based on facts. I am truly appalled, like many of my fellow Catholics, that Father Rosica would threaten him with a lawsuit. Father Rosica can defend himself and present his case in the blogosphere, just like anyone else. This lawsuit is mean-spirited and unwarranted!

This threat has caused Mr. Domet great consternation and I ask that you help him in any way you can so that this lawsuit is withdrawn immediately.

God bless you for your help.

Helena, Alabama

Anonymous said...

The email convention seems to be so maybe the Cardinal has a more personal email address, I just tried and it didn't bounce back, so either it's Collins himself or a black hole. He's not going to answer, but at least he might actually see it.