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Robert McElroy, homosexualist bishop of San Diego |
Bishop Robert McElroy, the Bishop of San Diego has ventured to speak out in favour of Fr. James Martin S.J., pro-"LGBT" book, "Crossing a Bridge". McElroy officially endorsed Martin's book when first published. For a history of the on-going dissent in San Diego, please visit Joseph Sciambra's website for details.
I shall only highlight a few remarks by McElroy for readers to see that this bishop is a hard-core homosexualist. Readers shoud immediately note that McElroy uses homosexual propaganda by using "LGBT".
He [James Martin S.J.] entered it knowing that the theological issues pertaining to homosexuality constituted perhaps the most volatile element of ecclesial life in U.S. culture.
Do they Bishop McElroy? Are you really telling readers that homosexuality constitutes "the most volatile element of ecclesial life.." If you are correct then you must be also telling us that "most" priest and bishops are themselves homosexuals. Why else would homosexuality be such a big issue, since we know that actual homosexuals in the general population are between 1-3 %?
Let us move on. McElroy then states:
The attacks on Building a Bridge tap into long-standing bigotry within the church and U.S. culture against members of the L.G.B.T. community. The persons launching these attacks portray the reconciliation of the church and the L.G.B.T. community not as a worthy goal but as a grave cultural, religious and familial threat. Gay sexual activity is seen not as one sin among others but as uniquely debased to the point that L.G.B.T. persons are to be effectively excluded from the family of the church. Pejorative language and labels are deployed regularly and strategically. The complex issues of sexual orientation and its discernment in the life of the individual are dismissed and ridiculed.
The above needs a little unpacking, as McElroy is mixing falsehood and truth (a typical modernist tactic). Are there individuals who use hateful words towards those suffering from same sex attraction? Yes, there are. However, such individuals are not part of this debate. Further, McElroy is wrong in claiming that there are those who claims homosexuals are to be excluded from the Church. I have consistently argued on this blog that a main reason homosexuality is growing is because unnatural sexual vice is also practiced in epidemic proportions amongst men and women. Even amongst married couples. These couples are gross sinners, but they - just like homosexuals - are not, by their sin, automatically excommunicated from the Church.
Consider why unnatural sex has spread far and wide, even amongst Catholics. Was it not too long ago that Christopher West, the self-proclaimed expert in the "theology of the body" tried to excuse oral and anal sex? When he was called out he tried to obfuscate, by claiming it was not his cup of tea. However, he never denounced such acts as evil. To my knowledge, he has yet to denounce such abominations. Yet, he is endorsed by "conservative" Archbishop Chaput! But then, this is also the same Archbishop who panders to the false religion of Judaism.
To return to unnatural vice, such as oral "sex". My understanding is that the vast majority of protestants practice these unnatural vices, once the reserve of prostitutes for wayward husbands. Indeed, even EWTN in one of its Q and A sections on its website promoted oral "sex". What are we to expect from poor people with same-sex attraction when they see married couples profaning the nuptial bed? Such deformation of marriage also led to an explosion in child abuse. We know how child abuse leads straight to homosexuality. Sadly, though, bishops like Robert McElroy are silent on oral and anal "sex" between men and women, silent on contraception, silent on sexual immorality that profanes the marriage act.
To return to unnatural vice, such as oral "sex". My understanding is that the vast majority of protestants practice these unnatural vices, once the reserve of prostitutes for wayward husbands. Indeed, even EWTN in one of its Q and A sections on its website promoted oral "sex". What are we to expect from poor people with same-sex attraction when they see married couples profaning the nuptial bed? Such deformation of marriage also led to an explosion in child abuse. We know how child abuse leads straight to homosexuality. Sadly, though, bishops like Robert McElroy are silent on oral and anal "sex" between men and women, silent on contraception, silent on sexual immorality that profanes the marriage act.
Let us now move onto McElroy's attempt to square the circle. The real question is can there be - as McElroy claims - a "reconciliation of the church [sic] and the LGBT community...." What does Bishop McElroy mean? Is there to be reconciliation between Christ and Belial? Bishop McElroy gives the game away when he speaks of "the complex issues of sexual orientation..." Can we imagine a bishop speaking of "the complex issues of adultery", or "the complex issues of theft" etc.? Here, we see McElroy showing complete disingenuousness and promoting homosexual propaganda. You will also notice that McElroy when he speaks of homosexual activity as a "sin" he addresses it from the perspective of those who oppose Fr. Martin. Not once, in the entire article does McElroy come out and say it: homosexuality is always and everywhere objectively a grave mortal sin.
McElroy then goes on to say:
Chastity is a very important virtue of the Christian moral life. The disciple is obligated to confine genital sexual activity to marriage.
But chastity is not the central virtue in the Christian moral life. Our central call is to love the Lord our God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Many times, our discussions in the life of the church suggest that chastity has a singularly powerful role in determining our moral character or our relationship with God. It does not.
Bishop McElroy you are WRONG! We cannot love God without leading chaste lives. Practicing homosexuals (or for that matter husband and wife who practice oral "sex") are not living chaste lives.
Chastity is integral, it is absolutely necessary, just as avoidance of murder, rape, or any other grave sin. Chastity therefore has a very deciding role in determining our moral character in our relationship to God. Those guilty of sexual sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Do you Bishop McElroy forget the words of St. Paul? Sacred Scripture is very clear: those engaging in illicit sexual activity will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Further, homosexuality is identified in Sacred Scripture as one of the Four Sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance. One does not get to Heaven on keeping nine out of ten Commandments.
Let us now review what homosexuals actually do to each other and consider if such behaviour destroys a relationship with God.
Who made him a Bishop? Probably someone who is grossly negligent or someone who wants to ruin the Church.
Well said! These wolves in sheep's clothing need to be exposed. Glad to see that you are still calling out that money-raking charlatan West.
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