Sunday 26 December 2021

Francis and Traditionis Custodes: This attack on Catholic Tradition ends any possible reunion with the Orthodox


The Pope and International Financiers. Another betrayal for 30 pieces of silver

When Pope Benedict released not ONLY the Tridentine Mass, but also the Sacramental life of the vast majority of Latins, his action was welcomed by the eastern churches. Now, with the recent papal attack on the ancient liturgy of the Latins, the separated easterners are openly mocking us; even going so far as to take the words of Vatican I out of context and claim the Roman Church set up the Pope as an absolutist Monarch. Though these easterners are ignorant of true Catholic Tradition,  they ironically raise a good point: the papal actions ARE a perversion of Vatican I; the actions are being seen as those of a brutal tyrant, rather than that of a loving "papa". 

The easterners are well aware that a Pope and Curia who can openly attack the Rites of the Latin Church, can just as easily attack and pervert the Rite of the eastern churches. Indeed, it is foolishness to think that reunion would not bring about a call to "update" the Divine Liturgies of Sts. John Chrysostom and Basil. They are also well aware of the degenerate "West" and want none of it; they do not want their nations perverted and handed over bound and gagged to be stripped of the last vestiges of Christianity, as they are doing in America and western Europe; turning these nations into cesspools of degeneracy and moral filth. Hence the constant demonisation of Russia and Orthodoxy by the same criminals who wish to eliminate the rising strength of orthodoxy.



Open to reflection is why the Roman churchmen would launch this violent attack now. Is it a "payoff" to their oligarch financial masters who keep turning up at the Vatican? Is the "church" of "mercy, surprises, and the poor", really just the spiritual animator for the humanist neo-paganism of the globalists (as predicted five decades ago by the late saintly, Abbe Georges de Nantes?). After all, are not the Roman churchmen in lockstep with their masters on every existential issue? From open pushing of climate alarmism, covid alarmism, UN Sustainable Development, lockdowns, techno-authoritarian statism, and corporate neo-fascism to glaring silence on the demolition of the family, the glorification of sexual perversion, the destruction of natural law, family rights, and small business. Is the attack on Catholic tradition part of the ramping up of the attacks by the globalists under the fraud of covid alarmism? Just what were the requests of the international financiers who populate the marble halls of the "Apostolic" palace?

In conclusion, as we reflect on our suffering brothers and sisters in Quebec City who have been locked out of their churches - not by Nazis, communists, or brigands - but by their very own Judas bishop - let us also realize that this act of spiritual sadism could have been stopped with one phone call from Rome. Lacroix's monstrous evil is shared in by the pope, his nuncio, and to a degree by the other Canadian bishops who sit by like mute dogs. By their silence, they are complicit in this crime.

Friends, Catholic Tradition is NOT going anywhere. I implore you to only attend traditional Catholic liturgies this Christmas and beyond. Do NOT be intimidated by the cruelties of the churchmen in Rome. Seek out priests who offer the Sacraments in the manner of our forefathers, in the manner which Sts. such as Maximilian Kolbe and Padre Pio offered them. 

Let us implore St. Stephen to bless our French-Canadian brothers and sisters. Likewise, let us implore him to pray for the conversion of the pope, the bishops; just as he prayed for Saul's conversion as he was being martyred at the hands of the maddened mob.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out the degeneracy of the West. For many years I have reflected on the pathological hatred of Russia by these godless neocon warmongers who despise Christ. Russia, for all her faults, if one country that is just too strong to be crushed by the masonic western hegemony led by the now godless and debased United States; its armed forces deeply perverted and now glorifying the sin of sodom, If there is - God forbid - a war, He will not smile on the United States. On the other hand, Russia, who suffered brutally under 70 years of Bolshevism, is having a religious revival, with the Orthodox Church growing in influence. I am convinced that the conflict is religious. It is tragic that that Catholic Church in Her churchmen, sit idly by, or give cover to the evil war mongers.