Sunday, 27 March 2016

UPDATED: Fr. Thomas Uzhunnalil "strong indications" that he is still alive

UPDATE: 2016-04-02. Full details Fr. Tom "is safe"

Indian Ministry of External Affairs. Negotiations to free him are underway. 


UPDATE: 2016-03-31: regarding the alleged "ransom video" of Fr. Tom. 

UPDATED :2016-03-29: According to the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia, there are "strong indications" that Fr. Thomas Uzhunnalil may still be alive. 

The following had been reported, based on the information available. It has now been clarified that the Cardinal Schönborn's remark is erroneous.

[Austrian media is reporting that Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna confirmed last night, during the Easter Vigil at Stephansdom that the Salesian priest, Fr. Thomas Uzhunnalil was crucified by ISIS on Good Friday. Polonia Christiana is also carrying the news, based on the Austrian reports]. 

[UPDATED: 2016-03-29. 11:28 a.m. EST. Further details and evidence on Cardinal Schonbörn's statement during the Easter Vigil about Fr. Tom may be read here]. 

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke, 23:34) 

Fr. Thomas Uzhunnalil
Held prisoner for the love of Jesus Christ  

Let us pray for the Islamic killers of the Sisters of Charity, and for the abductors of Fr. Tom, that they repent and seek conversion: 

          Prayer of St. Francis Xavier for the Conversion of the Infidels
Eternal God, Creator of all things, remember that Thou alone didst create the souls of infidels, framing them to Thine own image and likeness; behold, O Lord, how, to Thy dishonor, hell is daily replenished with them. Remember, O Lord, Thine only Son, Jesus Christ, Who suffered for them, most bountifully shedding His precious blood. Suffer not, O Lord, Thy Son and our Lord to be any longer despised by infidels. But, rather, being appeased by the entreaties and prayers of the elect, the saints, and of the Church, the most blessed spouse of Thy Son; be mindful of Thy mercy, yet forgetful of their idolatry and infidelity. Cause all to know Him Whom Thou didst send, Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord, Who is our health, life, and resurrection, through Whom we are freed and saved, to Whom be all glory forever.  Amen.


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Osusanna said...

Fr. Tom pray for us.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this, however I don't think we should be calling him a saint. He is a martyr.

Fr. VF said...

All martyrs are saints.

Rome1453 said...

Martyrs are saints.

kanuckkitty said...

He's not a martyr...he's a victim!

Anonymous said...

All believers are called saints in the Bible.

Jim J. McCrea said...

He died like Our Lord, on Our Lord's day of death.

Just JoNell said...

Both are accurate.

Martyrs ARE saints through the act of martyrdom

Nancy Allen said...

Correct Fr. VF. Through his martyrdom, Fr. Tom now reigns in heaven.

Jovan-Marya Weismiller, T.O.Carm. said...

Holy New Martyr Thomas, Pray For Us!

Unknown said...

He is in Heaven now.

Anonymous said...

He was murdered you idiots!

Bill said...

I can't forgive them. They know what they do! Bill

Unknown said...

He is both a Martyr and a saint because he died for his faith in Jesus Christ .so stop judging him who is with his CREATOR.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who dies because/for their faith are martyrs. Anyone in heaven is a saint. So sorry for the Salesians and their loss. Let us pray that God will soften the hearts of those who perpetrate such violence.

Unknown said...

Yes, Just JoNell is right!

Marly chymboryk said...

Where was our church and our government in all of this???

Paula said...

He is a martyr and a saint, and would be in Paradise with Jesus now.

Paula said...

Indeed they are.

Paula said...


armgates said...

Eternal Rest grant unto the soul of Fr. Thomas Uzhunnalil O, Lord, May he rest in peace!!!

Paula said...

Yes he is. Of this there is no doubt. He died like Christ on the feast of His Crucifixion.

Paula said...


Sean Paul Johnson said...

I'm pretty sure being killed because you are a priest doesn't make one a martyr.

One has to die for refusing to deny a doctrine of the Daith, not die because of what he is.

Otherwise, were a terrorist to attack Dublin Ireland because he wanted to kill Catholics, and set off a nuclear bomb, would the whole southern half of Ireland be considered martyrs?

Also, does not the idea of martyrdom presuppose one goes to his death voluntarily, rather than deny a doctrine of the Faith?

But in this case, the priest was kidnapped (i.e., He did not go willingly).

I hope he is in heaven, but based on the public facts, I don't think one can consider him a martyr.

Am I wrong about this?

Unknown said...

Yes he was murdered in the same way Jesus was

Wisdom Hunter said...

IF we are to use Biblical terminology, every believer in Jesus is a saint. Fr. Thomas is both saint and martyr, and even now enjoying the presence of the Lord. However we do not need him to intercede for us. Jesus is our great heavenly intercessor who is always living to make intercession for us. Hebrews 7:25.

Unknown said...

This guy is crucified and you idiots are arguing the fact of whether or not he is a saint or a martyr....unbelievable.

Unknown said...

This guy is crucified and you guys are arguing whether he is a martyr or saint??? The lack of compassion you all are showing for his fate is mind numbing....

Unknown said...

This guy is crucified and you idiots are arguing the fact of whether or not he is a saint or a martyr....unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Martyr means witness. One way of giving witness is by refusing to compromise even under pain of death. Another is to be killed, in the Church's expression, "in hatred of the faith."

Anonymous said...

This isnt done by Muslims, Islam is peace. It is and real muslims are the most peaceful, loving and tolerant people on earth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are wrong. The Canadian martyrs were gruesomely killed by natives and not because they refused to deny their faith, but because they were believers. The same is true of Father Thomas here. Jesus himself wasn't given the opportunity to repudiate his claims of Divinity to avoid crucifixion. He was simply killed out of hatred for the truth.

Unknown said...

Big talk from someone named "Anonymous". R.I.P. Father Tom

Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve said...

Sean Paul Johnson, Fr Tom is a martyr.
Being a martyr doesn't mean you give yourself up--during the Roman persecutions, Christians were urged NOT to give themselves up. If a person is captured, they still give up their lives willingly because they offer to Jesus what happens to them.
I have no doubt that Fr Tom suffered willingly in union with Jesus and lived his priesthood faithfully to the bitter end. So yes, absolutely without any doubt he is a martyr. He was crucified because he was a Catholic priest, on Good Friday. There's no doubt he was killed out of hatred for the faith. That's the very definition of martyrdom. All martyrs are saints because they go straight to heaven.
May he pray for us!

Lissy said...

No where of course. You have to meet certain criteria for them to react, if you know what i mean. This not the platform for this, so I won't go on...May he sing with angels...

Hic Deus Meus said...

Well I wouldn't call this words if wisdom. One could say that the wedding party in Canna didn't need anyone to intercede, and heck Jesus was physically present, yet through Mary's intercession the problem was solved by The Lord. None of us NEED intercession but is sure is nice to have an advocate on your side, isn't it? St Thomas pray for us

Anonymous said...

First of all, we know that we all can't do anything. Governement as well cant do much because they dont know their locations. It can be anywhere. Church. Let me tell you one thing, decision has been made that fr tom will be crucified on Good dont have any good army or weapon to fight isis. The feared weapon owned by church and its congregations is prayer and forgiveness

Anonymous said...

How do u know? Yes islam is peace your religion teach peace. But isis stands for? You may be good islam. But not everyone like you. Accept the fact that it is done by Moslem, which people call ISIS or should i say IBLIS.

Jesus girl said...

Actually Jesus wasn't mrderedhe gave up his life for us and was risen the third day🐥🐥

Anonymous said...

No one is an idiot here anonymous we have respect he was crucified and yes he died.

Jesus girl said...

Jesus laid down his life for all mankind ever born.he said no one takes my life from me jesus gave his life as a sarafice he was and is today the lamb of God

Jo Siedlecka said...

The Cardinsl has NOT made an official announcement on this story The 'media' you quote is an unverified blogger. We need more facts than this surely. By publishing stuff from a blog you are playing right into the hands of IS - spreading fear and horror. Or giving them ideas !

Joe said...

Also in this case, he had the option to leave but decided to stay to serve the people. And according to the sister that survived, in homly on the day of the attack, he shared that 'we should be ready to die for Christ anytime'.

Jesus girl said...

I agree with the words of wisdom the bible says jesus ever lives to make intercession for us at the right hand Father. I also agree with you too if sure is nice to have someone in Heaven in high places,Jesus, looking out for us and praying prayers that always are answered👑

Anonymous said...

@ Marly chymboryk:

During the week I saw one statement on a news site that the Vatican and the US Govt (might have been State Dept) were "working together to gain his release."

Tragically they failed; let this be a warning (as if we need more) to the appeasers of Islamist terror groups.

Anonymous said...

saints in the making here on earth. Fighting the good fight.
Saints Glorified in heaven after running the race to the end!!!

Sister Em said...

Please stop bickering. Satan loves when Christians do that especially when it distracts us from the real message here. A priest gave up his life for his faith. ISIS is murdering Christians. Please pray for those suffering persecutions from ISIS, for religious freedom, and for the conversion of ISIS members. Remember that Saint Paul used to persecute Christians, so conversion is possible! Finally, practice charity and acceptance of others--you can start right now on these comments. God bless you!

Mikhail said...

May he rest in peace. What a very sad story... But what a model of faith and courage.
How easily we get side tracked.. Whatever the term we use to describe him: "Fr.," "Saint", "Martyr,"... his example of faith is admirable. I do not believe though that we should use the word "infidel" in this day and age as well either. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory and we must pray for the conversion of those who commit these heinous crimes as we must pray for our own personal conversions as well.

Anonymous said...

I read he asked to be crucified on Good Friday. Those were his wishes.

Anonymous said...

This is unbearable horror but does no one see that part of the problem has to do with labelling people with different faiths than yours as infidels?

Susan said...

Where did this happen? ?

Barona said...

Given this broke in the Austrian press, most reports are presently in German. Many large Polish language news agencies - after the excellent Polonia Christiana carried it - are also beginning to report on the tragic news.

Unknown said...

I believe that any Christian killed "in odium fidei" is deemed a martyr.

Unknown said...

I argree with the top response everybody is a saint I'm a saint, your a saint, we all saints!!!

Unknown said...

All believers are saints, I'm a saint, your a saint, we all saints!!!

Unknown said...

"Truly,Truly I say to you today you will be with Me in paradise" Luke 23:43

reuben said...

Well the bible points out clearly thatas christians we are all saints of God,the multitude that was seen in heaven in white robes .....To help his saints God gave pastors evangelists teachers apostles prophets .....few are martyrs in those saints .....

Anonymous said...

Some ask, where is our church Government..
They are getting ready to canonize Martin Luther.


Of all the days this could have happened, it was on Good Friday.
Never in his wildest psychotic delusions could Luther ever imagine that his main condemned doctrines would be proclaimed on a Holy Friday, by the official preacher of the Pontifical Household, before whom he called the "the devilish scum in Rome". He could never have imagined that his whole ecclesiastic revolution would be celebrated five centuries later by the Church itself. The same Church he called a "diabolical institution " and the "great whore of Babylon".

Good Friday Sermon in St. Peters Basilica excerpt:
"Luther deserves the credit for bringing this truth back when its meaning had been lost over the centuries, at least in Christian preaching, and it is this above all for which Christianity is indebted to the Reformation, whose fifth centenary occurs next year. The reformer later wrote that when he discovered this, “I felt that I was altogether born again and had entered paradise itself through open gates.”- Father Raniero Cantalamessa & Francis "presiding".

Remember, as Catholics, the main condemnations to the aforementioned "doctrines" proclaimed with total self-confidence in St. Peters Basilica on good Friday are:

The Council of Trent, VI Session " DECREE CONCERNING JUSTIFICATION" Denzinger-Hünermann 1520-1583 .

CANON VIII.-If any one saith, that the fear of hell,-whereby, by grieving for our sins, we flee unto the mercy of God, or refrain from sinning,-is a sin, or makes sinners worse; let him be anathema.

CANON X.-If any one saith, that men are just without the justice of Christ, whereby He merited for us to be justified; or that it is by that justice itself that they are formally just; let him be anathema.

CANON XI.-If any one saith, that men are justified, either by the sole imputation of the justice of Christ, or by the sole remission of sins, to the exclusion of the grace and the charity which is poured forth in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and is inherent in them; or even that the grace, whereby we are justified, is only the favour of God; let him be anathema.

CANON XII.-If any one saith, that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which remits sins for Christ's sake; or, that this confidence alone is that whereby we are justified; let him be anathema.

CANON XXI.-If any one saith, that Christ Jesus was given of God to men, as a redeemer in whom to trust, and not also as a legislator whom to obey; let him be anathema.

CANON XXXIII.-If any one saith,that,by the Catholic doctrine touching Justification, by this holy Synod inset forth in this present decree, the glory of God, or the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ are in any way derogated from, and not rather that the truth of our faith, and the glory in fine of God and of Jesus Christ are rendered (more) illustrious; let him be anathema.

Have a Blessed Easter everyone!

tonduosuau said...


Anonymous said...

Whether he's now a saint or martyr is not the issue. Someone was crucified in modern times and we're arguing about the title to assign? Let's be watchful and pray that these atrocities do not continue to be perpetuated on innocent people

Anonymous said...

Whether he's now a saint or martyr is not the issue. Someone was crucified in modern times and we're arguing about the title to assign? Let's be watchful and pray that these atrocities do not continue to be perpetuated on innocent people

Mike said...

Yes, you're wrong.

Unknown said...

Agree with you

Unknown said...

Agree with you

Unknown said...

Agree with you

Mike said...

The Saints in heaven make intercession for us. They are more alive than we are and encompass a great cloud of witnesses. If you don't believe in fellow believers interceding for you, then don't ask friends and family to keep you in their prayers here on earth. The reality is that whether they are gere on earth or with Christ in Heaven, makes zero difference.

Anonymous said...

Difference is in the Captial Saints...or lower case saints.

Anonymous said...

He is a Saint by virtue of being a martyr. Fr. Tom Pray for us!!

Who is this? said...

When are you Catholics going realize that ALL born again Christians are Saints of God, ALL OF THEM. The Catholic Church DOES NOT decide who is a saint, God does.

When Paul was writing to the Christians at Corinth, he refereed to them ALL as Saints...

"Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:" - 1 Corinthians 1:2


"to all who are beloved of God in Rome, called as saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." -
Romans 1:7

"begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints," - 2 Corinthians 8:4

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I don't believe it. There has been no media release. I pray this isn't true.

Unknown said...

Father is a martyr and a saint. From ancient times, anytime a baptized Catholic dies for their Faith, they go straight to Heaven and become a saint.

Fr Thomas, ora pro nobis!

Anonymous said...

He was martyred and in the Holy Catholic faith that means that because he died for his faith, he went straight to heaven for all eternity. Do not judge. Only God the Father can judge. I know you are angry...look to God for justice,for through God, all things are not low yourself to fall into sin by the acts of others. Be strong...our faith is being tested.

Anonymous said...

He was martyred and in the Holy Catholic faith that means that because he died for his faith, he went straight to heaven for all eternity. Do not judge. Only God the Father can judge. I know you are angry...look to God for justice,for through God, all things are not low yourself to fall into sin by the acts of others. Be strong...our faith is being tested.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is a martyr, he died for his faith.Rip father..

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is a martyr, he died for his faith.Rip father..

Gregory said...

Lissy, the church has asked for universal prayers especially on Good Friday. Agreed that prayers and forgiveness are our weapons.

Paula said...

Jesus forgave and He is God. You must forgive too...

Anonymous said...


JohnSvengali said...

My heart is broken, my resolve to stop this stiffened.

Heavenly Father, grant Father Tom peace, his soul comfort.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I know! Wtf?

Anonymous said...

May the good Lord bless his love ones. Stay strong and don't loose faith. GOD is good. And he has a reason for everything he does... God bless you.

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace.

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Where is the body ? May his soul rest in peace..

Jan said...

Wouldn't the official announcement come from the Vatican? Or wouldn't there be a video of Cardinal Schonborn making the announcement be available so we could be assured of its authenticity?

The Carr Family said...

I think we're fighting the wrong battle!

Anonymous said...

Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12

Anonymous said...

Fr Tom thought of being with the children of GOD who abide in JESUS till his last moment of kidnapping..Any other person that moment would say he isnt a catholic and remove even destroy the vestments..but his brave surrendering himself to the killers shows his depth of growth in spirituality in the Holy Trinity..If u couldnt b with him in his tribulations you have no right to decide what status Fr. Tom should get..He is with the LORD as he gave his life for the sake of the LORD..RIP..GOD bless

magdalenlewis said...

Fake News. Nothing confirmed from true Catholic sources. Please quit spreading rumours and pray for Fr.Tom's release.

Christopher said...

All of the Muslims I have ever met have been honorable men and women. This is despite (in spite?) of their disgusting religion of Islam. Pray for all of the poor souls who are born into this evil way of life that was founded by a child-raping murderer.

Unknown said...

What has the Pope got to say for this Cruel Act by isis? Are we to continue to pray n just watch the agony?

Cleo said...

Is this news CREDIBLE? Has it been checked out with the PERSONS CITED? This just seems to be mentioning things that were circulating as rumours on various social networking platforms. There should be credible sources and proper investigation before publishing sensational news like this.

Anonymous said...

All those saying he is a Saint and enjoying God (OK that's a good spiritual thinking) should then follow Fr. Tom's steps, and go to an ISIS occupied country, try and convert the Muslims, and if you are martyred (=murdered) you will die happily as a Saint and join God. How many are going of you are going? (words vs facts). The point is that no one in the name of any GOD should kill a human or an animal.

Unknown said...

I just saw a whole sea of messages regarding the crucifuxion of Fr.Tom.I fully agree with Jo that we should wait for an official announcement from the Salesian order (since Fr.Tom is a Salesian) confirming this news before we comment/discuss on this topic

Bill said...

You are fighting over whether he's a martyr or a saint. Your fighting, how idiotic is that.

Anonymous said...

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2nd Timothy 4:7

Anonymous said...

They have been crucifying our Christians

Anonymous said...

It's not ISIS, or ISIL, but DAESH.


They do not deserve the respect they demand. They need for their current level of integrity to be mocked and destroyed. They have no business baiting the world into war, then go around killing anyone they wish, anywhere they wish, anytime they wish. they hide their weapons and their "soldiers" in among the innocent civilians and mosques, and throughout their cities, and demand they be respected! What a joke! I will never call them by those names, ever again!

Anonymous said...

Let people believe as they may. To each their own.

RIP Fr. Tom. Prayers.

Anonymous said...

If this news is true, the he is a martyr, to call him saint, need to go through the process of beatification & canonization

? said...

it the the time to destroy all Muslim Terrorists from this world. Muslims are really destroying the world. why shold all European countries accept these muslim Refugies? 90 % Muslims in this world are Terrorists. why should all of us suffer the issues in Muslim World ?

Anonymous said...

Pray for his soul!! And ALL of the souls of those you have been murdered by this inhumane regime. STOP arguing if he is considered a martyr or saint. It is irrelevant. He was a human being.

C'ene said...

Technically he would be "Blessed" by virtue of his martyrdom, and would still require 1 more validated miracle and be canonised to be a saint. Either way a tragic end for a man of God

Janet Foo-Pereira said...

Fully agreed with Sister Em. Lets not debate on whether Fr. Tom died a martyr or not but focus on the fact that he died in our faith and unite ourselves in praying that oppression, prejudice, slavery, hatred, and injustice of every sort may be put to death through the Ressurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Your in heaven now Fr. Tom, pls. pray for us! Tuloy sa Don Bosco Kids praying for you.

Unknown said...

[28/03 12:53] Britto Fr: It is not a confirmed news, but it is based on (mis)informed article. Let us continue to pray.
[28/03 12:56] Britto Fr: Please do not engage in rumour. Neither CBCI or Bishop of Bangalore in person has released the press note. Please pray.

Unknown said...

[28/03 12:53] Britto Fr: It is not a confirmed news, but it is based on (mis)informed article. Let us continue to pray.
[28/03 12:56] Britto Fr: Please do not engage in rumour. Neither CBCI or Bishop of Bangalore in person has released the press note. Please pray.

Anonymous said...

I am really saddened by this news. Fr Thomas is a martyr and died in the name of the Lord. He is already sitting by the Lord's side and I beg him to pray for us as we struggle with our daily sins. I am also saddened by how low humanity is. This is not the world created by the Lord.. this is the world that humans destroyed from the Lord. I pray for forgiveness.

JasMat said...

Its not the time to debate on whether he is a martyr or not. He is an Indian(precisely keralite, I'm one too). This news is yet to be confirmed and back home here, we are all still praying for him. So whatever it be, at least, pray for a man who decided to dedicate his life for the downtrodden or else leave it. Thoughts go with his family.

Marceli Firlej said...

It is showing how much ISIS hates Jesus directly!

God said...

Islamic Terrorists are making us Martiers and saints and they are being immortalized in the heaven by our pathetic death! Good story for consoling the Spirits. Support Putin, Modi and the would be U.S President to make strong decisions and Laws to suppress Islamic terrorism with iron hands. Avoid all ties with Muslim League in Kerala and Asam and Tamil nadu elections.

Hilda's Charity Corner said...

Do we know for sure Fr. Tom is killed? Is there a claim or proof from ISIS for the fact?? I for sure hope and pray Jesus has saved him to serve Him here on earth.

Hater of Evil People. said...

So sad to hear this news. As a man I do feel how much this pastor was suffering during those evil people'crucifixion of him. But I am so proud of this pastor for his unconquearable faith in Jesus. Therefore,I must pray for him - to beg God to grant him the heavenly place on His right hand side. On the other hand, I want to beg God to give those devils a never ending punishment. Blessed is Frater Tom but cursed are those who have crucified him till death.

Marie said...

Are we to turn the other cheek ?....There soon won't be any Christian cheeks left to turn....Brave Priest you're suffering is over RIP

stephen said...

Sadly the problem with so many is ignorance of Bible teaching. All true Christians ARE already saints by believing. Saint Paul, For example, calls all the people he writes to 'saints.' There is no separate class of saints.

Mansoor Ali Khan said...

I am appalled at the event and I pray that the dead priest attain heaven.

Having said that I MUST add that the church should stop the "business" of conversion using lies, deceit and outright fraud. If your religion is true why fool and trick people to join?

I also notice that despite 4 days elapsing it is not being reported in India because in India the Church is, in my opinion, aligned to the islamists to destroy the oldest living civilisation. so they do not want any problem to that alliance. The church will be destroyed if islamists win. remember that.

Anonymous said...

What ISIS stands for . was the Muslim group which was form to kill and rape .....

Anonymous said...

What ISIS stands for . was the Muslim group which was form to kill and rape .....

Liz said...

A good man has been killed, by people who have no respect for life. They also kill Muslims, many more so far than Christians, in furthering their own cause which is all about power. They don't follow the teaching of the Qu'ran... They are despicable. His death was horrific. RIP Fr Tom.

Anonymous said...

I am sure when isis tourtued him they must have given him an option of convertion to the musilm religion and he must have denied that option so that means he is marter

stephen said...

No, if he is in heaven it has nothing to do with his martyrdom, but all to do with the death of Christ, who is all sufficient for sinners

Robin said...

ISIS FAILED AND JESUS WON, as he withstood.....For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Ephesians 6:12

Anonymous said...

I am not a Christian. So, please forgive me if what I am saying is wrong.
"Father, please don't forgive them, for the kind of sins that they are doing"

Anonymous said...

Yes Fr.Tom is in martydom heaven. He shed blood for us Christians. May He Rest In Peace. Amen.Dr.Tom please pray for us.

Anonymous said...

A man is killed and instead of mourning, questioning why God didn't save him despite prayers from all over the world, or talking about conquering ISIS, we're going to become Catholic vocabulary police?

Anonymous said...

Reigns in heaven? Is he considered a god now?

Unknown said...

@wisdom hunter, those are the truest words. All who believe in the truth that Father Almighty alone is God and that he sent his Son as a human (not God) sacrificial lamb and intercessor has the right to be called a saint. No one else.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

That's right. All martyrs in the name of Jesus have necessarily to be Saints !!!

Anonymous said...

Ende eshoye kathukollene ella vaidigareyum..!

easter or passover said...

The man is buried in the ground guys.

easter or passover said...

The crucified person is in the grave that he was buried in. Nobody saw him ascending into heaven

Unknown said...

No... saints are believers... Not elevated people by the church or a pope... but he is a martyr

Unknown said...

Yes; they may be knowing what they do in the eyes of the world. But,in the eyes of God,who is the creator of all our beings,they don't know what they are actually doing. They have killed actually their own brother in Christ!!!

Anonymous said...

God bless Fr. Thomas

Anonymous said...

God bless Fr. Thomas

KJF123 said...

I can't believe we are sitting here debating whether this man is a saint, or a martyr or a regular joe, or a victim ,etc etc. Seriously folks. The guy was crucified... have respect and pray for his soul and quit trying to figure out how he ranks... Geez. This is appalling.

Anonymous said...

ISS is killing christian people/priest. And the people are thinking the priest is sitting beside God. How nice. What a reaction.

Mary said...

Father Tom is a an ordained Catholic priest, and as such, hated by Islamic radicals/ ISIS. He was kidnapped, persecuted, tortured, and crucified because of what he believes and who he is. May God receive him with choirs of Angels into Heaven and may he be a great intercessor as a martyr/saint for those of us who pray to The Trinity for the conversion of Islam.

It is extremely important to note that Islam has its own definition of what Peace means. They define it as the time when all the world is Islamic. By their definition, they are a religion of peace, but certainly not by our definition! All wars begin with words and corruption of Truth.

We must learn as Christians, to educate ourselves more deeply so we understand all that is happening about us.

albannach said...

first of not pray to saints or Mary...only through Jesus is there ad-vocation and saving. I was born Catholic and now understand how wrong i was to be in this particular version of the Christian faith. Jesus himself taught us that he was the only way. He wondered why the crowds were praising his mother. He asked them why...and told them that he alone was the only path to salvation. Read KJV

Unknown said...

Jesus remember Fr. Tom. He has died in pain for the sake of your love and for your people. Grant him your presence in your glory. Bring us healing in our hearts from all wounds caused by those who crucified him to death. May you forgive them Lord, and their souls too be brought closer to the feet of your cross. Amen.

Botelho Cyril said...

A martyr, on how way to sainthood!!

Cara said...

Seth Ball if that's your only response/reaction, then you must have a cold, hard piece of coal for a heart.

Botelho Cyril said...

A martyr, on his way to sainthood!!

Unknown said...

How is he going to pray for us if he is dead?

David j Cassar said...

FR Tom was murdered in the same way our lord jesus Christ was murdered.The VATICAN should put him on the road to sainthood straight away.Santo subito.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you write. Not all martyrs are saints. The so called Palestians who kill innocent women and children say they are martyrs too. Are they saints ?

Anonymous said...

How sad that even this requires people to argue?

frusao said...

Please let us all pray for Fr Tom and those little children who were placed in a cage and set ablaze in Syria about two weeks ago.
Thanks to God some are still ready to die for the faith. May God give us the strength to follow suit when it comes our turn. A.M.D.G.

Unknown said...

Father Tom You fight well. You accomplish your run. For you our God will make ready the crown of justice. God who Judge with justice will give you that on that day. My prayers with tear

Yucee Plus said...

But the Pope was actually busy washing the feet of Muslim migrants.

The news here is incredible

Unknown said...

Thank God for fr.Tom.the church is going to grow in different ways.

Unknown said...

Thank God for fr.Tom.the church is going to grow in different ways.

Anonymous said...

In certain religions such as mine we believe the ones that have went on to heaven pray for the people and loved ones left behind.

Anonymous said...

In certain religions such as mine we believe the ones that have went on to heaven pray for the people and loved ones left behind.

Unknown said...

Because his soul is still alive in Jesus Christ in heaven...more alive than he ever was on earth.

Margarett Cahill Zavodny said...

Amen. May the angels come to welcome him, and lead him to the Holy City, the new and Eternal Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

He died the same way as Jesus, on the same day that Jesus died?!?! Coincidence? I think not. There is only one explanation……that was the second coming of Jesus Christ. It just makes sense. He preached the gospel, he lead the life of faith….and for it he was crucified. How could we let this happen!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Celia Yasy said...

Now his soul is at peace, Jesus already did everything to save us , now it is our job to work hard to be worthy of that sacrifice . and there comes the communion of saints,mother Mary etc that intercided for us.

Anonymous said...

Tit for Tat ... Arguments about what is and isn't does not matter in the grand scheme of things. Bickering about this does not reflect well on us as Christians. Bless him for his life of serving Christ! RIP. What is written in scripture WILL occur. I doubt any human being can change what God already knows WILL occur. Never in scripture was anyone ever able to defy prophecy. So living our lives accordingly, disciple-like and always being prepared is the way to live. Thank you Jesus for making a way for us. Take Easter with you all year long, with the Lord's peace.

Unknown said...

They certainly do know what they do they murder people there is no need to be in muslim countries or have anything to do with the heathen bastards !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Father Tom's status as a saint and/or martyr is between him and God. I believe that canonization is recognition that you are a saint. In other words, you are not a saint because you have been canonized; you are canonized because you ARE a saint and should be recognized as one.

Read the verse from Luke; Jesus asked His Father to forgive those who murdered him.

Blasphemy is the worst sin in any religion. Doing evil in the name of God is the worst form of blasphemy.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for curious minds. Yes. Both/And are correct. Saints is a title used for people making it to heaven. Martyrs would definentaly be qualified yet we all will find out at end of time. There is no other option but hell. So we must all pray to be Saints. Purgatory is a place to purify the soul PRIOR to entering heaven. You still get to heaven. Just need to be cleaned first "purified" majes sense because as the bible unclean shall enter. The only other option is hell. So please be in continuous prayer for souls that die. Remember if they are in heaven "Saints" then Jesus will give those graces to another soul in need Jesus gives His Mom the graces to apply to children in need..

Unknown said...

Islamic is evil the devil .Christians need to rise up

Unknown said...

Lord Jesus, May the soul of Fr. Tom rest in peace with You and Abba Father. Bless those who crucified father so that they do not kill any more people and let them change their heart. Amen.

Unknown said...

I do not believe that faith alone will make you a saint. Faith and actions make a saint. Surely, you all realize that lucifer fully believes in God. I shouldn't need to explain the corrolation. That being said, if the good priest had renounce ced his faith and "accepted" islam, he would probably be alive. So, in essence, he in fact did give his life for his faith.

Anonymous said...

It is not for us to decide if he is a saint or not; but it is for us to pray for his soul and the rest who were killed with him.
We shoul pray as well for this insanity to end.
Let's pray and not argue, in the end he was a man of God by his own will, before he was killed. Isn't that in itself a saintly decision?

Unknown said...

I do not believe that faith alone will make you a saint. Faith and actions make a saint. Surely, you all realize that lucifer fully believes in God. I shouldn't need to explain the corrolation. That being said, if the good priest had renounce ced his faith and "accepted" islam, he would probably be alive. So, in essence, he in fact did give his life for his faith.

Lemelia Bonner said...

I can't believe how many people have seized upon this as an opportune occasion to have prideful arguments over doctrine. Oh, wait. Yes, I can.

Unknown said...

Anonymous must lack confidence and self esteem since their insecurities prevent them from identifying themselves. Are they afraid that they are commenting on half truths or that they are afraid that someone will recognize them and confront them with questions to which they are not prepared to answer. Be brave and let your fellow people on this earth know who you are.

Unknown said...

who are we to judge? Wait for your judgment.... you all senseless, insensitive and stupid bloggers.... what if you were in his place..... stop posting comments ..... go and pray for peace and harmony hereafter if at all you are brought up by your parents in some kind of faith......

Unknown said...

Anonymous above is correct. All martyrs are instant saints by virtue of their martyrdom. They bypass purgatory. They can and do pray for us from their glory in heaven. St. Father Tom, pray for us. And your persecutors.

Unknown said...

No they are not, they are murderers. Only those who shed their blood for Christ and His church are martyrs who merit heaven.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Amen, anonymous.

Unknown said...

Let Jesus make him a saint. And we keralite will get one more saint to interceed. Amen. Glory to jesus praise to jesus. Let Holy Trinity be adored all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Religion is the cause of all the problems, killing and fighting. Had you chosen to think for yourselves so many millenia ago and stopped creating fables and fairy tales to use as excuses, a lot of the problems in the world wouldn't exist as they do. You took a peaceful, happy holiday (Ostara) and turned it into something bloody and nonsensical. You couldn't even agree on a single puppet, sorry, god to believe in. No, yours just HAD to be better than your neighbours and when they didn't agree the fighting started. And then you weren't satisfied with having a better god, you had to have better skin, live in a better place, claim to love better. You turned your backs one one another in an effort to prove just how much better you all were. Human kindness suffered set back after set back and eventually caused more fighting as some struggle to survive. This man, no martyr, no saint, a MAN died because of the increasing stupidity surrounding religion and people's lack of tolerance towards those different than themselves. PERIOD!

Do you honestly need a book of questionable origin about a mythical being to tell you how to act? I personally think you all use this as an excuse for your own horrible actions. I mean, why not? All you have to do is say sorry and the third cloud from the left will tell you 'hey, it's ok, you said sorry' and you go about your miserable lives until someone else does something you don't like.

I hope his family can find peace and comfort in the days to come knowing that he was likely a good man doing something good for others because THAT'S WHAT HUMANS SHOULD DO! But saint? martyr? I think not

Unknown said...

After reading all the comments, I wonderful if there is a reason that we have to argue, debate and fight about this holy man's death. At this point what we know is, that he died because he was a man of God and for his belief and faith in that God. When Pope Francis says he is a saint, as he has done in the near past, then we can take it as God's blessing to us all. Right now, rather than argue, debate and fight it, we pray for his family, both blood and church, and thank God that he was taken into heaven on such a glorious day---Easter.

Unknown said...

Well said, Anand Kujur except ur 2nd and 3rd line. May fr. Tom's soul find repose in Christ our Lord. Each of us must pray for an end to these evil deeds. Our living God will do that in his own time. We only need to pray.

Mike Bee said...

Can we collectively Pray to our individual God, to grant Eternal Peace to Fr Tom departed Soul.
He is aTrue Mayter, those who did this - Dastardly deed are Cowards.
Mike Benson

Anonymous said...

Please stop spreading vicious rumours and uncomfirmed reports. I am an immediate family member of Father Tom Uzhunnalil (SDB). Please continue to pray for him that he will be rescued or released.

Kevin A Miller said...


Anonymous said...

God bless him. God bless India.

Anonymous said...

He has not been confirmed as having been killed.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

You are no better than the people that did this! You are no real Christian.. shut your mouth and open your eyes. May the lord be with you in your time of ignorance and may he guide you out of that evil place! Peace be with you

Anonymous said...

well, all martyrs are not saints and all saints are not martyrs, jesus stated that you can give your body to ne burned but if you have not love, you are a clanging symbol.

Unknown said...

We are ALL God's children whether we believe it or not. Praying for the salvation of all of Islam. Better they be saved than lost to eternal damnation. They may have never heard the gospel and it is the calling of ALL Christians to spread the Word. I would rather die sharing His love with them than sitting in front of a TV cursing them. They don't know Christ. They NEED Christ not death.

Anonymous said...

He was flat out murdered by a bunch of cowards hiding behind the islamic religion. Isis should be completely wiped out and the countries harboring wiped off the map

Christian soldier. said...

History repeats itself, Muslim religion is not for peace.koran's teaches to kill all non Muslim and to rape women non Muslim.
All Christian nation,should risr and obliterate them completely. Russia leads the way in defeating them while the West go along them and accepting them.They are barbaric evil follower of satan.

Western nation are doomed for allowing them in their country.Their aim is settle in Christian country and to enforce Sharia law.

God's Child said...

Matthew 5:44 (KJV)

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Unknown said...

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" Remember Jesus told Judas he would betray him and he did and Jesus forgave him. And remember the thief next to him on the cross? The purpose of Christ giving his life for us was to bear our sins so his light might shine through us upon the rest of the world. This is to be until the end of days. Read will be asked to denounce the Father and when you don't you will be beheaded and taken to be with the Father who is in heaven.

Ka Ktien Jong U iangi. said...

This news is totally fake. The editor of this blog should apology to the family members of Fr. Tom and to the Salesian Congregation for posting unverified news and uncorrected news..this is not ethical from media professionals as well as human being.

Anonymous said...

So many hard hearts reflected in these comments. Lord, turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. May Fr. Tom rest in peace. The holy innocents - the babies who were killed by Herod in his futile plans to halt God's plans and destroy the infant Messiah - are celebrated as martyrs of the Church. Those who shed their blood for the faith are considered martyrs. So, yes, the term "martyr" may be broader than some think. How about we stop concerning ourselves with technicalities and have some respectful, prayerful awe and appreciation for what Fr. Tom suffered. May God have mercy on us. May He grant us His pardon and peace. May Fr. Tom rest in the arms of the Savior for whom he gave us life, which culminated in this final giving over.

th2tran said... is a fairly reliable Catholic news media outlet and they have an article which claims that report of Fr. Tom's crucifixion may be false.

Please, torontocatholicwitness, double-check your facts and either update your posting or take it down to avoid scandalizing the mass.

Unknown said...

Perfectly said!! People stop judging and leave it to God alone.

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