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Homo-Dominican, Timothy Radcliffe (far left) with other Congress participants |
Vox Cantoris and this blog have written about the homosexual infiltration into the Church. We will continue to do so. We will not be silent, nor silenced.
Timothy Radcliffe O.P., is what I call a "homo-Dominican". He is one of those Dominicans who has a long and sinister track record of dissent on homosexuality. An in depth analysis is available at Vox Cantoris. It is must reading to understand the evil and danger Radcliffe and the homo-Dominicans are inflicting on the Church.
A number of excellent articles exist about his dissent. You may read them here, here, here, and here.
When the "gay" cowboy movie came out, a number of years ago, Timothy Radcliffe eagerly promoted it.
Now, Radcliffe has been invited to address the Eucharistic Congress in Cebu, the Philippines. One must ask, why? It is impossible that the organizers do not know what this man stands for. Radcliffe's pro-homosexual ideology is well known. By inviting him, they are implicitly approving of his heresy, his dissent.
There can be no doubt: homosexual infiltration into the priesthood and the hierarchy is massive, powerful and a horrible cancer. It is this homosexual infiltration that helps explain the collapse in morals amongst so many Catholics, the swing of so many Catholics in favour of abortion, contraception, divorce, and now deviant sexual behaviour. For decades, churchmen have either been silent or given occasional lip service towards Catholic doctrine on morality.
The homosexual clergy have done their job well: they have corrupted two generations of Catholics. The result is plain to see: the Church is collapsing all around us., Yes, the bricks and mortar still exist, money is still raised for foolish and useless projects. But, dear readers, all of this is coming to an end. Christ will not be mocked. A Church that no longer wants the Cross, is an anti-church; a synagogue of Satan.
Now, Radcliffe has been invited to address the Eucharistic Congress in Cebu, the Philippines. One must ask, why? It is impossible that the organizers do not know what this man stands for. Radcliffe's pro-homosexual ideology is well known. By inviting him, they are implicitly approving of his heresy, his dissent.
There can be no doubt: homosexual infiltration into the priesthood and the hierarchy is massive, powerful and a horrible cancer. It is this homosexual infiltration that helps explain the collapse in morals amongst so many Catholics, the swing of so many Catholics in favour of abortion, contraception, divorce, and now deviant sexual behaviour. For decades, churchmen have either been silent or given occasional lip service towards Catholic doctrine on morality.
The homosexual clergy have done their job well: they have corrupted two generations of Catholics. The result is plain to see: the Church is collapsing all around us., Yes, the bricks and mortar still exist, money is still raised for foolish and useless projects. But, dear readers, all of this is coming to an end. Christ will not be mocked. A Church that no longer wants the Cross, is an anti-church; a synagogue of Satan.
It is a sad reflection on the Dominican Order that they continue to tolerate this man. They should have dismissed him years ago. His views should have no place within the Order of Preachers. How can we trust the younger generation to be formed by any of them? They have all lost the faith and consequently don't fear the retribution that's coming. These sodomite priests have brought us to the Gates of Hell. We can only prayerfully await Our Lady's triumph over them.
When this "priest" encourages Catholics to deliberately expose themselves to the manipulative and necessarily pro-sodomy bias of sodomy activists, he is not encouraging us to support people with unwanted sinful desires, but to support those desires and to numb our consciences to sin and evil. He is encouraging evil, tu put it bluntly.
Social engineers have been dumbing our consciences with novels, shows and movies for a long time now. Even the worst murderers and psychopaths have been portrayed as positive, glamorous role models.
Timothy Radcliffe was appointed a Vatican Consultant by Pope Francis....that explains why these parishioners are not getting results and should also clarify the reason for Mr Voris. How much more evidence do we as Catholics need to have put before us? The Church has rotted from the Top down. Our Lady of Fatima Ora pro nobis!
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