Ukrainian stamps glorifying Nazis
Just what has a World War Two Nazi collaborator and mass murderer got to do with Justin Trudeau's monstrous hypocrisy? Read on, dear friends.
Before the Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa Trudeau smeared the truckers, their families, friends, and supporters (that means MILLIONS of Canadians) as racists, Nazis, white supremacists, mysogynists, antisemites, etc. He was joined by the sycophantic, corporate, globalist mass media (presstitutes) which was a bit rich considering these same people with one voice have consistently supported every violent top down "coloured revolution" throughout the world. Remember how the Canadian government and the media roared their approval when NATO attacked and bombed Yugoslavia, carpet bombing Belgrade, then ripping Kosovo out of Serbia and making it a NATO protectorate? Or what about the Maidan putsch in Kiev?
Having set the backdrop on hypocrisy, let us now examine a bit more closely Chrystia Freeland, the failed journalist and puppet Board member of the globalist, red fascist, WEF.
What many Canadians do not know is that the government of Canada (CONservative at the time)- reeking of hypocrisy - supported the violent overthrow of the constitutionally elected President of the Ukraine in 2014, which included heavy input (including street violence and murder) by such racist and antisemitic neo-Nazi paramilitaries as "Right Sector", "Azov" and "Svoboda". The perversity of it all even included such Jewish Kapos as Victoria Nuland and George Soros strongly supporting these same fascists involvement in the overthrow of the legitimate government. To this very day neo-fascist and openly Nazi Ukrainian militias function in the corrupt and authoritarian Ukraine (now a client state of the neocon United States and EU), where Nazism is still glorified, and the Galician SS are treated as heroes. Indeed Ukrainian Nazis have monuments to these killers here in our country, Canada. Thank God at least there are a few brave Jews who consistently go out and righteously deface these monuments to evil. But I ask: is the Ukrainian Nazi vote so strong that no government has the guts to order these horrors removed?
The Ukrainian neo-SS "Azov Battalion".
Let us now bring this Nazi glorifying connection to the present government of Canada. In fact, under the Liberals the glorification of ultranationalist and neo-Nazi extremism has taken a sure turn for the worse. How?
The Canadian connection is explicit: Chrystia Freeland is an Ukrainian ultra-nationalist and Banderite. Canadians need to know that Freeland owes her rise and career to neo-fascist Banderite organizations that control virtually all "Ukrainian" organizations outside the Ukraine. One example would be the Banderite Ukrainian Canadian Congress. This organization does not even hide its fascist ideology, but allows openly racist, antisemitic neo-Nazi organizations, such as "Right Sector" to march in parades in our country of Canada, where we fought and died against the Nazi vermin.
A "Banderite", for those not versed in the politics of eastern Europe (and the Ukrainian neo-Nazis work with great skill to pull the wool over Canadians' eyes) is a follower of Stepan Bandera the prewar convicted terrorist, and then war-time leader of the fascist and Nazi-collaborating Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)-B.
The war crimes committed by this monster's thugs are shuddering. The crimes committed by the Ukrainian Nazis were so horrific and sadistically cruel that they even (if that be possible) repulsed the German SS. The preferred mass murder tools of these demonic ghouls were axes, picks, shovels, sickles, and knives. Women and children were not spared, but brutally tortured, raped, and butchered in the tens of thousands. Babies were nailed to trees, pregnant women have their wombs slit; Banderites were known to cut mutilate people, cut noses and ears off. In total the Banderites easily slaughtered over a quarter of a million Jews, Poles, Russians, Belorussians, and even patriotic anti-Nazi Ukrainians who opposed their satanic evil.
To this day, the monster Bandera's portrait is carried in procession not only in Kiev, but even in Toronto (see below in 2016) by sympathizers and accompanied by useful idiots.
Freeland, second from left
"Anti-Nazi" di Novo, foreground
Liberals for Bandera, or just useful idiots?
Stepan Bandera on the fascist "Right Sector" Banner
"Right Sector, Canada" marching in Toronto
Interestingly Banderite propaganda is so skilful that supposed self-identifying "anti-Nazis" (such as the notorious hard-left Cheri di Novo), seem to have no problem marching in parades in which neo-Nazis participate. (But then, as evidenced by the reaction this week to Russia taking emergency steps to defend herself, the Donbass, and neutralize NATO aggression, and resurgent Nazism: red fascism is very much alive!). Degenerate politicians just looking for votes from fascist sympathizers. But it is much more serious when you have a dedicated Ukrainian ultranationalist and Banderite as deputy prime minster and foreign minister. Let us conclude therefore by focusing the spotlight firmly on Freeland:
Canadians are now watching. If you CONTINUE IN YOUR SILENCE then your silence condemns you! Canadians will know you for what you really are: a disgusting filthy apologist for a Nazi butcher!

Final Note: As of this writing Russian Armed Forces have cut off neo-Nazi and Banderite militias in the eastern Ukraine where they will be eliminated. The hunt is on for fascists across the Ukraine (many of whom were involved in war crimes and terrorism since the criminal US led 2014 putsch) - and they will be brought to justice! The attempt to encircle and dismember Russia, using with diabolical cynicism, the long suffering Ukrainians as pawns has failed. Russia has faced down far greater adversaries then the now debauched western powers and emerged as the last man standing. These effete, half-whit politicians, buffoons; mere puppets of globalist paymasters are NO match for the Russians. One thing President Putin has done this week that will echo through the decades: he has brought a SCREECHING HALT to the neoliberal globalist WEF project and the delusion of world hegemony under economic bribery/blackmail of Wall Street/The City, and the military blackmail of NATO.
P.S. Further details will be provided on Canadian Armed Forces and other NATO forces actually TRAINING the neo-SS, Azov. More to come....stay tuned.