Sunday 26 June 2022

EMANUEL JAQUES: Toronto's little saint of purity

It was July 29, 1977 when 12 year old Emanuel Jaques was abducted and tortured for over 12 hours by four homosexual sadists. [warning graphic content]. 

Having raped and tortured Emanuel for half a day, the monsters murdered Emanuel by holding his head in a kitchen sink filled with urine. 

Yes, urine. 


Torture, sadism, perversion, abuse...

This is homosexual depravity at it demonic, satanic conclusion

St. John Chrysostom wrote about this great evil, its causes and effects. 

Emanuel, a Catholic, had recently immigrated to Canada with his family from Portugal. I have written about Emanuel before, and will continue to do so. It is indeed scandalous that Emanuel is forgotten by the local Church. 

Holy Cross Cemetery in north Toronto,
where Emanuel's mortal remains are buried

I call upon the Archdiocese of Toronto to declare Emanuel "venerable".  

Today, in downtown Toronto, a so-called "gay pride parade" will be staged. A degenerate hoard ("hell appearing before its time" St. John Chrysostom) will gather to blaspheme God and His creation ("male and female He created them" Gn 1:27) and to "celebrate" sexual perversion. We cannot forget that many - if not most - of the homosexuals come from broken families, have suffered abuse in their childhood. Far worse than these sad people are the hedonistic non-homosexuals who cheer them on, who encourage them in their sin. But perhaps even worse than these reprobates are the silent bishops and clergy; who, if not encouraging and/or excusing this evil, just sit quietly by and allow this attack on God, the family to proceed without a word. Just as they have sat for decades in virtual silence on the scourge of abortion, allowing over 2 million Canadian babies to be butchered.
While this demonically inspired orgy takes place let us not forget that one of Emanuel's murderers is out on partial parole in B.C. This is how much children are "valued" in our society. But how could they be valued when children are dragged off to be exposed and abused by the horror of drag queens?

Let us turn to Emanuel in prayer. Let us pray that through his death, graces will be accepted by homosexuals who will repent and turn away from sin. 

Let us now once again implore Emanuel to pray for us and for the conversion of homosexuals.

Emanuel Jaques, pray for us. 
"To all homosexuals we say: Peace, Hope, and Joy in your daily pursuit of chastity and holiness. God be with you! May you always keep in your hearts the words of St. Paul, 'You are not called to immorality but to holiness' ".  
Very Rev. Mgr. Vincent Foy 


  1. May St. Charles Lwanga and his Companions pray for us and our children.

  2. Great Post
    A horror that still gives me the chills when I think about it. This crime was committed by men who should be locked away until death. Will the the so called Catholic Teachers Union (OECTA) have members marching in this morally repugnant event?

  3. If we do not raise our voices and do whatever we can do to stop the corruption of children and young people, and do whatever we can do to keep our young boys safe from predators, we do not deserve God's mercy or His compassion. If we can sit quietly and look the other way while children are put at risk, we shouldn't rush to God begging for His mercy on us when we die.
    I don't have words for what happened to this poor child. There are no words for such a thing, except this is why capital punishment exists.

  4. I remember when this happened, I was 17, I will never forget. Emanuel pray for us.


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