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The Vatican has been covering up the homosexual orgy, that was fueled with a "bag" of cocaine for - according to Polish media - "kilkanaście" (translation: more than two, several, many) months. Usually it means more than two.
A bit of further research this morning, reveals the following. Polish Vatican correspondent for Gazeta, Jacek Pałasiński is quoted as saying:
"Mniej więcej dwa miesiące temu żandarmeria watykańska wkroczyła do apartamentów sekretarza jednego z Bardzo Ważnych Monsignorów, jednego z najbliższych współpracowników papieża. W apartamencie znaleziono kokainę. Aresztowany sekretarz Eminencji wyznał, że używał jej podczas gejowskich party, jakie organizował w budynku Sant’Uffizio..."
Original source.
[translation by Barona: "About two months ago, the Vatican police raided the apartment of a secretary of an ( lit. extremely important Monsignor), one of the closest collaborators of the Pope. In the apartment was discovered cocaine. The secretary of His Eminence admitted he used the drugs during the gay party, which he organized at Santo Uffizio..."]
Dear friends. The Romans have been covering up - for at least two months. This now raises further questions. Was it during Lent? Was it during Holy Week? Could it have been on Good Friday? Just when were they snorting and sodomizing?
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Two months later, sodomite "Cocaine" Capozzi remains a member of a Pontifical Council |
As evil as this is, we now see the power of these homosexuals to be able to organize on a consistent basis homosexual orgies, fueled by illicit drugs. To hell (I use this word advisedly) that the drug trade itself enslaves, destroys others. To hell with the thousands murdered by drug lords..... All this is nothing to the practitioner of homosexuality, the narcissist, Monsignor Luigi "Cocaine" Capozzi of the Pontifical Council of Legislative Texts. All of this is also nothing to his unknown collaborators in sin. Who are they: just priests? Or bishops, a few cardinals. Catholics need to know.
Dear friends, "Cocaine" Capozzi is STILL listed on the Vatican website as a member of this Council.
The fact that "Cocaine" Capozzi was arrested by police (released, obviously due to Vatican pressure from a very high ranking cardinal or cardinals) with a "bag" of cocaine, and indulging in sodomy is irrelevant to these evil men who have occupied the Holy See.
So now we know all about the "reforms".
Now we know about the cleaning out of these homosexuals. Now we know all about the "preferential option for the poor".
Dear friends, it is all one HUGE LIE. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. Dear friends, these men despise you.
They despise "breeders" (as homosexuals derisively preach in their propaganda), these narcissists hate "hetro swine", such as you and me.
Far worse: they hate Our Lord Jesus Christ.
They hate His Church, His Sacraments.
These men are infiltrators and leeches who live like lords off the poor box.
They are sodomites, spiritual murders, thieves, criminals, liars and more.
You may ask: how is this possible, how could anything like this happen to the Church? It is a punishment, dear friends, for our lukewarmness, for our own infidelities, our weaknesses. For example, what did you, your parents, your grandparents do to oppose the monstrous sin and crime of abortion? God will not be mocked.
The Church, fallen into apostasy is a far worse punishment than a Third World War.
Your website is an abomination. God is going to get you for your hate!
The scandal of the Church is that it considers homosexuality to be inherently shameful, choosing to ignore the scientific studies of the last 25 years.
Website is an abomination?? No comment on the smoke of satan eh?
When people masquerade their way through life pretending to be something they are not the end result is inevitably scandal.
I disagree.
Homosexuality is deviant unnatural behavior. Saint Catherine of Sienna quotes the Lord as saying, their behavior (homosexual acts) even repulses the demons. We need to dispise the sin, but love the sinner as a person who needs to be shown the way. No longitudinal study can justify homosexual behavior as normal behavior. There is no end to it in natural law.
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