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Cardinal Muller with Pope Benedict XVI |
[Note: All may use the following translation, in whatever medium, but you must credit Toronto Catholic Witness. You do not have permission to redistribute our translations to third parties. Thank-you.]
Nasz Dziennik, a major Polish media outlet, has carried an extensive interview with His Eminence, Gerhard Cardinal Muller, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. The Cardinal is very open about the malign influence upon the Synod; yet equally firm that the teaching of the Church on Holy Communion for those civilly "remarried" is absolutely forbidden, as contrary to the Gospel; likewise is each and every homosexual act as contrary to nature and is a grave sin.
Nasz Dziennik, a major Polish media outlet, has carried an extensive interview with His Eminence, Gerhard Cardinal Muller, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. The Cardinal is very open about the malign influence upon the Synod; yet equally firm that the teaching of the Church on Holy Communion for those civilly "remarried" is absolutely forbidden, as contrary to the Gospel; likewise is each and every homosexual act as contrary to nature and is a grave sin.
On the media:
Unfortunately, in modern societies, various media, international organizations or even governments of various countries are trying to sow confusion in the minds of people. In many countries, relationships are destroyed, and this also applies to the Christian model of marriage and family. The truth about marriage and family is relativized. These trends also, unfortunately, have moved in some way into the Church and the bishops, upon which they [media] are trying to exert pressure.... We have Christ and the Gospel. This is our point of reference, the foundation for the proper and only teachings of the Church...
On marriage:
There are a lot of media, but there is only one mediator, who is Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Therefore, the Word of God can never be ignored in any way and can not be compromised in any of its passages. It must be fully accepted. The Church, neither before or during, or after the Synod can change what comes from the teaching of Christ. In regard to marriage is primarily define the words, "What God has joined together, let not man put asunder".
On homosexuality:
Question: There were such voices that after the Synod of the Church entered the "way of the new opening to homosexuals." It sounds as if the church was going to stop calling homosexual acts a sin and condemn them?
Cardinal Muller: Of course, for the Church there is always the starting point of a relationship of love; of man to woman and woman to man. The Church focuses on this relationship and on it builds her social doctrine, including moral doctrine, which is also the whole science of human sexuality. There are situations that a person draws his sexuality to a person of the same sex. And this tendency itself is not a primary subject of the Church.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that "homosexual persons are called to chastity." Pope Francis said he is not trying to create some new doctrine of the Church, but he is trying to show that no one is judged by the Church who has erred and has a homosexual tendency. No one is trying to cut off such people; they are still integrally people. But you have to say with clarity that the Church has judged negatively homosexual acts. An active part in the act of homosexuality is not acceptable! And the Church of such an assessment will not give up. They are contrary to the natural law, and it is a sin.
On the bishops:
Cardinal Muller: ...unfortunately, there are representatives of the Church, and even bishops who have allowed themselves to be somehow blinded by a secularized society in which they have been so influenced that it has drawn them away from the main topic or from the teachings of the Church based on revelation.
They began to think about the different possibilities, whether it is or it would be possible, forgetting about the foundation ... perhaps suggesting some questionable solutions in a matter of commitment in difficult situations in which people find themselves, perhaps guiding the desire to help another human being ...
Everything is fine but you must always remember that there is one "agenda" for us, the agenda of the Church, which is based on the revelation of God communicated in Jesus Christ. And this is actually for us the most important, if it is lost, lost would be other aspects.
(Trans. Barona)
Great article, love the site!
Lee www.canadiancatechist.com
Thank God there are still a few holy and authentically Catholic Bishops left in the Catholic Church like Cardinal Muller. He speaks with courage and boldness. As a good shepherd, he knows how guides the sheep entrusted to him in the ways of Truth. God bless Cardinal Muller for your courage, love, tenacity and zeal for the true Faith.
The errors present in the synod was not condemned. The process will be gradual. Cardinall Muller must accept the truth of what archbiishop lefebvre prophesied that the crisis is due to Vatican II.
The massive confusion will continue until the Pope openly says either "yes" or "no" with regards to Familiaris consortio. He is silent; silence means....? The truth is, they are trying to dance around Familiaris consortio, without appearing to do so.
I would encourage readers - who are lucky enough to have a copy - to study the final 2014 document, side by side, with the 1979 Synodal document on the family. The differences are substantial. There is no ambiguity; sanctification is stressed. The latter is equivocal, ambiguous, and is a untenable false "compromise" between Christocentrism and anthropocentrism.
A further issue remains as to why the heretical interim relatio remains on the Holy See website. We now know that it was a manipulated and spurious document, shoved through by Forte and friends. Perhaps as an historical document to infamy?
The October 2014 Synod on Marriage and Family Life in the modern world took place in Rome amidst much foolish media speculation as to whether the Catholic Church would modify its traditional stance in various universally problematic matters concerning both “faith and morals”. Mercifully, however, our Church IS firmly built on the indefectible solid “rock” foundation of Peter's Faith in Jesus Christ as “Son of God”(Mtt.16). Thus, even amidst spirited discussion at the Bishops' Synod, it was obvious that any “change” would (necessarily!) be “pastoral” and practical rather than a compromise of doctrinal principle.
Pope Francis encouraged the bishops to speak openly. Speak without fear as Jesus said. The truth will set us free.
Colm Holmes,
Cardinal Mueller forgets that Jesus of Nazareth ate with everyone. His open table fellowship was a scandal for those who considered themselves pious in his day. For Jesus it was communion first before confusion. It was while he was eating with all sorts of people that the pious complained that "this man eats with sinners and tax collectors". It was at such time that he narrated his most powerful parables likening God to the Shepherd who leaves 99 sheep to look for the one lost shop - or to the woman who sweeps the whole house to look for the lost coin - or to the father who welcomes back the lost son and throws a party for him. Which Christ is Mueller referring to? Is he the one of his own making or the one we know from the gospels?
considered themselves pious in his day. For Jesus it was communion first before confusion. It was while he was eating with all sorts of people that the pious complained that "this man eats with sinners and tax collectors". It was at such time that he narrated his most powerful parables likening God to the Shepherd who leaves 99 sheep to look for the one lost shop - or to the woman who sweeps the whole house to look for the lost coin - or to the father who welcomes back the lost son and throws a party for him. Which Christ is Mueller referring to? Is he the one of his own making or the one we know from the gospels?
The devil wants people to be confused as to what the Church teaches. Therefore he does not want people to study the CCC and he does all he can to spread error through news media reports (even in “catholic” media). He wants people to believe that the teaching of the Church has changed, or soon will, and therefore they can do whatever they want because there are no absolute moral guidelines from God and the human institution of the church will soon agree with that.
What all Catholics should do, liberal and conservative, is join in a public request to Pope Francis to explicitly repeat that the doctrine is not going to change, it cannot change, and only repentant sinners, in the state of grace, having confessed all known mortal sins, who accept and believe all that the Catholic Church officially teaches with the Authority of Jesus Christ may receive Holy Communion.
Would it not be a great witness if millions of lay people (including school children), priests and Bishops were to publicly call on the Pope to publicly restate, again, that constant teaching of the Church. Perhaps the Pope wants to remove the cloud of error and uncertainty that has been made worse by the news reports from the recent Synod on the family, but he neede public encouragement to do so.
“It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness” applies here as to the responsibility of each Catholic to do what they can to spread the idea of millions of people publicly calling and encouraging the Pope to make such a statement. If millions do make this public call and the Pope delays in acting, that will be between Him and God, the laity will have done their part as long as they have been resolutely uniting their prayers with the infinite prayer of Jesus for all sinners (CCC 2741) and voluntarily sacrificing as much as they can.
Should you, Will you, make a few clicks of the mouse to pass this on so others can improve and/or support it? We all have a small number of circles of influence, but these are all connected through their circles of influence to the whole world. Should we do our part, passing this on to those we can, trusting that God will take care of the rest?
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