Wednesday 12 August 2015

St. Jane Frances de Chantal ~ a loving mother of souls

Today is the Feast Day of St. Jane Frances de Chantal. Amongst her writings are letters to her son. May mothers follow St. Jane's example of encouraging their children to live Christian lives. May St. Jane intercede before God to assist mothers in raising their children in these dangerous times. 

St. Jane Frances, pray for mothers and pray for us. 

Vive Jesus !

ANNECY, 1626.

I have an intense longing for news of you, as I cannot but feel anxious about this pain you are suffering. If I could but ease it by bearing it in my own body ! God so willing, what a relief it would be to me, for my heart is sore at the thought of you. Yet, believe me, my dearest Son, this suffering is sent for the profit of your soul. Bear it then as sweetly and as patiently as you can. It will help to win heaven for you. Lift up your heart often to that blessed country. The happiness that awaits us there is eternal, while the sorrows of this life soon pass away. And I beseech you, my own beloved Son, since your condition obliges you to row on the tempestuous sea of this world, try never to swallow its waters, but drink rather of those of Divine grace, turning in all your needs with a loving, filial trust to that source of mercy. Love above all else, and fear to displease, the God of sovereign goodness who alone can make you happy both here and hereafter. That you may possess in abundance His most precious graces is the abiding wish of her who with all her heart loves and cherishes you, her own special one.

Your good Mother

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