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St. John Fisher, Bishop and Martyr |
Dear Bishop Crosby,
It is tragic that we lay Faithful need to address yet another bishop who has bought into the lie of the SARS-CoV2 virus being a deadly killer virus warranting a historically unprecedented lock down of our society, including our places of worship. Cardinal Collins of Toronto has bought into the lie, or he has been terrorized by his curia and lawyers to take the knee to Caesar. But in doing so, he, you, and all silent bishops accept that the public worship of God is "unessential". If it were essential, your churches would be open, and we would have Mass.
In a way, we understand why the State authorities have deemed them "unessential". But we do not understand why the Bishops - the representatives of the local Church - have followed the State authorities. We now learn that the faithful are being denied the sacraments, (well they are "unessential" after all!) yet we hear silence from you and your brother bishops. Have you ever considered going to a hospital and boldly entering to administer the sacraments?
You, and your brother bishops, have refused to remonstrate the State and declare that indeed public worship of God is essential, and that, following Sacred Scripture, you will not grant to Caesar the things that are of God.
But Bishop Crosby you have conceded the things of God to Caesar. Let us not be deluded: the reason Caesar declared worship of God "unessential" is because Caesar is godless, Caesar is secular, Caesar is, behind his platitudes and nice smiles, anti-Christian. In a way, considering the name Caesar, it is understandable why Caesar takes this attitude towards God and His Church.
Bishop Crosby, you must be aware that liquor stores and beer shops are open. Caesar considers them essential. Caesar also considers it "essential" for a woman to kill the fruit of her womb in the horrible infanticide practice of abortion. You can get drunk, commit murder, but can't go to Mass. DO you not think something is terribly wrong? Yet you remain silent.
Why are you silent? Why are your brother bishops silent?
In your Letter justifying closing our churches you wrote:"... our pandemic sacrifice will last for a few more months, or for as long as it takes to curb the high numbers of citizens – our brothers and sisters – who contract the dreaded virus".
Bishop Crosby, you claim the virus is "dreaded" (that may well be due to incessant media propaganda hoisted on a scientifically illiterate public), but you are in error. The pandemic is over. It was over last summer. The WHO claim of 3.4% IFR did not materialize. The actual IRF is estimated to be no more than 0.2% (+/-); a bad flu season. As such our churches are closed unjustly and against the spiritual common good.
To return to our questions regarding your silence when alcohol can be freely purchased, and where women can destroy their unborn child, unrestricted by the State during this time of "pandemic", we ask again: when will you confront Caesar with all his lies and deceptions?
You know in keeping abortion clinics open the lie is put to Caesar's claim our churches are closed to save lives. And you, Bishop Crosby, are an accessory to these lies, by pushing them and endorsing them. You claim we are giving up our "freedoms...". NO, our freedoms are being stolen from us. You claim it is so that "others may live" lest we transmit a virus that is no more deadly than Influenza. Are we to no longer drive cars, since accidents happen? Cross the street? Will you be closing the churches on a yearly basis henceforth that "others may live" during flu season?
We end by including a number of screenshots, using OFFICIAL data which will inform you that the public "health" officials you are listening to, are lying to you. For example, are you aware that the median age of death from SARS-CoV2, according to Oxford's EBM is 82.4? The entire effort (as with any major flu season) should be to protect the vulnerable, and the sick, not close our churches, suppress the Mass and sacraments, and destroy hundreds of thousands of small businesses. Do you think this is in the "common good"?
Bishop Crosby, the pandemic is long over. Now we face fresh questions on the dangers of experimental "vaccines" (connected to abortion); more dangerous than the virus itself. Sadly you seem to have endorsed this immoral experiment pushed by Caesar. We encourage you to review the evidence of the dangers and confirm this research yourself.
In conclusion we call upon you to be courageous in imitation of St. John Fisher who stood alone against the murderous despot, Henry VIII. St. John was the only bishop found in England and Wales with the courage to defend Christ and His Church.
Dear Bishop Crosby, we pray that in our times, you be that man! Be assured of our prayers for you to gain the courage of Bishop Fisher.
Sincerely in English and Welsh Martyrs,
Barona and Irenaeus
Thank you Toronto Catholic Witness for your testimony to faith and the sacraments.
Thank you for calling out to my bishop. Our churches must be opened!
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