Friday, 7 May 2021

A brief history of the collapse of Catholic Education in Toronto

Friends, how we got here. 

 The militant union, OECTA has long been known to advocate for "priestesses", homosexuality and so on. See here and here.

Officially, the union had long abandoned the Catholic Faith. Unfortunately the local bishops - Carter, Ambrozic, and now Collins have refused to deal with any of this. In fairness to Ambrozic, he did attempt to confront the notorious heretic Joanna Manning, but was defeated in the courts.OECTA defended Manning against the Cardinal. 

Given that most priests in Toronto, and the Chancery under Ambrozic in the early 2000s, and now under Collins have remained silent (if not even encouraged dissent by falsely attesting to teacher candidates as faithful, practicing Catholics). Hence the break with Catholic education was also empowered by clergy who did not do due diligence to confirm whether the prospective teacher actually was more than just nominally baptised. 

Over the last 10 years, with militant sexual degeneracy being promoted - under the guise of "tolerance" (who ever tolerated sin?) - we have seen Catholic trustees, leading members of OECTA, and militant activists amongst the teaching ranks, openly promote morality, ideas that are completely contrary to Catholic Faith and Morals. 

Given that Catholic education has constitutional protection, trustees and teachers also have secular legally binding obligations to uphold Catholic education. Please visit Everyday for Life Canada for further details. 

Please pray that the Trustees fulfill their duty as Catholic trustees, as well as their fiduciary duty, as trustees of a legally recognized and protected school system.


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