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John Hopkins University |
Science is conducted with both inductive and deductive reasoning. It is skeptical, and changes, as new evidence is discovered. Following the evidence, enables rational decision making and planning.
I stress: a short, but energetic period involving social distancing, community surveillance, and proactive testing is necessary to lessen the spread of infection, and mitigate the initial (which will be the largest) cohort of coronavirus related illnesses. Suppression (efforts to keep the Ro at, or below 1) and mitigation (the use of antivirals etc., to reduce the impact of the epidemic) are the two main weapons to fight the virus.
The Financial Times reports:
Modelling a scenario similar to the new measures — including social distancing of the whole population, home isolation of cases and household quarantine of their families — might bring total deaths down to about 20,000 if they were observed strictly, said Azra Ghani, a member of the Imperial team.
Extrapolating those number means: 100,000+ (USA), 11,500+ (Canada).
As data comes in from reliable sources we will be able to make reasoned decisions. Nothing remains static. It is a question of facts, not feelings.
From: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
University of Oxford and John Hopkins provide detailed information. They are excellent resources, updated regularly, as data comes in.
The Vortex - A Virus By Any Other Name.
Church Militant. 27 March 2020. YouTube.
*Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now.*
Arnold Toynbee 1889-1975.
Abortion on demand, cultural Marxism, Gender Ideology, drag queens in junior schools, political correctness ruthlessly enforced, illegal immigration, toxic feminism, homosexual adoption, transgenderism, moral relativism, drugs, diversity, alcohol abuse, family breakdown, the Luciferian media, the hypocrisy of Hollywood, the corruption and cowardice of the Catholic hierarchy, the erosion of basic Christian morality, China establishing its hegemony and everyone afraid to talk about it. And now the deadly Wuhan virus in Queens, New York ... what would Toynbee say in 2020?
Can President Trump save American civilization or is it already too late? All of the free world has a stake in what is happening right now in America, mankind's last great hope.
Toxic feminism has a death grip on the Church. It is part of the crisis of masculinity within the priesthood. Please revisit:
The Vortex - Woodstock Women.
28 August 2019. Church Militant. YouTube.
If there is life beyond the Wuhan virus, maybe it will be a return to the Biblical definition of male and female, and how the genders complement each other.
Chinese and Russian observers think that the gender-fluid ideology which is being promoted in schools and colleges is a sure sign of the West's disintegration. Once Christian faith collapses we become like pagan Rome.
Death stalks civilizations in the form of pandemics like coronavirus. But spiritual and moral death comes with the undermining of male and female identity.
Pagan Rome was gender-fluid and homosexual debauchery was the Roman way of life.
Arnold Toynbee never dreamed that such a nightmare would come to pass in the United States, and with the collusion of Catholic bishops no less.
President Trump must address this crisis at the heart of American life when he is re-elected (as he will be) to the White House.
Bishop Fulton Sheen quoted that passage from Toynbee regarding America in the 60s. He knew that America would fall - form within. It was inevitable, as she was founded on revolution. Revolutionary societies are inherently unstable.
I think it was this time you who were a bit hasty! No, Mr Trump is definitely not our last hope. Our Lord Jesus Christ is. "Place not your trust in princes". Trump's great weakness is that he is not Catholic. As such, he does not see reality, as a Catholic. The American Catholic bishops have also failed miserably in their approach to him. Rather than befriend him and work to convert him, they have abandoned him into the clutches of some of the worst protestant sects imaginable, as well as being surrounded by Talmudic-Chabad devotees.
St Teresa of Avila recorded that Our Lord told her that is she took care of His needs (namely prayer, trust and true worship), He would take care of hers.
If we, apostate peoples did this, corona would subside much more easily. Moreover, far greater evils than corona would be minimized. No longer would abortion be extolled as a virtue, sodomy and sexual immorality promoted, pornography glorified, the Church held by the State as just one other sect. Jesus Christ would reign as King.
The United States would become what God wants her to becomes: The Catholic States of America. And so on for all other nations. Without exception. Every man must bend the knee at the Name of Jesus.
He who denies Jesus Christ came in the Flesh has the spirit of antichrist.
The continent of North America was the New World, Barona.
Both Canada and the United States offered immigrants a chance to begin again, to escape the confines of Europe with its tangled wars and debauched aristocracy. The sheer land-mass of North America makes one gasp.
Scott Fitzgerald, who saw reality as a Catholic, viewed America as some kind of last chance, the greatest social experiment of all time: *face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder.*
President Lincoln had an almost mystical belief in the Republic, and battled to save it during the Civil War; whether that meant freeing all of the slaves, half of the slaves, or none of the slaves.
President Trump hardly corresponds to my ideal of social democracy, but as someone (like you) who sees reality as a Catholic, I can no longer support the liberal-left, because of its manifest hostility to Christian morality.
In his support of pro-Life groups, President Trump is more Catholic than Joe Biden, more concerned for the rights of the unborn than most of the American hierarchy. It will be hard for him, nearly impossible, to take on the gay establishment now so entrenched at every level of society. Including Rome.
*Put not your faith in princes.*
No, indeed, but the Trump administration is the best chance of turning back the tide of politically correct madness now washing over the United States, from shore to shining shore.
It may be the last chance to stop what Pat Buchanan calls *the Suicide of the West.* In postwar America liberals saw Stalin as a progressive humanist in spite of the warnings of Whittaker Chambers and George Kennan; today American liberals are equally naive about China. So is Pope Francis.
President Trump has responsibility for ALL America. He has to work with evangelical Protestants as well as those in the Orthodox Hasidic movement. Pope Benedict met these groups too, in a spirit of dialogue and friendship.
These last twenty years have seen the overthrow of Christian civilization and Christian family life. Many in the media, the entertainments industry and the arts seem to have relished this. It's a game to them.
The English journalist Colin Welch (1924-1997) wrote about the *bohemianisation* of British society. This suits many people in the media who are divorced, remarried, living in sin, homosexual, drug addicted.
The American poet and essayist Robert Bly thinks that many people today are *half adults* - a perfect term for Jordan Trudeau! These half adults gave us Gender Ideology. In launching gay marriage they ratified gay adoption.
Trump haters range from young feminists to old socialists, from the smug Democrats to Hollywood hypocrites, from pro-abortionists to militant lesbians, from East Coast intellectuals to black rappers. None of them are on the side of Christian civilization, indeed they see us as reactionary and even fascist. We are either trad Catholics or Bible bashing Fundies!
God works through unlikely people, even the arrogant and pleasure-loving Donald Trump. Some terrible honesty in the man repels some and delights others. No surprise that Nigel Farage was invited to the investiture for Farage has the same lack of guile that has been missing in politics.
Christians were surprised and delighted to see the President and the First Lady praying at a public occasion. *We are all so SCREWED!* screamed the left-liberal establishment who hate and fear any expression of supernatural faith.
Where did the Donald get this moment of faith? I would hazard a guess.
His Scottish mother.
*God and the Ten Commandments have all been expelled from the public schools. Christmas carols are out. Christmas holidays are out ... We may not succeed but I believe we need a new fighting conservative traditionalist party in America. I believe, and I hope that one day we can take America back.*
Senator Pat Buchanan, on the moral and cultural mass suicide of the United States of America.
The words are taken from his entry in Wikipedia.
As I said Trump has good natural instincts, but he is surrounded by men and women - in official and semi-official capacities - belonging to the above mentioned sects who are directly influencing State policy in economics and foreign affairs. For example, Mike Pompeo, or Trump’s so-called “ evangelical advisors”. It is not about having amicable relations with people, it is about American political policy being influenced directly by the above mentioned sects, especially for foreign wars and adventures.
On the other hand, these sects are very powerful, and he must to some degree play along with them to retain their support. Thank God though, he does not believe in their "religion". One sees it when they gather around him and "lay" their hands on him, during their so-called "prayer". By his eyes and body language one can clearly see this. SO that is in his favour. In this sense Trump is a pragmatist.
We never really had a Christian civilization for several hundred years. Certainly it was being demolished by the paganzing renaissance and the so-called Reformation. Since the rise of Freemasonry and its exportation all over the world, we have, and will continue to be in free fall.
I am no great admirer of Lincoln, as he acted brutally and viciously in the war he prosecuted against the South. Lincoln primary concern was preservation of the Union, not slavery. Lee was the conservative, Lincoln the revolutionary.
Pat Buchanan’s problem is he sees the defects but still believes in the system. But his doubts ensured that he was buried as a politician. And good. He can save his soul rather than compromise and lose it. I believe in subsidiarity. Jesus Christ alone is the answer. He is the Master of History. He is in control.
I believe that this coronavirus has given the "bad guys" a great opportunity to explore increase massive debt, and hugely increase the already incredible power of the bankers. This is a trial run, we may another one, perhaps two: then "they" will bring the hammer down. Perhaps a world war or some other enormous crisis, form which will emerge the Man of Perdition. It may be ten years, it may a hundred. We need not worry, Christ is in control. What evils are happening He is allowing. He is drawing good right now out of evil.
*He (Pat Buchanan) can save his soul rather than compromise and lose it.*
A chilling sentence, but no less than the truth Our Blessed Lord revealed to us sinners.
We are not Pelagians, relying on our own efforts. Through Christ's divine will and grace we can be saved from Hell.
At least President Trump will hear this truth from those Bible-believing *sectarians* you so lightly dismiss. Christ will infallibly save those whom he chooses to save. We pray that He will pluck a brand from the fire like Donald Trump.
Christian civilization was always overshadowed by Satan and the world (as you say Barona) but also by the evil inside the Church, which was there with or without Luther. Consider the Borgias; the slaughter of the heretical Cathars, whole villages and families butchered; the persecution of the Waldensians; or the Spanish and Roman Inquisitions. The torture chambers set up within Rome in the lifetime of Luther.
Since the 14th Century holy men and women thought the Church needed moral reformation, but it was Luther, Calvin and Farel who ignited the revolution.
Reform-minded Catholics all over Europe believed that the Church had set herself up as higher than the Scriptures; and they went to the writings of Saint Augustine in their condemnation of indulgences and the lucrative trade in relics. As a student in Paris, Calvin said he had been *a papal idolator* before he read the New Testament for himself.
Thomas More watched the first English Protestant martyrs being burned. In his meetings with Luther, Erasmus found much agreement, but refused to tear the robe of Christ apart. We in Europe are still haunted by the ghosts of history. Maybe it's why I was fascinated by Canada a young nation.
The statue of Guillame Farel outside Neuchatel Cathedral (photo online) is of a sombre figure holding the pages of the Bible towards the people. *Take up and read,* as the angel told the Augustine in his dream.
Without the Reformation would there have been a Counter Reformation? Francis de Sales went to Geneva and discussed the faith with Theodor Beza, Calvin's successor. But for a stubborn pope, the breach might have been healed.
Today liberal and modernist Catholics have so compromised Church teaching and the Scriptures (especially on the hot issues of abortion, divorce, contraceptives and homosexuality) that they might well be mistaken for Freemasons, as you say. They hold to a Gnostic faith. It's everywhere.
Michael Cohen has two online essays, one for Maclean's, lambasting *the Christian right*.
Mr. Cohen is a well-meaning man, but he is a civil libertarian at heart. The LGBT movement has *bewitched him* as Saint Paul said of the men of Galatea. In the 1930s Mr. Cohen would have been a Marxist, giving his allegiance to Moscow. He is a child of his time as GK Chesterton would have said.
Two YouTube videos I watched this morning after breakfast:
*Fr. Donald Calloway: Breakdown of the Family.*
Church Militant. 20 hours ago.
*The Secret Still Silenced.*
Fatima Center. 20 November 2013.
Everything goes back to the Christian concept of the family.
When we raise the painful issues of abortion or homosexuality we are really discussing the spiritual health and social future of the Christian family.
Our Lady at Fatima said the family would be the battlefield on which the faith would be attacked and defended.
I wish Pope Francis would think long and hard about Fatima.
*Civil libertarianism, a strain of political thought ... which emphasizes the supremacy of individual rights and personal freedoms over and against any kind of authority.*
Civil and moral libertarians today:
President Obama. President Clinton. Hilary Clinton. Joe Bidon. Tony Blair. Pope Francis. Cardinal Wuerl. Cardinal Dolan. Cardinal Cupich. Archbishop Robert McElroy. Fr. James Martin. Shelby Spong. Richard Dawkins. Boris Johnson. Woody Allen. Tom Cruise. Mick Jagger. Madonna. Oshu.
It is safe to assume that the Moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland is NOT a civil libertarian. Calvinists and traditional Catholics hold to the inerrancy of Scripture. They stand under God's Word.
Antichrist will be a civil and moral libertarian. The ground is well prepared for his appearance. The media will slobber all over him. So will the young who love anything that is *Awesome!*
Osho or Rajneesh (1931-1990) was an Indian guru who settled in America and preached free love and finding God in your own way.
There are more gurus in the world today than ever, and they all offer *divine enlightenment.*
Pope Francis has blessed one or two of them. In the Bergoglian philosophy the way to salvation is broad and many there be that find it.
I wrote Michael Cohen when I intended to write Michael Coren.
Mr. Coren has two online articles on the *Christian Right*.
He supports LGBT.
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