There is a deadly virus dwelling deeply in the Catholic Church: it is Freemasonry.
The Polish Archbishop, Jan Pawel Lenga, identified this evil sect as one of the major threats to the Catholic Church in his wide ranging discussion on wRealu24.
The Archbishop referencing Our Lord's words, I know mine and my own know me (John 10:14), stated that the vast majority of the bishops have abandoned the faithful:
"...the shepherds no longer care for the flock, when they should be doing it faithfully. Christ is the Good Shepherd, and cared for the Flock, 'I know mine'. But you bishops, you do not know your flock.
They only recognize the collections they take up. The pastors no longer recognize their people. They conduct their ministry as if in secrecy.
They are no longer carrying their cross behind Christ. In their churches and dioceses they are no longer showing the path to be walked ...they only seek to take and not give".
Look at the picture of the Lodge and the Chair of the Worshipful Master. Is this not a "Catholic" sanctuary since Vatican II?
One notices too the "Seal of Solomon", also known by some as the "Star of David". In fact this interlaced set of triangles not biblical but occult, demonic. When Solomon fell into false religion he built altars to the demons, Ashtoroth and Moloch. The Prophet Amos makes reference to demonic star worship: "But you carried a tabernacle for your Moloch, and the image of your idols, the star of your god, which you made to yourselves".
Interesting when Our Lord traversed Palestine during his earthly Ministry, He was constantly meeting people who were possessed by demons.
While Jesus calls them forgetting G'd children of the devil you still call enemies of the Gospel "bishop"
They (just who are "them"?) did more than "forget" God, or Our Lord would have said so. They rejected the Messiah and crucified Him. It is called Deicide. If you read Romans and Galatians (especially) 6:16, you will learn who the true Israelites are, and where Israel is to be found. It is the Catholic Church, of whom Archbishop Lenga is a direct successor of the Apostles.
In your Judaic spelling of "G'd" I discern a dispensationalist, Darbyite visitor. I hope I am wrong.
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