Saturday, 18 February 2012

Thomas Cardinal Collins

Witness congratulates Thomas Cardinal Collins in his appointment to the College of Cardinals. We asure him of our filial loyalty and prayers. Cardinal Collins was given the local Roman parish of St. Patrick's as his titular church. Cardinal Collins was one of 22 new Cardinals at today's Consistory.

Pope Benedict's sermon included these words to the new Cardinals, emphasizing that they are in the service of Peter and Church:
 In carrying out their particular service in support of the Petrine ministry, the new Cardinals will be called to consider and evaluate the events, the problems and the pastoral criteria which concern the mission of the entire Church. In this delicate task, the life and the death of the Prince of the Apostles, who for love of Christ gave himself even unto the ultimate sacrifice, will be an example and a helpful witness of faith for the new Cardinals.
Vatican Radio also has an excellent interview with Cardinal Collins which may be found here. Please pray for our new Cardinal.

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