Whilst we are celebrating St. George, let us not forget the Providence of the Bard being born on this day of April 23rd.
Sonnet 116
Whilst we are celebrating St. George, let us not forget the Providence of the Bard being born on this day of April 23rd.
Sonnet 116
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Are YOU of COVID's Body? |
Dear friends of our Blessed COVID
May the Peace and Tranquility of COVID be with us
May we find Contentment in the interdict on public Mass
May we all rejoice at being One with COVID
May we rejoice in the State dictating Sacred Liturgical Rites
May COVID watch over us, protect us.
May COVID bring us every Joy and Consolation.
Let us be One with COVID...
...always ONE....
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St. John Fisher: Guardian against the "Three Wolves" |
Today, as we continue in ever greater lock downs, interdicts being imposed on the public celebration of Holy Mass, the surrender of the Sacred Rites to the State, the shuttering of churches, the near banishment of the Sacraments, the dissolution of the economic and social order by wayward politicians and public health officials, we should ask ourselves: what is the Catholic Church doing in the midst of this ruin? What are Her Pastors doing? Are they following the example of St. John Fisher or that of Thomas Cramner? To whom do they profess their loyalty to: God or Man?
From St. Thomas Aquinas' Commentary on the Gospel of St. John:
For the good shepherd, who loves his flock, lays down his life for it, i.e., he exposes himself to dangers that affect his bodily life. But the evil shepherd, because he has no love for the flock, flees when he sees the wolf.
Thus he says, he sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees. Here, the wolf is understood in three ways. First, for the devil as tempting: "What fellowship has a wolf with a lamb? No more has a sinner with a godly man" (Si 13:17).
Secondly, it stands for the heretic who destroys: "beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" (Matt 7:15); "I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock" (Acts 20:29).
Thirdly, it stands for the raging tyrant: "Her princes in the midst of her are like wolves" (Ez 22:27).
Therefore, the good shepherd must guard the flock against these three wolves, so that when he sees the wolf, i.e., the devil tempting, the deceiving heretic and the raging tyrant, he can oppose him.
Against those who do not, we read, "You have not gone up into the breaches, or built up a wall for the house of Israel" (Ez 13:5). Accordingly, we read of the evil shepherd that he leaves the sheep and flees: "Woe to my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock" (Zech 11:17). As if to say: You are not a shepherd, but only appear to be one: "Even her hired soldiers in her midst are like fatted calves; yea, they have turned and fled together, they do not stand" (Jer 46:21).
Today was the funeral of HRH The Prince Philip, The Due of Edinburgh and Consort of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada.
As Catholics we are to remember the dead in our prayers. Likewise as Catholics we are to pray for our Head of State.
Dear Cardinal Collins,
I wrote to you twice last year, and I am still awaiting your reply. I presume you are far too busy with your accountants, lawyers, and moneybags propping up the "Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Toronto" (listed with Bloomberg as a "Consumer Services" sub-industry).
Since I do not expect you to reply, I have decided (once again) to compose an "Open Letter" to you, in the hopes that it will eventually reach you and your auxiliary bishops. I must say at the outset that over the past year this crisis has blown the cover off the Church in Toronto as the Mystical Body of Christ to really being a human services provider and registered "charity" under the corporate structure of a "Consumer Services" industry, where money and tax law is the driving consideration. God indeed does write straight with crooked lines.
With the imminent closure of our churches - as I write on April 16th - you must decide what you want to be: the nominal head of a corporate business and obedient underling to Caesar, or the local bishop of the Catholic Church. You must decide if obeying God is more important than obeying man. You must decide if Mass is more important than liquor store, beer stores, pot shops, and dare I say it - abortion "clinics". By this afternoon we will know if Premier Doug Ford has again "ordered" places of worship closed, and you have acquiesced, proclaiming it is for the "common good", and for the protection of our "brothers and sisters". Just like you boarded up every church last March even in the tiniest hamlets far north of the city. We were not even allowed in for private prayer.
Surely it disturbs you, Your Eminence that whilst you pontificate about the "common good", you are silent about the ongoing "essential service" of the slaughter of the unborn in the wombs of their mothers? Are you also not in the least concerned that this coming Monday hundreds of thousands of Catholics will get up without a job, but the local abortion clinic will remain open? And if it does disturb you: why are you silent? And what of the explosion of mental health issues, the suicides, the substance abuse, the psychological abuse of our children in Catholic schools being told to wear masks when the medical evidence is clear that they do not need to do so.
Why do you remain silent? Are you be told to keep quiet by your handlers? Are they advising obeisance to Caesar for filthy lucre? Has the Catholic Church been prostituted for 30 pieces of silver?
Another thing: you have yet to apologize to us for your disgraceful silence (recommended to you by your accountants, lawyers, and moneybags?) when the churches were boarded up at Christmas. I ask you again: would you please apologize to Catholics for denying us the right to attend Mass? We await your apology.
Finally, please do not DARE to ask for any more money. Are you not aware of how much Catholics are suffering from lost employment, the ruination of their small businesses? You seemed to be only concerned with the well paid staff in your "Consumer Service" corporation. Instead of taking millions from Caesar for your "employees", and then topping it up with parish donations, will you take immediate steps to provide monies for faithful, practicing Catholics who will - once again - be loosing their jobs, being forced to close their small businesses?
Perhaps you should be selling off some of your enormous real estate empire? Or cashing in on bonds and stocks? I noticed that in 2018 your corporation listed "charitable activities/programs" running just over 154 million. Can you supply us with a detailed account of how much money in 2020 went to Catholics who lost jobs? Can you provide us with details for emergency funding for unemployed Catholics in 2021? Let us not forget the "common good" you speak so much about.
Within a few hours we will once again know if our churches are to be closed, our Catholic families and friends decimated with indiscriminate lock downs. We will also know once again where and with whom you stand.
Will you stand up? Will you tell Premier Ford: "the churches remain open because the public worship of God at Mass is not only essential, it is more than essential. It is necessary and commanded of us". Will you tell the Premier that if he is serious about this virus, that he should immediately close the liquor and beer stores, the pot shops, and certainly the abortion mills? Will you do that Your Eminence? Will you have the courage?
Cardinal Collins, you have in your Office two portraits for fighters for the Faith: St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More. What would they do? Do you believe that St. John would meekly board up his churches and impose a de facto interdict on the Mass? That he would allow dissident priests to shutter their churches for months on end so that the faithful cannot adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? Do you believe that your lay handlers are following in the footsteps of St. Thomas? Or are they following the treacherous Richard Rich who betrayed the Church and his friend, driven by lust for money and power?
Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More, pray for us.
All ye holy Martyrs of England and Wales, pray for us.
547 The reward for faith is beyond our comprehension, because it is eternal life. Hence he says, Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. And this is shown from what has already been said. For if the Father has given everything he has to the Son, and the Father has eternal life, then he has given to the Son to be eternal life: “Just as the Father possesses life in himself, so he has given it to the Son to have life in himself” (below 5:26): and this belongs to Christ insofar as he is the true and natural Son of God. “That you may be in his true Son, Christ. This is the true God and eternal life” (1 Jn 5:20). Whoever believes in the Son has that toward which he tends, that is, the Son, in whom he believes. But the Son is eternal life; therefore, whoever believes in him has eternal life. As it says below (10:27): “My sheep hear my voice... and I give them eternal life.”
548 The penalty for unbelief is unendurable, both as to the punishment of loss and as to the punishment of sense. As to the punishment of loss, because it deprives one of life; hence he says, whoever is unbelieving in the Son will not see life. He does not say, “will not have,” but will not see, because eternal life consists in the vision of the true life: “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (below 17:3): and unbelievers will not have this vision and this knowledge: “Let him not see the brooks of honey” (Jb 4:19), that is, the sweetness of eternal life. And he says, will not see, because to see life itself is the proper reward for faith united with love.
The punishment of sense is unendurable because one is severely punished; so he says: the anger of God rests on him. For in the Scriptures anger indicates the pain with which God punishes those who are evil. So when he says, the anger of God, the Father, rests on him, it is the same as saying: They will feel punishment from God the Father.
Although the Father “has given all judgment to the Son,” as we read below (5:22), the Baptist refers this to the Father in order to lead the Jews to believe in the Son. It is written about this judgment: “It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb 10:31). He says, rests on him, because this punishment will never be absent from the unbelieving, and because all who are born into this mortal life are the objects of God’s anger, which was first felt by Adam: “We were by nature,” that is, through birth, “children of anger” (Eph 2:3). And we are freed from this anger only by faith in Christ; and so the anger of God rests on those who do not believe in Christ, the Son of God.
For decades the churchmen were not teaching what has always been taught. To accommodate their corruption they began to obfuscate the Liturgy. No where is this more reflected as in the pre-1955 Holy Week Liturgy.