Saturday, 1 February 2025

Archbishop Vigano Offers A Requiem Mass for the soul of Bishop Williamson

His Grace Archbishop Carl Maria Vigano, on January 31st offered a Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of His Lordship Bishop Richard Williamson, who fell asleep in the Lord this past Wednesday, January 29th. 

The following is from the Archbishop's sermon: 

A dear Friend, a venerated brother in the Episcopate, a comrade in battle has concluded his earthly pilgrimage and has passed into eternity. And in these hours of mourning, relieved only by the eyes of Faith, we cannot but mourn his passing, remember his strenuous fight, his fidelity, his work in the service of Holy Mother Church and resort to prayer in suffrage for his soul.

My fraternal friendship with Msgr. Williamson is relatively recent. It began when I found myself clashing with the Roman Authorities, after having matured the awareness of the conciliar revolution and its devastating effects, an awareness which His Excellency had reached well before me. From our meetings I retain the memory of his ability to reconcile unconditional adherence to the Catholic Truth with a breath of true Charity and a tireless strength in preaching the Word opportune importune . I remember his humble and affable manner. As a true British gentleman, he had a keen sense of humor . His vast culture did not prevent him from behaving in a simple and modest manner, even in the poverty of his clothing. I remember well the worn cassock he habitually wore and his reluctance to artificial pleasantries.

Converted from Anglicanism and educated in the traditional Faith at the school of a great Archbishop, Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre, he was able to remain faithful to him even in the face of the concessions of his brothers, when human convenience and diplomatic calculations prevailed over the legacy of the French Archbishop. Monsignor Williamson was disobedient to an apostate Rome; disobedient to a weakened conservatism that had forgotten the true reasons for its existence; disobedient to a world incapable of hearing the truth spoken to its face. This apparent disobedience of his – which binds him inextricably to the figure of Monsignor Lefebvre, the “rebel bishop” who dared to challenge the modernism of Paul VI and John Paul II – was the reason why in 2012 he was abandoned and expelled from the Society of Saint Pius X to which he belonged, due to his unavailability to reach an agreement with conciliar Rome and the pseudo-conservatism of Benedict XVI.

From then on, Msgr. Williamson committed himself to building a “Catholic resistance” that could effectively counteract, on the one hand, the apostasy of the Roman authorities, and on the other, the compromises and concessions of the Society of Saint Pius X, whose Superiors were increasingly occupied with the search for canonical normalization. Msgr. Williamson was a free man, especially in not conforming to political correctness , and he was never concerned with the image that the press gave of him. In his lucid geopolitical vision, he anticipated many ideas that are now supported by facts, starting with the role of Zionism in the attack on Christian society. He lived through trials and humiliations without fuss, maintaining serenity of mind and in everything seeking only the glory of God and his own assimilation to Christ the Priest.

The full sermon may be read here.

Please do not forget to pray for Bishop Williamson's soul 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson 1940 -2025 ~ Requiescat in Pace


His Lordship, Bishop Richard Williamson died in Our Lord this evening at 11:23 pm (GMT) at Broadstairs, Kent, after a brief illness. His Excellency was a tower of Catholic Truth in an era of unprecedented error and confusion. 

Please pray for the repose of His soul. 

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord
And may perpetual Light shine upon him. 
May he rest in peace. 
May he, and all the souls of the faithfully departed
Through the Mercy of God rest in peace. 

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Bishop Richard Williamson is reportedly near death following a stroke

His Excellency Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson

It is being reported that Bishop Richard Williamson suffered an intracranial hemorrhage on Friday at his home in Broadstairs, Kent on January 24, 2025 and is near death. Please pray for the bishop. 

 Bishop Williamson has many important things to say on the state of the Church and the world. Below is his warning about not being seduced by "liberty". 



Bishop Williamson here is singing "Rule Britannia" to drive home a point...



Here we have Bishop Williamson preaching on the importance of DOCTRINE....


Sunday, 6 October 2024

DAN HORAN: Why is this jet-setting dissenter leaving the priesthood?

Dan Horan, a notorious blasphemer and dissenter has announced that he has left the priesthood. His superiors always openly supported him, so there is no question of them cramping his style.

Notice, Horan is not leaving his university position where he picks up a nice salary reflecting the evangelical poverty of St Francis. Here the words of St. Luke apply: To dig I am not able; to beg I am ashamed". 

On this blog we have written much about Horan: his advocacy of great evils, his attacks on Christian morality. So what is the REAL reason? It will soon come out. It does not take much imagination as to what it is. In the meantime, I post for readers what I reported on Horan from a few years ago:

"Queering" the Church with Dan Horan, OFM 

Dan P. Horan OFM, is a nasty, vicious dissenter. A jet-setting, semi-professional marathoner (a very expensive undertaking for anyone who knows this sport), book writer and travelling public speaker, Horan does not live evangelical poverty, making a mockery of the true Franciscan life.  

As an advocate for homosexual perversion, Horan has distinguished himself by promoting the "gay culture". Horan now refers to Holy Matrimony as "different-sex marriage". This is just how evil he is: comparing homosexual acts to the holy Act proper to the Union between husband and wife, willed by Christ. 

When asked why he puts up photos of practicing homosexuals holding hands, Horan mocks the questioner with the ridiculous smear of "homophobia". 

Dan Horan mocking those who ask him why he promotes homosexuality 

Horan belongs to the homosexual-infested, US east-coast based, Holy Name Province, which has a long history of militant pro-homosexual dissent. The "friars" who run St. Francis of Assisi parish in NYC are particularly virulent in their promotion of homosexuality. Similar "LGBT" agitprop locations are in Boston and Hartford. If these so-called Franciscans are not decorating their churches in "rainbow" colours of the so-called "gay liberation movement"...

Franciscan Fr. Michael Carnevale triumphantly holding aloft the
gay "Rainbow Flag". WHY? 
...they are busy waving the "Rainbow Flag", accepting postulants who have written "gay" literature, sending their parishioners to notorious gay bars, and so on. For further information on the homosexual infiltration of Holy Name Province, please read here. 

It is within this evil and satanic environment, that Horan has just attacked the Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist. You should not be surprised. 

Friends, please recall the words of Fr. John O'Connor from nearly thirty years ago: "these homos despise our religion". 

Homosexuals entered the priesthood to destroy the Catholic Faith. Striking at the Eucharist and Catholic Morality (especially by promoting the "gay liberation movement") is at the core of their hatred of Christ and His Church.

But the Truth will ALWAYS defeat evil. Behold Pope Benedict XVI. 

Thursday, 29 August 2024

The Rosica Gallery of Infamy


Vox Cantoris outed Fr Thomas Rosica to the world as a plagiarist. Now, it would seem that Rosica has outed himself as.... dear reader, you decide. 

In the meantime, let us travel back a few years to review the world of Tom Rosica. 

As we review this tragedy, let us pray for the conversion and repentance of Fr Rosica.  

Sunday, 7 July 2024

WHO'S "IN" AND WHO'S "OUT"? ~ Why are raving perverts and heretics "in", but Vigano "out"?

Most readers by now will be aware that Archbishop Vigano is "out". We have it on the authority of "osculating" Cardinal Fernandez of noted occult sex-magick infamy. 

Let us see, shall we, who - presently - is "in":

Well it's Jimmy Martin S.J...

My, my, what have we here? Notice how this was all covered up...

Oh dear, giddy Gilles Mongeau S.J., in his "rainbow" colours...


Ah yes, the effeminate Dan Horan....

...and colleagues...


Hmm....what is reducing Tommy Rosica O.S.B. to giggles....?


...let's check out the "Franciscan" outreach...


May we share the laugh, oh false prophets?


Since Tom Rosica loves the lime light, let's see what else he has been up to over the years...

Looks like Tommy's just been informed he's been "caught"...

Now where else in history have we seen a "crooked cross"...?

My, my what have we here...?

Oh dear, it seems like Tommy Rosica just can't stop posing for the cameras....

Always laughing it up....nauseating narcissism.

Dear friends, any further commentary would be superfluous....

Friday, 28 June 2024


 .... and we know the types who have always hated the Archbishop...


The above has not aged well, has it? The projection by Rosica - as who and what he is, is emerging each and every day from the darkness. Indeed, the light does shine in the darkness, exposing the evil, especially evil two-faced clerics...

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Hate crime at St. Vincent de Paul church in Toronto ~ Our Lady decapitated!


Sometime between late Monday, May 6 and the early hours of May 7th, the statue of Our Lady at St. Vincent de Paul church in the west-end of Toronto was attacked and decapitated by a vicious hater. The right hand of Our Lady was also damaged in the attack. Police are investigating and I have been informed are reviewing two CCTV cameras which may have recorded the crime. 



To my recollection, this is the 3rd such hate crime committed against west-end Catholic churches in recent years. I believe St Vincent's was attacked about 2 years ago, and earlier Our Lady was also decapitated at Our Lady of Lebanon church.


Is it a mere coincidence that this demonically oppressed monster attacked the Blessed Mother during the month of May? I think not. 

 Catholics: we know what we must do. We can no longer remain silent when our churches are under attack. We have always been despised and hated and this will continue until the end of time. We must pray for those who hate us, for we desire their repentance and conversion.  

However, we cannot stand by idly, when we are under physical attack. The very least we can do is to make it know far and wide that we are being persecuted, as the devil loves to do his work in the dark. 


Let us at least expose the lie that Canada is a tolerant society. Just tell that to the thousands of Catholics who have had their churches burnt down, while the man who masquerades as the Prime Minister of Canada did nothing but throw figurative fuel on the attacks by excusing them. In this he was encouraged by a constant stream of propaganda spewed from corporate media, which itself is anti-Christian. 

What happened this week in no small part can be laid at the legacy media's and politicians' door who have fed and encouraged anti-Catholic hatred in particular, and anti-Christian hate in general. This is what happens when the so-called "leaders" of society encourage an anti-Christian ethos. It is time for the politicians and media to take responsibility. Let us hope at least one politician will speak up, let us hope at least one media entity will no longer excuse and ignore the explosion of anti-Christian hate and violence that is here in Canada and across the world.