Friday, 15 May 2020

CHURCH OF THE HIGHER COMMITTEE OF HUMAN FRATERNITY: they do not want the "Corona" of Christ so they are poisoned with the Masonic Virus

Though there was a lot of raging when Pachamama made her appearance in the Vatican Gardens and Roman churches a few months ago, she did not appear by accident. No, Pachamama has been lurking around the Catholic Church for decades in various forms. Indeed, she was already tempting, so to speak, churchmen well before the Second Vatican Council. 

One could say that Pachamama has been making illicit visits into the hearts of churchmen for a good two hundred years. In fact Pachamama, and earlier papal "encounters" with "world religions" would have been unthinkable without Assisi, 1986. But Assisi is still a mystery unless we go back to "Nostra Aetate" of Vatican II. What was originally to only be an outreach to the Schismatic Orthodox who had valid sacraments and episcopacy, was quickly seized upon by Christ's enemies in the Catholic hierarchy to open it up without distinction to heretics, and even those who rejected Christ's Divinity. Gone was any missionary spirit. Why? Because they had lost the Faith. To paraphrase Goethe: "from Nosta Aetate through Assisi to Pachamama". 

"Nosta Aetate" had been preceded with decades of "compromise Catholicism", culminating in "fiftiesism". Bishop Fulton Sheen exposed some of this when he already lamented in back in 1951 that morals and marriage were in a great crisis. We regard the 1950s as a "golden age"; but they were anything but. They were decadent. By the end of that sad decade, "Bing Crosby" Catholicism was overwhelmingly popular: "you have your religion, I have mine, if Jesus Christ is God or not God it is not important enough to have a disagreement. Lets all go down to the golf club". 

However there is huge problem. Jesus Christ is God. This is an objective TRUTH. It is also the ONLY TRUTH, from which all other truths flow. "Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God" (Matthew 16:16). Nothing else matters. From this great act of faith, Our Lord conferred on Peter the Papal Primacy. 

Very few religions accept that Jesus Christ is God except Catholics, Eastern Schismatics, and some Protestants. The other so-called "world religions" have opinions on Our Lord Jesus Christ ranging from "prophet" through "teacher" and "brother", to that of "heretic" and "blasphemer". These false "religions", to the degree they reject Our Lord Jesus Christ's Divinity, are particularly active agents of revolution (and Satan is the father of revolution) and subversion against the Divine Plan for Order which is to bring all men into supernatural union in the Catholic Church (Galatians 3:28). There are very serious consequences for rejecting Our Lord: "He is who is not with me, is against me" (Matthew 12:13; Luke 11:23).

False "religions" are objectively evil because they are not supernatural infusions of the Holy Spirit. You would never know that if you read "Nostra Aetate", but you would if you read the Gospels. However modern man, poisoned by liberalism believes to the contrary: "you have your religion, I have mine. It doesn't really matter if Jesus Christ is or is not God, we are all on the same road to Heaven". This is modern "Catholic" thinking. Is it not?

The poor savage in the jungle and his totemistic beliefs, though in darkness, cannot be compared to the monstrous evil of false "world religions" that knowingly reject Jesus Christ. There is a vast moral and spiritual difference between ignorance and rejection. The churchmen's sick, macabre dance with the leaders of these false antichrist "religions", is perhaps the main cause of God's wrath, and His cutting off of these churchmen from Divine Grace, not because it is not there, but because they refuse it. 

My own Archdiocese of Toronto (not surprisingly) is actively promoting and encouraging participation in a "worship service" with false "religions" that reject Jesus Christ came in the Flesh, and to join the Pope in a "prayer service" under the new universalist, gnostic "Church of the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity". 

The Pope informs us that we are all "brothers and sisters", we are being "called", and "prayer belongs to everyone...of every religion...and probably to those who profess no religion". In contradiction to this the same Pope also writes: "Mother of the Lord, Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary, shows us the power of your protective mantle..."remain in me and I in you (Jn 15:4)..."I am the vine, you are the branches" (Jn 15:15). This is what happens when a Catholic churchman succumbs to the madness of liberalism: his mind turns to mush. They are for, and yet against everything. And at the same time. Two and two make four, but also five, and twenty-six. Not Catholic, then Catholic. Yes, No. No, yes. Philosophically, these men are insane. Their liberalism has driven them mad. They are out of their Catholic minds.

In rejecting God's Grace, these same deluded men who sit on the "chair of Moses", perversely copulate with false "religions" achieving demonic "union" with Satan. St John warned us: "he who denies Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of antichrist". Notice his word: "denies". St. John is telling us that those who deny Jesus Christ's Divinity, whether they are aware or not, still are of the spirit of antichrist. Objectively no man is good as God wants him to be if he rejects Jesus Christ's Divinity. Subjectively some of these men in the false "religions" may be invincibly ignorant and may perhaps achieve salvation, but only because of God's ability to read hearts and know that if they knew Christ was God they would have responded accordingly. But if He is saving those in spite of their adherence to a false "religion" (NOT because of) the Gospels are silent on this: to the contrary (John 3:5). Hence the absolute necessity to preach Christ Jesus to all of Creation. 

The crimes of churchmen over the past decades of cavorting, pandering, misleading, lying to, and engaging in false "worship" with these non-believers is a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance. I believe it simplistic  to hold that God, after decades of their blasphemy, suddenly allowed the advance of the Globalists and Communists under the auspices of the politicized coronavirus because of Pachamama. It turns God into  a silly old sugar daddy that can be turned on and off for each pet peeve. No, blasphemy is blasphemy. If God were going to punish crimes of false worship He would surely have done so already for the far more guilty and dangerous "world religions" and accordingly, the far greater blasphemies. Guilty because they know of the claims of Christ, dangerous because they have influence to actively oppose the Gospels, and the Divine Plan for Order. More blasphemous as they knowingly reject Christ's Divinity. Otherwise we turn the Holy Spirit into a liar in contradicting Sacred Scriptures. Catholics must once again regain the courage to proclaim as diabolical deception the "world religions" (Luke 10:16; John 3:3-5; Acts 4:12; Romans 1:18). These false "religions" are leading souls to Hell, and they are being encouraged to do so by the very men who should be declaring from the rooftops that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to salvation (John 14:6). 

Opposition to these false "world religions" requires courage, as it will entail  personal and social consequences. It certainly required courage in ancient Jerusalem, Rome, in Elizabethan England and Wales, in Calvinist Scotland, in Imperial Japan, in New France, in South America, in 19th century America and so on. In our time the Orthodox and Catholics of Russia and China can teach us something about persecution. It is not by chance that the vast majority of bishops joining Archbishop Vigano in opposing the push for masonic global tyranny are from the former Soviet Union. Our bishops, you will notice are silent. These lukewarm bishops Jesus Christ vomits out of His mouth (Rev 3:15-16). 

I am of the opinion that it is massive sin, rebellion, amongst not just evil, wicked and perverse churchmen, but amongst the vast majority of us. Most of us could make a nice long list of grave sins: sins have consequences. We have allowed ourselves to be seduced into a compromise "Catholicism" poisoned through the virus of liberalism. What Catholics believed 200 years ago, even 100 years ago, is no longer believed by the vast majority of Catholics of today because it is demanding and uncompromising. But God is a jealous God: it is all or nothing (Exodus 34:14). Contrast our timidity and go along to get along Catholicism to that of the Japanese Catholics who were able to keep the Faith through 300 years of isolation and murderous persecution. They had the Faith, we just have the bricks and mortar. 

Once again: we need a reminder. St. John wrote: "he who denies Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of antichrist". (1 John 4:3)

NO EXCEPTIONS. NONE. NOT ONE. Otherwise you turn the Holy Spirit into a liar and deceiver. 

Do we need St. Peter's witness?: "there is NO name under Heaven by which we are saved, but that of Christ Jesus". (Acts 4:12)


Now we have coronavirus, because we did not want "Corona"  - the Crown of Jesus. So Our Lord has allowed this "virus", and perhaps far more sinisterly,  its global sociological and political effects to be spread and manipulated by evil men who seek world domination and the destruction of the Catholic Church and true worship of God, especially through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As Archbishop Lenga (one of the cosignatories against this globalist putsch) has said it is now a "Masonic Virus". 

Let us get on our knees and say Three Hail Marys for the Pope and Three Hail Marys for the rest of the poor souls in the world seeking both his, theirs and our reconversion (conversion). 


John Haggerty said...

It is true what you say (partly) about Calvinist Scotland.

The Roman Catholic faith was outlawed by an act of parliament. Priests were hunted down like wild animals. Even the burning of Patrick Hamilton by the ruthless Cardinal Beaton could not account for the ferocity of the anti-Catholic venom which, four hundred years later, my parents experienced, like thousands of other Catholic men and women.

It is true that Protestant Scotland feared a Spanish invasion and the Inquisition. If this had occurred Scottish Protestants would have been burned alive, and their Bibles too.

John Knox, a former priest who turned against the old faith, mentored many former Catholics, including women of high rank who, in their last years, wanted to return to the Catholic sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist. Knox, like his teacher Calvin, preached the doctrine of Justification from Luther, who took it from Romans.

Michael Voris did a report from my home city of Glasgow. He stood in Glasgow Cross where John Ogilvie was burned. As the flames consumed the Catholic martyr, Ogilvie threw his rosary beads into the crowd; they were caught by a Calvinist who converted to Rome. Michael told the story brilliantly.

*I reverence the Catholic Church because it is true, not because it is established or an institution.*
Evelyn Waugh,from an interview with The Paris Review, published by Penguin in Writers At Work, 3rd series.

Vox Cantoris said...

Are you prepared to call out Jorge Mario Bergoglio for this?

Oh, and Mr. Haggerty, you previously accused me on another post of certain heresies. I suggest you take it back.

John Haggerty said...

I take back any accusation of heresy, Vox Cantoris, and I apologise for any offence I may have caused you by my words.

It appeared to me that your language was extreme and incoherent, and that this is the tendency of many bloggers, especially those who operate under covert names.

I remember being rebuked in a blog called American Catholic after the death of Fidel Castro. Now I enjoy a debate. Coming under attack does not bother me. But the two Americans who rebuked me thought in black and white terms, what I think of as Manichean. It does not make for fruitful discourse.

It appears that Pope Francis can't say anything good in your eyes. Barona acknowledges Francis as the successor to St. Peter, albeit wrong-headed in so many ways.

Barona writes as Hilaire Belloc, G.K. Chesterton, and Frank Sheed would have written, with humility. I think you lack this virtue, Vox Cantoris. Your anger never relents. On the other hand I have a feeling we would be friends if we ever met.

Barona said...

I think I have "called out" Pope Francis, and his immediate predecessors to the best of my ability and "authority", such as it is being a member of the lay faithful. Men who actually do have authority such as Cardinals Mueller and Burke, Archbishop Lenga and Vigano etc., are already using their Apostolic Authority to point out to the Pope what they believe to be his errors and the need to correct them. This post had been drafted, revised, updated and reflected upon over a number of weeks given the gravity of the content and potential danger it may inflict upon confused Catholics, many of whom have already de facto left the Faith, adding evil to evil, sin to sin. The above mentioned good churchmen I am sure are horrified that Catholics are leaving the Faith because evil men have (permitted by the mystery of God) been permitted to sit upon the "seat of Moses", and occupy the highest positions in the visible, hierarchical Church.

It was posted with much trepidation as there already is enough schismatic attitudes and material heresies for me to add any more confusion. The Pope and the vast majority of the hierarchy are walking contradictions: men imbued with liberalism and out of their "Catholic minds". The solution is greater faith in Christ, in the Church, prayer, penance.

David in the Psalms tells us to leave evil men to the wrath of God: "...the evil-minded will be dispossessed, and patient souls, that wait for the Lord, succeed them. Forbear yet a little, and the sinner will be seen no more".

Barona said...

Thank-you gentlemen for bringing this to a close though brotherly reconciliation. Let us continue to pray for the Pope, the Church, our families, friends, and our "enemies".

John Haggerty said...

I trust you, Irenaeus. Your character reference for Vox is all I need. And I trust a man who can say of his Church life, *But I do so little.*

Coming from a religiously divided culture, I grew up fearful of inflammatory language. For instance, if someone describes another Christian church as *a synagogue of Satan* as Calvinists describe Rome, I always want to say, *Disagree with their theology if you like, but they do NOT worship the devil; they believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, Saviour and King.*

Similarly I cannot understand Vox Cantoris saying that everything that pours from Pope Francis' mouth is bile. OK, there was something very wrong with the Pachamama incident, but even this can be discussed constructively. As Barona points out, the laity have no authority in declaring any papacy invalid, it lies with the magisterium.

I grew up among people who thought that Catholics worshipped statues and that the pope was the antichrist. And I always remember the look on a Baptist minister's face when I asked where the altar was in his church - in his Biblical theology the only altar was Calvary, the eternal sacrifice that can never be repeated by a priest before a man-made altar.

We are seeing the same mutual intolerance and misunderstanding between Christians and those who would never allow a school discussion on Intelligent Design. This polarisation can't be a good thing.

I say *Fine, hold to firm convictions by all means, but let's also listen, and walk around in the other man's shoes for a while,* as Atticus Finch said in To Kill A Mockingbird.

Vox Cantoris said...

No doubt, my statement contains some hyperbole. It is intentional and my style.

The man has disturbed my peace and I'm sure everyone here for over 7 years. It is simply no longer tolerable, acceptable or sustainable. He is an enemy of the faith. I am bothered when we dance around the issue because we are concerned for developing a schismatic attitude, often blamed on the SSPX. But who or whom is in schism here? It is not me. I have not denied one element of the Holy Catholic Faith! I've not stated that Mary accused God of lying to her, that Hell does not exist and that "God willed all religions" which while it is true in his permissive will, it is not for common usage in media. There is so much more. The man has preached heresy and has used viscous methods to remove faithful men. He has promoted sodomites and corrupt men. He has covered up for perverts and thieves.

Is he Pope?

Well, the law says he's Pope. "The law is an ass."

John Haggerty said...

Now I take your point, Vox Cantoris.

Francis is an ultra-modernist, and has given his approval to openly sinful men. You are correct. I am sorry for doubting you.

It is no wonder that there are laymen like Mr. De Buono, shameless in their campaign of corrupting young minds. They are sheep without a shepherd.

We are in a strange land. I feel a stranger in my own country. People have been blinded by the god of this world.