Tuesday 6 October 2015

Archbishop Gadecki: "Gender ideology is worse than communism" ~ to speak of mercy without truth is "a great error..."

In an interview with CNA Deutschland, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki stated the following, according to a report from Polonia Christiana: 

On gender ideology: 

"its ideology is clear, it wishes to destroy the matrimonial union and the family"

"The image portrayed of marriage and the family by the media is tragic. What is presented so many times in the media as family, has nothing to do with Christianity" 

On detaching mercy from justice and truth: 

"This is a great hermeneutical error. It is precisely that "justice" and "truth" are inextricably linked. They are, so to speak, the two sides of the same situation. Justice means giving to someone what rightly belongs to him. Mercy, in its turn, is to give to someone what rightly and reasonably does not belong to him".  

"The Church, in a way, serves like a GPS guide for humanity. This means that wherever there is man and where he is getting lost, it is enough for him to come to the Church and the Church will show him the way to his right end, irrespective of where he is in the world, or his spiritual situation". 

(translation: Toronto Catholic Witness) 

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