Monday 11 November 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

It’s difficult with the weight of the rifle.
Leave it–under the oak. 
Leave it for a salvage-bloke
let it lie bruised for a monument 
dispense the authenticated fragments to the faithful.

 David Jones, In Parenthesis


  1. The fullest account of the subject that I know is the book *Canada in Two Wars* by Granatstein and Morton.

    Canada was a full partner in the success of the Allied landings in Normandy, France.
    Many Canadians lost their lives, or were wounded, in the push for the Rhine, when the fighting was at its fiercest.
    All of which we recall on Remembrance Day.

    David Jones deserves to be read again as much as Eliot, Auden and MacNeice.
    *In Parenthesis* came out of his experience in the First World War, but was not published until 1937, when Europe lay under the shadow of Hitler.

    Your post has started me on a second reading of Keith Alldritt's 2003 biography of Jones, though a new biography appeared last year.

    As you will be aware, David Jones was received into the Catholic Church in 1921 by Father John O'Connor, the model for G.K. Chesterton's Father Brown.

    Recently I purchased a DVD of a television dramatisation (BBC) of the Father Brown stories, with Kenneth More as the detective priest.

    Kenneth More is quite outstanding as Father Brown, as was Alec Guinness in the old black and white movie.

    I remember Peter Finch as an art lover and gourmet, telling Father Brown (Guinness) that he was stuffed with religion as a child like a Strasbourg goose.

    In spite of his cynicism and wordliness, the Finch character is led to faith by Father Brown.
    It always makes me think of Catholic priests, and what they do for souls in their pastoral care.

  2. To readers of Toronto Catholic Witness, particularly Catholic teachers in Canada who have voted for the odious Gender Ideology in schools, I ask you to listen to YouTube:

    G.K. Chesterton: The Diabolist.
    10 November 2019. Return To Tradition.

    Then, still on YouTube:

    The Vortex - Digging In.
    8 November 2019. Church Militant.

    Our claim that the Church has been *taken over*, at least in many places, by diabolical forces, is not a hysterical claim of the *Alt. Right* (I am neither Alt. Right nor Leftist), but a claim that Chesterton and Belloc, were they still alive, would be making today.

    We are speaking about the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-female ordination, pro-Liberal, pro-Leftist, pro-Modernist, pro-United Nations, pro-One World Religionist, pro-Pagan, Pseudo-Catholics.

    The proof of their manifold errors is that they get the support of the *fashionistas* who write for the Leftist media, and all those in the entertainments industry, none of whom believe in Christ Crucified.

    Our hope is that those who have taken the diabolical path - cardinals, bishops, priests, militant nuns - will return to what Chesterton called, in one of his greatest books, *The Adventure of Orthodoxy*.

    As Chesterton said, *There is a road to heaven, and a road to somewhere else.*

    We pray that the Modernists will forsake the broad way that leads to destruction, and return to the narrow way that leads to salvation.
    *The narrowness of the Gospel is the narrowness of God.* (Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

    All those who died in the two world wars (both the services and civilians) died to save Western Christian Civilization.
    Why do you Modernists betray them?

  3. Everything I have tried to say above has been said much, much, more wisely by a true prophet, the late Mother Angelica, who suffered greatly in her last weeks on earth, before going to her eternal home.

    Mother Angelica - *I'm tired of your witchcraft." YouTube.

    Let all those who have brought witchcraft and heresy and immorality and corruption into the Church, listen and ponder:

    Repent now before you face Judgement.


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