We at Toronto Catholic Witness have been ringing alarm bells about the disastrous state of Catholic education in Ontario for years. The betrayal in the early hours of Friday morning by eight trustees could not have happened without the greatest malfeasance in the Chancery, and amongst the priests of the Archdiocese. We grant that Cardinal Collins has issued two "letters" over the past few months, but nearly secretively, and with no canonical implications. Neither letter was published by the Catholic Register (which is also a major part of the problem, see below), read from pulpits, sent home to parents. The Cardinal, nor his auxiliaries did not appear at any Toronto Catholic District School Board meetings, or even once address these moral issue directly in public. I have it on good authority that in private the Cardinal is lamenting the bad break by the eight moral degenerates on the Board, but continues to remain silent in public. There is no wriggle wrong here Your Eminence, you CANNOT remain silent when the eternal salvation of souls are at stake.
Today, we re-publish a post from 2017, to prove to you that every alarm was ringing, but that NOTHING was being done by the very men (and we need to be fair, it not just Cardinal Collins), who should have been taking action: Pocock, Carter (who sold out the Catholic schools to Orangeman, Bill Davis), and to a lesser degree Ambrozic, all are guilty in this disastrous collapse. But the mass of cowardly priests who have sat and continue to sit by like mute dogs cannot escape either.
Some readers may not be aware that on Friday depositions in favour of promoting moral depravity were given by two lesbians. Apparently the dissenters on the Board found nothing morally objectionable and contrary to Christian morality, nor a conflict of interest from a purely secular perspective, about consulting with people whose lifestyle directly contradicts Sacred Scripture and the Catechism. Additionally, the Board would have known that Kristyn Wong-Tam is on public record for recommending people masturbate each other through "glory holes", and Kathleen Wynne is on public record for her husband living in the basement whilst she carried on a lesbian affair upstairs in the family home. None of this incommoded the wayward trustees who, to the contrary, went on to vote to formally break the TCDSB from the Church. It was not for them to conform to the teachings of the Popes on the sanctity of Catholic education. They had found a new and false "christ", an idol of their own creation, that is not the Jesus of the Gospels.
As Catholics we believe in "male and female He created them", and "a man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife". Alas, the majority of the Board, seduced by "LGBT" ideology, granted these two individuals to speak in opposition to the Gospel. If you think I am being too harsh, you have never read the New Testament.
Likewise, for
those who think we are too hard on Cardinal Collins, you will note we
mention that in 2017 he is fighting a "one man battle". We encouraged
him late last year when he sent his letter. We are not his enemy. But alas, -we have no choice - we do call him out for his increasing silence, denial of the crisis, (what good is it if in private he admits Catholic education is in crisis?), his refusal to take just
canonical action against the dissenting Board. We call him out
for not using the apostolic authority that he has, for abandoning
flocking. We implore St. John Fisher to grant Cardinal Collins the
graces he needs to stand up to these evil trustees, teachers, the vile
OECTA union, the homo-corporate juggernaut.
The buck stopped in every parish rectory when the priest negligently
signed off papers that he knew was a LIE that the teacher candidate was a
faithful, practicing Catholic. The buck stopped on the desk of every
bishop who FAILED to mandate that candidates for trustee were to be
faithful, practicing Catholics.
The following was published on June 6, 2017, ironically on D-Day. One wonders how many of those young men who died, realized that they were dying for nothing, that our Christian civilization was in its waning years, and that within decades a new form of fascism would reappear - ironically imbued with same sexual perversion that imbued the upper echelons of the Nazi monsters they were fighting.
flags, shout-outs for abortion, promotion of women as priests etc. Now
who would be doing such a thing, you may ask? A radical dissident group
that has been excommunicated?
Sadly, you would be mistaken. No, the open promoters of homosexuality
and these other evils, are the Ontario English Catholic Teachers
Association (OECTA). This militant Union is aided and abetted by the
various school Boards in the Province of Ontario. In Toronto, this would
be the Toronto District Catholic School Board (TDCSB). The Boards
cheer on OECTA in its ongoing campaign to corrupt innocent children with - well, you guess it - SILENCE.
the TDCSB to remove Rainbow Flags from schools, not the TDCSB to insist
on the teaching of Catholic doctrine. No, the Boards are complicit and
active co-conspirators with OECTA in corrupting children. The Boards
know children are being fed spiritual poison, but do nothing.
it goes worse, far worse. What if I told you that the rot goes as far
as the official Archdiocesan newspaper, the Catholic Register? What if I
told you to spend a few minutes reviewing the recent issues of the
Register to see their promotion of the Catholic publicly funded system
as a truly Catholic education system? Gay-straight "alliances"(in truth
homosexual affirming clubs - after all, why the Rainbow flags in
schools?), dissent
on doctrine, silence on the extremely hard left Twitter feeds of
leading OECTA members, including President Ann Hawkins and so on.
Not one word from the Catholic Register that homosexuality is being hoisted on children as just an "alternate" lifestyle. Not one word from the Catholic Register that OECTA featured two (yes, two! - apparently one is not enough) Rainbow flags at its 2017 AGM. Not one word from the Catholic Register
that OECTA has been promoting dissent and heresy for years. The photos
of Rainbow flags at OECTA meetings; being waved by Hawkins are not to be
seen gracing the pages of the Register.
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Pro-gender ideology Ann Hawkins of OECTA |
The most recent outrage is the Register's article
promoting "Friends of Catholic Education". Rest assured dear readers,
the Register may promote Hawkins as a "friend" of Catholic education,
but she is no friend.
Does a friend promote homosexuality? Does a friend obfuscate on abortion? Does a friend re-tweet a call-out in favour of abortion?
Hawkins and the gang that control OECTA are no friends of Catholic
education. In promoting Hawkins, OECTA, the Catholic Register is proving
it too, is no friend of Catholic education...
And the following published on May 3, 2017:
Archdiocese of Toronto covering up abortion and homosexual propaganda in schools?
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A ringing endorsement of pro-abortion & gender-ideologist dissenter, Ann Hawkins |
Now, The Catholic Register (the official Archdiocesan newspaper) carries an article by John B. Kostoff entitled, "Catholic schools are a vehicle for faith journey". Amongst other things, Kostoff, referencing sociologist Reginald Bibby, admits that most Catholics in the education system dissent on the Faith. Naturally, Kostoff does not phrase it this way, but rather sees each student on "...their faith journey". Kostoff also does not want to "challenge" Catholics, or "set the "bar too high on who is or who isn't Catholic". Kostoff also admits that "...many students skip Mass", but they "still care about their faith"....
...It would be bad enough for The Catholic Register to publish such a false and perverted picture of the Faith and Catholic education in Ontario. However, it reaches the level of public scandal, given that Kostoff is the Executive Director of the Ontario Catholic Supervisory Officers Association (OCSOA). A brief review of the OCSOA Twitter account tells us everything we need to know. They give a ringing endorsement to pro-abortion and pro-homosexual/gender ideology promoter, former OECTA President Ann Hawkins.
As I noted a few weeks ago, Hawkins re-tweeted a video of a callout for abortion at "Women's March". More recently, Hawkins was photographed raising aloft the "gay" Rainbow Flag. Readers should also note that at their AGM of this year, OECTA saw fit to display two - yes, two! - "gay" Rainbow flags. For all this OCSOA praises Ann Hawkins. But we should not be surprised. After all, the OCSOA endorses and links to via their website, the dissenting "All God's Children", which includes a pro-homosexual stance.
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Is the Catholic Register unaware about OECTA's militant support of homosexuality? |
Dear friends: OCSOA cannot not know that OECTA is a militant political Union, heavily infiltrated with dissenters from the Faith. The pro-homosexual stance; the open dissent on Doctrine etc. is all public knowledge. Likewise, it is not possible that The Catholic Register is unaware of this dissent and public scandal of OECTA promoting homosexuality and heresy. If, perchance, they are unaware - there is only one course of action: the immediate resignation of the Publisher and Editor.
We see how the entire decadent structure of "Catholic" education is supported and encouraged by the Archdiocese of Toronto. Let there be no doubt about it: the Chancery, the various chanceries around Ontario, the Catholic officials ARE the problem. The Catholic Register is a material accessory to the lies, the deception, the cover-ups regarding the corruption and moral decadence of OECTA and OCSOA.
We can no longer hide from the reality that the Catholic churchmen of Ontario are fully aware but are doing nothing about the corruption and decadence in Catholic schools.
It would truly be astonishing if Cardinal Collins was unaware of OECTA's public dissent on issues of sexual morality. Likewise it would be astonishing if the Publisher and Editor of The Catholic Register were unaware. Are they really unaware that "gay" Rainbow flags are displayed at Catholic schools? Are we really to believe this?
There is only one possibility that explains the silence of leading churchmen, barring they are themselves heretics and dissenters. Is it possible that the Chancery, the Catholic churchmen are doing nothing to stop OECTA, OCSOA and their various allies because deep, dark secrets are known by these organizations regarding sexual indiscretions by priests, and even higher ranking churchmen?
Catholics need to start asking very serious questions: why is OECTA getting away with the spiritual murder of children?
There is only one possibility that explains the silence of leading churchmen, barring they are themselves heretics and dissenters. Is it possible that the Chancery, the Catholic churchmen are doing nothing to stop OECTA, OCSOA and their various allies because deep, dark secrets are known by these organizations regarding sexual indiscretions by priests, and even higher ranking churchmen?
Catholics need to start asking very serious questions: why is OECTA getting away with the spiritual murder of children?
Who is allowing this? Why are they allowing this?
Why are they not denouncing OECTA and OCSOA? Do they support OECTA and OCSOA and the promotion of homosexuality and the active undermining of the Faith?
Or, is there another reason for this ominous silence? You dear readers, decide for yourselves.
Yes Barona, I can only imagine the hours of meetings and deliberating in the Chancery trying to find the best way to "not offend" and yet still keep up the appearance that they are defending the Catholic faith.
No Archdiocesan intervention at TCDSB meeting, nor reading of the Cardinal's letters from the pulpit. (How convenient for His Eminence that he shut down Sacrifice of the Mass?)
In the end it is about Mammon. If he spoke truthfully, he might be accused of a "hate crime", thus threatening the Government money spigots.
How much longer Lord, do we have to endure the milquetoast, weakling Conciliar Church? Pray the Rosary daily for the restoration of the ancient Mass and of Catholic Truth.
A decade ago, I told an Ontario bishop that we must refuse the evil child-corrupting curriculum of the provincial Liberal government.
The bishop replied ; "Then we'll lose the ( Catholic ? ) schools". His Excellency failed to see that this perverse sodomite curriculum defeats the mission of authentic Catholic education.
As well, the bishop unwittingly revealed that he valued Caesar's gold more than protecting the innocence of Catholic school children.
Are the Ontario bishops accepting "funding" ( payment ) to stay silent and not interfere with this present, methodical and diabolical plan to corrupt Catholic children ???
The Martyrs were not fools.
They bravely chose penury, ostracization , prison, torture and death rather that betray the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Tragically, until now, the Ontario bishops will not sacrifice their idol of government funding for the sake of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ - or for the sake of protecting poor, bewildered Catholic school kids.
Though Ontario Catholic schools bear the venerable names of the Saints, this gleefully satanic celebration of sodomy mocks the blood of the Martyrs.
By trading their apostolic dignity in exchange for government funding, do the Ontario bishops not realize that they have pawned the prestige and authority that they covet ???
As the Ontario bishops now allow "sodomy to be taught through a sodomite lens", do they not see that they have made themselves laughing stocks ???
I am not being pietistic.
These are fair and very gravely serious questions that require answers.
This is the critical "watershed moment" in which we are required to do some honest thinking and make some hard decisions about our identity and mission as the Catholic faith in this nation - because we are selling our soul.
As the True Gospel is so powerful that the enemies of Christ seek to silence us with the bribery of funding - or paralyze us by threatening to take away our funding - then we must be prepared to pay the cost of discipleship.
We must stop this degrading process that has pathetically reduced the apostolic leadership of the Catholic Church to the insignificance of being mere government employees.
There is a fine line between prudence and cowardice.
If unchecked, cowardice descends into formal cooperation with evil.
The solution to this present problem of evil is found in Catholic History.
During the "Penal Times" in Ireland, the Catholic Faith and the Gaelic language were taught in "Hedge Schools"
to avoid "priest hunters" and other civil authorities.
We must implement "Hedge Schools" today in Canada.
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