Tuesday 12 November 2019

Don Cherry will NEVER be silenced by the neo-fascist elite that control Canada

Don Cherry has been removed from his weekly broadcast of  "Hockey Night in Canada". The Canadian patriot dared speak his mind and call a spade a spade last Saturday night. When Cherry exposed the lamentable lack of respect for Canadian War Veterans, he was excoriated on social media and the hard-left major news media (CBC, CTV and Global) in an extremely well coordinated campaign by Toronto's self-declared and self-serving downtown "elite". Indeed, Cherry had been under attack a couple of weeks earlier, as the rats were already waiting to pounce on the patriot. 

They will fail, and I predict that Cherry will be back with an even more powerful voice. The option was even placed before Grapes that he "apologize" and simp before the virtue-signaling neo-liberal "establishment". Cherry refused to do so. Truth is truth. He is a real man. 

The active campaign by these haters perhaps began nearly three decades ago with the following video clip. ENJOY!!!


  1. Very good Don Cherry. Too many paki and murzyn in Toronto no ware poppy. Long live Poland. ( hitler take over my country in 2 week)

  2. Friends, see "anonymous 17:18" pretending to be Polish. A typical racist abuse of foreigners (in this case Poles) in the service of the downtown elite exploiters of immigrant groups in the name of "multiculti" buffoonery.

    You dear readers are meant by this disgusting comment to see - supposedly - how stupid Polish people are. No Pole could be this illiterate, this stupid, this ignorant of the War (it was just over five weeks, not two) etc., etc. In fact Poles know their War history infinitely better than Canadians.

    No Pole would also use "murzyn" within the context of "racist" language towards another, as "murzyn" is the Polish for a black person.

  3. *Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.*
    Luke 6: 26

    *Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.*
    Matthew 5: ll

    The neo-fascist elite now cover a wide territory, Barona.
    Their name is Legion.

    Of course, they do not think of themselves as fascist.
    They think they are *progressive*. They want the Church to be *progressive* too.

    Their *progressive* ideas turn out to be nothing more than the latest fad, such as Gender Ideology, or Inclusive Gender-Free Language, sponsored by a frivolous culture, and now supported by Catholic teachers, who have become what Michael Voris calls *useful idiots*.

    Pope Francis does not want men to think badly of the Church, contrary to what Jesus Christ said.
    Pope Francis does not want the Church to be reviled by the world; again contrary to Jesus Christ.

    Bishop Robert Barron believes he can be a bridge between the Church and the secular world; and we must pray his mission will be blessed by the Holy Spirit.

    Missions run into opposition however; and Bishop Barron admits that the opposition is *fierce* (his word) when he preaches at colleges.

    Bishop Barron can hardly imagine how fierce this opposition will be in the next 20 years.

    Our neo-fascist elite will settle for nothing less than the complete overthrow of Christian civilization or what is left of it in our Babylonian culture.

    The honeyed words of Pope Francis and Bishop Barron will be like Neville Chamberlain's scrap of paper fluttering in the wind, after Chamberlain had been promised *peace in our time* by Mr. Hitler.

    Even if I am wrong in what I'm saying, no real harm has been done.
    But if the progressive Catholics are wrong then many souls will have been led to ruin; and the Church will have surrendered to Baal her new lord.

    Francis Schaeffer, a staunch Protestant, saw this coming 50 years ago, in his little book on Jeremiah, *Death in the City*.

    I believe Cardinal Siri and Cardinal Ottaviani saw it coming too; they supported Vatican II with profound reservations.

    Cardinal Collins, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Vigano, Bishop Schneider, Bishop Cordileone etc. can see that the Church has climbed into bed with the world and committed spiritual fornication.

    At my Catholic school in Glasgow, Scotland, during the 1960s (named after Saint Pope Pius X) we were given to real catechesis; and as a result all my friends fell away from the faith, as did I for many years.

    Watch YouTube:
    The Lord's Vineyard - Father Mark Goring.
    Patrick Coffin Media.

    The restoration of Christian culture is by definition *counter cultural*.

    We need to hear the Bishop Barrons telling politicians and policy makers that they are in league with the Devil!
    It will be received with ill grace.
    Nobody wants to hear that he is on the road to perdition, but hear it he must.

    There will be all hell to pay, of course.
    But when were Christian soldiers ever worried by the fury of hell?

  4. In the above I mentioned the *honeyed words* of Pope Francis, who proposes a policy of appeasement with the world.

    There's no bigger honey merchant than Austin Ivereigh, former deputy editor of The Tablet, and a Francis lackey.

    Austin Honey has a trick of making his voice go all sticky when he talks about *a way of being Catholic in the modern world*.

    Can anyone imagine the Apostle Paul telling brethren about *a way of being a disciple of the Lord in the modern world* in his Letter to the Romans?
    What the is the modern world but Babylon?

    See YouTube:
    News Report. Papal Litmus Test.
    Church Militant. 13 November 2019.

    Last year Austin tweeted that Jesus might have been homosexual since he says there is no evidence to the contrary.
    This is Austin Honey's creepy way of sucking up to the decadent Gay Mafia inside the Vatican, and inside the Gay Hierarchy of America.

    But this is the way the Pope Francis Train Wreck is going.
    From the Church of Nice to the Church of the Nitwits!

    Bishops in America are warning the faithful NOT to attend traditional Catholic conferences sponsored by Church Militant.

    Church Militant is calling Catholics to repentance, and to the daily recital of the Rosary.
    But that is not *a way of being Catholic in the modern world* in the gospel according to Austin Honey.

    The Holy Spirit has departed from the Vatican.
    It will become what my late Catholic father would call *an empty shell*.

  5. I meant to say that at my Catholic school in the 1960s we were given NO real catechesis.
    The process of surrender to the world had begun even then.

    The rotten fruit of Vatican II or at least the unholy way in which the Council's documents were interpreted by negligent bishops.

  6. NOTE: if you wish to comment on Don Cherry, please do so. NO other comments will be allowed.


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