Fr. Robert Pasley, the Pastor of Mater Ecclesiae Parish in the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, addressed the issue of the continued closure of our Catholic Churches. After encouraging Catholics to petition the authorities to reopen churches (noting that a court case is being brought against the ongoing closures by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X), Fr. Pasley touched upon the pagan mindset that is oblivious, and even consumed with hatred towards God and Christ:
I've noticed when they talk about setting things back to normal after this. And you listen to them: we have to get the businesses under way, we've got to do this for the economy, we've got to set this back in place.
No one ever mentions we have to open the churches. No one. And why?
Because modernists, secularists, those who hate God: one of the best ways to kill something isn't to attack it front on.
It is just to completely ignore it as if it doesn't exist. That's the situation we're in. There are many out there who don't even give us a thought; couldn't care in the least. And we can't be influenced by that.
We can't let ourselves as a Church and as a People of God be marginalized, and pushed aside, as if we don't exist. As if there's nothing there. There's nothing more important for us in our society!
And maybe that is why we are going through the horrors that we are: because too many people have pushed the most important things aside, and don't think about them anymore. No we must be strong!
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