Tuesday 5 November 2019

Bonfire Night, Pachamama and Hatred for the Catholic Church

The hellish flames of those who despise Christ and His Church 

"Remember, remember the fifth of November", is the old protestant cry, raging against Christ and His Church. But this hatred predated our poor, deluded protestants by 1500 plus years. The Catholic Church has been hated from Her foundation, She was hated by the Scribes and Pharisees when the Church was founded on Mount Calvary. She was hated as the Apostles spread the Gospel in Jerusalem, and then outwards into the ancient world. Whether it be the Roman Empire or in India, the Apostles (with the sole exception of St. John, who did not betray Our Lord but returned to the foot of the Cross) suffered martyrdom. This hatred is alive and well this very day, though it is not considered "polite" by Catholics to suggest that Jesus is hated and has enemies. 

The Sacred Scriptures are explicit: he who denies that Jesus Christ has come in the Flesh is of the Antichrist. This means that, objectively, every man and woman who does not recognize that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is in grave spiritual disorder. It tragically means, whether they mean to or not, they are serving Lucifer. Not to bow the head and bend the knee at the Name of "Jesus" is blasphemy. Lest we become proud, those of us who profess Jesus as the Messiah, let us prove it in not only our words, but in our deeds. Otherwise, we re-crucify Him in whom we profess as God. Our sin then, is even greater than that of the Mohommedan, the Jew, the Buddhist, and so on. 

Could this be symbolic of a parade of modern bishops?
Our response to those who do not believe is to show them why they should believe. The first step for us, is to live holy lives. Of course, in recent decades the Catholic Church has suffered horrendous mutilation by the very men who should be living outstanding holy lives, and preaching the Gospel. Firstly in act, and then in word. The Catholic Church has suffered, and is suffering a frightful humiliation and degradation by the Pope and many, many bishops and priests. It is indeed very difficult to evangelize amongst those who live in spiritual darkness, when so many of the leaders of the Church live lives infinitely more sinful than those dear people who have yet to believe in Jesus Christ. 

One of the gravest errors these churchmen committed, as I see it, is the profession of religious liberty, which leads directly to a false ecumenism. Once all religions are made "equal", truth does not matter, and religion can be dismissed as private, if not an "opinion". What we end up with, is the "equality" of a mass of contradictions. The "equality" of truth and error. Religion (including the one, true religion, which is de facto mocked when equated to falsehood) is dismissed from public life. In such an atmosphere of religious indifferentism, the Catholic Faith is stifled. It is in such an atmosphere that Pachamama can make her "appearance". Let me be blunt: the primitive in the dark jungle who has never heard the name of Jesus Christ, but tries to keep the natural law, is closer to God than the churchman who desiring to pander to the spirit of the world turns a blind eye, or even encourages totemistic, pagan religions. His sin is far, far greater than the man who lives in ignorance. 

Hatred of the Papacy is a sure sign of the demonic

The "Pachamama" scandal did not emerge from out of nowhere. For decades Popes have been flirting with, pandering to false religions. But not only Popes, but bishops, priests and laity. When was the last you heard a priest speak publicly about the one, true religion? Or the Pope!? The horrendous outrages in the Vatican Gardens, in the churches of Rome, had their origins in papal pandering to false religions. 

The Popes who hid their crucifixes and did NOT speak about Jesus Christ in synagogues - they had the "spirit of Pachamama". The Popes who pandered to protestant sects, WITHOUT recalling the separated brethren to the Church, they had the "spirit of Pachamama". The Popes who went down to the United Nations, either themselves or through their emissaries, and REFUSED to mention the Holy Name of Jesus before that counterfeit counter-church to secular humanism, they had the "spirit of Pachamama". 

Evil bishops damage the Church infinitely more than deluded protestants

Perhaps we Catholics can bear some responsibility for the outrages over the past two weeks in Rome. After all, where were we when the Popes pandered to other false religions, where were we when the terrible outrages happened in Assisi? Where were we when Popes and bishops hid (and continue to hide) their pectoral crosses (committing objective blasphemy)? The Pachamama Outrage should cause us to reflect on Catholic silence when other equally, if not even worse outrages were committed against Jesus Christ by the very men who are to preach the Gospel. 

Like the Jewish "popes" Annas and Caiphas, who proclaimed "NO" to Jesus Christ, the modern day Popes proclaim "no popery" through their refusal to preach Christ Crucified to the world. Once you open the door a crack to false religion, it is only a matter of time before it is kicked wide open.


  1. This is proven to be true by what we are witnessing. In hindsight we can see where the papal actions of prior eras were leading. Now we know. It would have been far better to have held the line, but it is not up to us. If a million strong we would have countered it, yes, but we are not in positions of power, these Catholicism-haters are. Our leaders not only are indifferent, they work for the enemy. They love anything at all that is NOT Catholicism, and what organization can withstand that level of hostility. We are now in the position where a small remnant of the laity care more about fidelity to Catholicism than the pope and leaders, obviously so.
    This has happened before, and we have the distinction of being the generation it has happened to, again.

  2. No pope, no Christ. Indeed demonic. And as sure as ours is a hidden God, only those with eyes graced by our Savior can distinguish corrupt prelates from Christ’s eternal Bride.

  3. *Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.*

    Winston Churchill's words, spoken I think in 1941-42, are much in my mind because I am reading Paul Johnson's biography of Churchill.

    We could *perhaps* be living through *the end of the beginning* in these dark days of bishops and cardinals who are blind guides and bogus shepherds.

    Consider the words of Michael Voris: *The monopoly of the liberal Catholic media is over.*
    Michael is speaking on The Vortex *Good Guys Getting Attacked*.
    31 October 2019. Church Militant. YouTube.

    Consider *Bishop Schneider Slams Gender Dictatorship in James Younger Case*. LifeSite News 26 October 2019. YouTube.
    Bishop Schneider is ready to speak out on the moral issues of our time, including gender ideology, while the phoney shepherds with no backbones are silent.

    Even the smiling wolves like Fr. James Martin are revealing their true colours on abortion.

    Wanting to please the world, the flesh and the Devil, and having no fear of God before his eyes, Martin rebuked the priest who would not give the Eucharist to Joe Biden; and he then defended Biden!

    These *seducing spirits* have been at work for many years in the Church.
    They were around at the time of Saint Pope Pius X who warned us about Modernism and the creeping influence of Freemasonry.

    Even in the early 1970s I saw Modernist works in St. Paul's Bookshop in Glasgow which ought never to have been on sale.

    I had to go into a bookshop run by the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland to find Gresham Machen's 400 page book, *The Virgin Birth of Christ* first published in 1930. Why wasn't there a Catholic theologian doing the same?

    Revelation 8 makes it clear that Satan's time is short and that he is out to lead as many souls away from the Gospel as he can, starting with the James Martins and all his self-loving tribe.

    Young Catholics are asking why the Modernists made so many changes to the new Mass of 1969, the new Mass which Freemasons openly admired.

    *Saving Western Civilization. Hundreds gather to celebrate greater allowance of Latin Mass.* LifeSite News 1 November 2019. YouTube.

    But hopes that all we need is a return to the Latin Mass are illusory.

    *Reality Check: No, the Latin Mass is not taking over.*
    Dan Banke. 30 May 2019. One Peter Five.

    The Wuerls, Cupichs, Bradys and Martins are all preaching *another Gospel* and will be *cursed* by God for misleading *the little ones* under their care.
    Judgement awaits them in eternity.

    The Pope and hierarchy are being called to repent, and that means going with broken hearts and empty hands to Jesus Christ.
    Or do they think they are wiser than the Lord?

  4. In my comment I wrote *Brady* when I meant *Dolan*.
    Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York.

    Read online - *Cardinal Dolan: I would NOT have denied Joe Biden Communion*.
    By Michael J. O'Laughlin. 1 November 2019.

    And *Cardinal Dolan Weighs in on Biden Communion Controversy*. YouTube.

    Timothy Dolan has the knack of tickling the ears of the *cafeteria Catholics*, who pick and choose which items on the Church's *menu* tickles their tastebuds; and Timothy can play his TV audiences like a seasoned Johnny Carson.
    The trouble is, there's a big black hole where Timothy's holiness should be.

    In my day there was a holy and humble prince of the Church in Britain, John Heenan (1905-1975) who was Archbishop of Westminster from 1963 until his death, being elevated to the cardinalate in 1965.

    Cardinal Heenan also appeared on British television; unlike Timothy Dolan, he was ready to defend the Church's teaching on abortion, contraception, divorce and homosexuality.

    My late father was moved to tears by the cardinal's courage, for the enemies of the Church who were by then well entrenched in the media and the academic world, loved nothing more than to bait him.

    If Cardinal Heenan lacked anything it was pugnacity, the God-fearing pugnacity of a Belloc or a Voris.
    It was clear that these bruising encounters shook him, for he was unprepared for the ferocity of the growing anti-Christian culture in Britain. The Permissive Society.

    Satan plays a long game.

    In the 1960s and Seventies, Satan was building the pro-abortion and pro-contraception culture.

    Building the homosexual seminaries that have corrupted American priests and hierarchy. Building the hatred for the Bible we see in colleges and schools.
    Building the ecumenical culture that denied Jesus Christ as the only mediator between God and men.
    Building the financial corruption of the money-loving bishops and cardinals.
    Building the Modernist agenda that has robbed the faith of holiness and truth; and rotted the souls of those priests who raped little children under the protection of their bishops.

    As Martyn Lloyd-Jones said: *Sometimes Satan goes too far; Satan makes a mistake; and we are reminded how utterly dependant we are on the grace of Jesus Christ.*

  5. The *outrages* in the Vatican as you describe them, reflect the outrages everywhere in the Church.

    If the hierarchy will not take a stance on abortion, contraception, divorce and homosexuality then they are going to pander to every spiritual deviation under the sun.

    It is called *whoring after strange gods* .

    See *Pro-LGBT Fr. James Martin defends giving Communion to pro-abortion politician* by Lianne Laurence. Life Site News.

    Pope Benedict made it clear that Canon 915 of the Catholic Code of Canon Law allows a priest to refuse the Eucharist to an openly pro-abortion Catholic

    That the editor-at-large of the Jesuit America Magazine should flagrantly contradict Canon Law shows how low the Society of Jesus has fallen.

    James Martin has said that a Catholic can freely attend a sodomite marriage just as he can attend a Jewish wedding between a man and a woman.

    A priest denies the sacramental nature of marriage between a man and a woman, as instituted by Christ, and he isn't even rebuked by Pope Francis at a cosy face-to-face meeting!

    The next pope will need to publicly defrock Martin (who is free to start his own homosexual church) and deal harshly with the Jesuits.

    What good is the Society of Jesus if it can allow a rogue priest like Martin such top billing?

    This decadent neo-Jesuit ratpack bears no relation to the original order or its holy and austere Basque founder, Ignatius Loyola.

    It would be better if a future pope disbanded the order. Its priests could be absorbed elsewhere.

    The Jesuits are a malignant tumour on the body of Catholicism.

  6. "Evil Bishops damage the church." Exactly what was told by our Lady at Akita in Japan in 1973 to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa. I quote a section from the three messages given:-

    "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing Cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres (other priests); churches and altars will be sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God.
    The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them.
    With courage, speak to your superior. He will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and accomplish works of reparation." Our Lady of Akita, October 13th 1973.

    Also said:-" Do not be misled by the outer clothing of man, for there are many wolves in sheep's clothing wearing the apparel of rank. Know that many have given themselves to Satan. Pray very much for those who wear the highest mitres, for they, too, have set themselves onto the road to hell. Your prayers and your acts of sacrifice and those who hear My voice, pray much for the Red Hats that have gone onto the wide road." - Our Lady October 2nd 1974.


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